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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Justin

    Beer Allergies?

    I'll back sulfites as a candidate as well, I know of several people who have a nasty reaction to wines in particular but it is strongly suggested to be the sulfite content. However I have also read that histamine can induce hay fever like symptoms in some people and histamine is present in...
  2. Justin

    Gatorade Eskys Direct From Gatorade?

    Seconded. Save your money on these coolers, little (to no) advantage to be had from a round cooler unless you're really hell bent on getting a domed stainless false bottom. Just a quick calculation but you could by a 36L cooler at $40 and a 60-80L aluminium kettle for ~$100 and you'd have spent...
  3. Justin

    Equipment To Bottle From A Keg

    I'd hazard a guess that the third has no fittings and is simply used to purge with, then slowly bleed off the pressure as you fill. I'm with you Gerard though in regards to the CPBF, I've used a CPBF and found it easy and simple to use and I got good results (it's still handy to have someone...
  4. Justin

    Great Grips Brass Connector Insulation

    I guess if you're using brass connectors and having trouble with heat you could wrap some pieces of tape or a strip of rubber around the fitting (secure with with tie wire). You don't need much to take the sting out of them, I can grab mine at any stage through the brewing short of when I'm...
  5. Justin

    Your Hlt.

    Yep, it's not a bad idea to used a Residual Current Device if your using those hand held elements and have elements installed in your kettles. Just make sure you have the elements earthed to the vessels and it should trip the RCD if bad things happen. :blink: FWIW I think new house have to...
  6. Justin

    Your Hlt.

    I'm electric in the HLT as well, gas in the kettle. The electric HLT is very nice but it also has a bonus. If you run out of gas half way through the boil you can transfer your wort to the HLT to finish the boil (Yes, I have run out of gas mid boil at 10pm at night-my back up bottle on the BBQ...
  7. Justin

    Heat Exchanger Length?

    Don't know if you've seen this site Kirem but also Peels, but it might be interesting and relevant in your situation: It has a lot of HERMS related info on it and for the most part his ideas and suggestions seem to be well thought out. Just to throw a...
  8. Justin

    Heat Exchanger Length?

    Absolutely. There is no reason why not as long as it fits in your both your HLT and Kettle (the hole in my HLT is smaller than my kettle so my chiller doesn't fit in my HLT). It will cost very little in fittings to rig this up and try it to see if it suits your purpose and performs to your...
  9. Justin

    How Big Is Your Mash Tun?

    Ah, good point Andrew. I forgot to mention that fact, I was fly sparging with my little 19L mash tun. I now batch sparge in a 50L MT and it's much more enjoyable.
  10. Justin

    All In One Brewery...

    It should be. For a 46L batch (2X23L) @ say 15% evapouration rate you're looking around 54L preboil, give or take some. At 10% boil off you have even more head space. I'd say thats doable, but it might be a little tight. Just need to pay attention and keep a spray bottle of water handy-you can...
  11. Justin

    How Big Is Your Mash Tun?

    Just for your reference my square Coleman cooler is 19L and it max's out with 5kg of grain and a 3L/kg ratio, it's full to the brim. So therefore 15L of dough in water+5 kg of grain takes up 19L. It's been fine for me with all the batches I've done so far, my regular batch size is 28L. These...
  12. Justin

    First Full Batch Ag

    Wow, nice work. Kick ass pot. Looks like a good set up coming along there. And schwarzbier, a personal favourite ;) Where are you going to put the second element just out of interest? I put two elements in my HLT on opposite sides of the vessel, while this has worked out pretty well I find it...
  13. Justin

    All In One Brewery...

    19L mate to the brim, that's got about 17L in it boiling ($20 from Big W) it was a replacement for my other 20L pot that got cut up to go in my Dad's smoker :ph34r: . I was aiming for a 15L post boil batch size (I'm happy with that size at the moment as there is only me drinking it and I'm...
  14. Justin

    All In One Brewery...

    In that case you can just stick the element straight in the mash and stir. Anyway, just an idea as that's what I do (I love the hand held elements, did an entire brew last night with one). I'm sure you'll get it sorted. Here are some pics from my Classic American Pils/cream ale last night. This...
  15. Justin

    All In One Brewery...

    What's wrong with maintaining the temp of your mash with your hand held element? Sure a bit of insulation wont go astray but couldn't you just pull the grain bag asside and stick in your stick of power with a bit of stirring. I do this every brew (but I do use a conventional mash tun, but I...
  16. Justin

    G&g Becoming A Bottlo!

    A pretty good selection there. A crap load of beers I haven't tried, nor even seen in a bottleshop/pub. There seems to be a rapidly expanding selection of belgian beers available these days which is pleasing to see. What I would really like to see is some of the better (or at least more...
  17. Justin

    Suitable Filter For Chillout

    I guess the problem with running it through the plate chillers while whirlpooling is that you haven't had any time for the trub and hops to settle at all. The whirlpool does work to pile hops and trub in a cone to a degree but not nearly as well as just letting it settle for 15mins or giving it...
  18. Justin

    Suitable Filter For Chillout

    FWIW I've done this for quite a while now, ever since I commissioned my pump. It works great and increases the efficiency of my immersion chiller immensely because it basically means I'm stirring for the entire chill rather than in short bursts or constantly standing there stirring. I can just...
  19. Justin

    Replacement Pressure Releif Valves

    Beauty. I'll give the guys a call next time I place an order and check to make sure it's the right one and tack that on the order. Just found the US-56 and T-58 yeast at my local HBS so quitely stoked about that, which also means I don't need anything from G+G for a while. In no rush though...
  20. Justin

    Replacement Pressure Releif Valves

    It looks to me like that lid has been modified to accept a 2-piece spartanburg/firestone pressure release valve. They are plastic and attach via a plastic backing nut. Like this one: More beer lists them as out of stock but maybe someone in...