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  1. Justin

    Suitable Filter For Chillout

    I think the keep it simple approach is going to be a winner here Ant. Just going to create more to clean and more hoses to transfer. If you had an immersion chiller already you could maybe use that with less hastle, just using the tap water to knock the guts out of the temp in the kettle. Also...
  2. Justin

    Suitable Filter For Chillout

    I piffed him into the bushes :P Actually no. I take my used hop bags and bury them under a big tree overlooking a field. But when I need to use them again I have to go and piff em back. :D I remember the show, pissed myself for ages. Sorry. Nothing you can do about the cold break as the cooling...
  3. Justin

    Kegs With Pin Holes

    Can you get them soldered? It will give you a nicer finish that welding them (I'm thinking of the internal surface of the keg) that way you wouldn't have to grind/polish the interior. I don't know if you can get it in Australia but there is a low temp silver solder in the US with no cadmium...
  4. Justin

    Steeping Crystal Question

    Hi Cow and Dirtymac, Yep, this is pretty much what you would expect it to taste like Cow. A grainy, slightly sweetish/toffee/caramel kind of taste but quite weak. It's hard to get a real feel for how it tastes when you test it like that. Trust me, at the end of fermentation the taste is much...
  5. Justin

    Suitable Filter For Chillout

    Kirem, the trub and hops collect in the centre and the clearest place to draw from the kettle is actually close to the sides. At the moment it sounds like your pick up tube will draw from the middle of the crud. The best way to prevent trub/hops from going through the chiller is to let it...
  6. Justin

    Possible Alternative To March Pump

    The march is rated at about 28L per minute max flow rate. So it looks like this one is about twice as fast (at 68L/min), but of course you rarely run the flat out and you can restrict the flow to what you want anyway. Should be a good one MAH.
  7. Justin

    Party Kegs

    See if anyone else can pipe up with some opinion on it. I just have a feeling it's not good for your reg but then I think have also seen a few people use their bottles on their sides for ages without problems. A 45 degree tilt would aleviate the problem I would think. I'd like to know what...
  8. Justin

    Party Kegs

    Nice one. I have a similar set up that I posted a while back, but single keg and my lid doesn't close unfortunately. Have you had any problems with the sodastream bottle being on it's side? They are filled with liquid CO2 and aren't actually supposed to be used on their side because you will...
  9. Justin

    What Commercial Beer Have/would You Like To Brew?

    While that is true it still does not mean we can't make a damn nice beer. :beerbang:
  10. Justin

    What Commercial Beer Have/would You Like To Brew?

    For me it's LCPA, nothing new or exciting about that statement but it's just a beer I enjoy nearly anywhere at anytime and offers a nice bold flavour above and beyond anything else you get on offer at your standard joint. Yep, most homebrewers have done a clone but it's still just one of those...
  11. Justin

    Handy Fitting I Found

    Nah, you still sound confused. The socket takes the place of the nut essentially. You could choose to use both the nut and the socket though, by using the nut to tighten the skin fitting to the vessel-then using the socket to simply convert the male thread on the skin fitting to a female so it...
  12. Justin

    Site Tube

    No worries mate. Offer is open to anyone else, otherwise I'll get round to sticking it on ebay. Cheers, Justin
  13. Justin

    Handy Fitting I Found

    Ha ha. I'm only ribbing a bit. But you do have a valid observation and question. It might be a bit hard to crank down on the fitting tightly and get a good tight seal. Obviously because you have no real way of getting a good grip on the socket. You could however get a sheet of rubber and stick...
  14. Justin

    Site Tube

    I've got one kicking round I'd be willing to sell. Made of a 90 degree push fit plastic elbow (rated to over 80C and food grade-but not suitable over flame) with a length of 3/8" or 1/2" polycarbonate tube. I also have a stainless eyelet to fit. I'll have to check that i have the pieces still...
  15. Justin

    Handy Fitting I Found

    It would work with a 1/2" socket and some thread tape. BTW Batz mentioned that in the first post :P
  16. Justin

    Introduce Yourself.

    Welcome mate. Hope you enjoy the hobby and get into it properly. You're certainly off to a good start by coming to a site like this to get good, solid information right from the start. Try not to get too caught up with the technicalities at first, just let your experience and knowledge expand...
  17. Justin

    Handy Fitting I Found

    Not ideal for a situation that needs an attachment on the inside jimmyjack. No threads on the inside so you'd need to either cut some threads in it or change to a set up like Batz is proposing ie. draining from under a false bottom; if you want to put it in a MT. They would make a nice clean SS...
  18. Justin

    Cookery Corner - Beer Can Chicken

    No worries, good fun to make and makes a nice BBQ. The old man has been going nuts on the smoked sausage and also did a whole chook last week too. You can simplify that diagram somewhat too by the way. It doesn't have to be exact. You just need your heat source, a water bowl, and some racks for...
  19. Justin

    The Best Home Brew Bottle Ever

    This always raises a good smile and plenty of good cheer when I bring this baby along. You're the most welcomed person at the party, but does make you look like an alco to the girlies ;) I agree, the novelty of draging an 18L keg and full gas bottle along wears off real quick when you have to...
  20. Justin

    Promash Update?

    I'm pretty sure that is the arangement too Hoops. Now I just have to remember my damn login and password. Doh!