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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Justin

    Moving - Need To Mash Some Stuff, Suggestions?

    That's what I thought, in which case you'd better brew then. :beerbang: You've got to get it done before you move as those ingredient don't travel you know. ;) They'll be no good at the next place so to avoid wastage you need to brew with them now. Use whatever you need to get an excuse to...
  2. Justin

    Moving - Need To Mash Some Stuff, Suggestions?

    Don't mean to be the downer here but it's going to be easier to move that small amount of ingredients as unbrewed stuff as that whole list takes up virtually no room. It's lighter and takes up less room etc as dry ingredients. Plus you don't have to wait for it to ferment and then bottle-thus...
  3. Justin

    Moo Brew

    Yep they are quite nice beers, and usually my choice when the option is available. They have four beers out at the moment: Pilsner, Hefeweizen, Pale Ale and Dark Ale The dark ale is basically a dark version of their Pale, ie. prominant cascade hops but with some subtle dark malts. The colour...
  4. Justin

    eBay Items III

    Wine making equipment, looks to include a press and possibly a destemmer? I don't know what they are worth but I think it's probably not a bad price at $150. Anyway, thought someone here might be interested. Pick up in Sydney.
  5. Justin

    New Mash Set Up Idea

    I have done this on a small scale before (9L mash in stock pot) because I had a water bath temp controller handy with a thermostat built in. It works on a small scale mash if you have no insulation but isn't necessary at all on a bigger one and IMO really only lends itself to very small scale...
  6. Justin

    My Simple Ag Setup

    If you're finding the Ag brew day a bit of a drag Fents, I think the best thing you can do for yourself at this stage is plan and organise ahead of time-so you can minimise the setting up etc on brew day and just brew. Obviously I don't know what your exact procedure is but what I mean is do...
  7. Justin

    Sight Gauge Alternative

    Yep, I just use a dipstick with marked volumes on it. Best thing is that all my vessels are the same so my dipstick works for all of them and I just move it round as needed.
  8. Justin

    Show Me Your Bottom.

    I suspect there must be a range of termimesh options then Darren because mine has been faultless. I didn't buy mine as termimesh (found it in throw out at work) but by reading discriptions on this site it sounded like termimesh was a reasonable description. Perhaps stainless mesh is a better...
  9. Justin

    Show Me Your Bottom.

    Guess I'll stick this on in this thread. Here's a few sheets of perforated stainless on ebay, 2mm holes and lots of them. I have read before that you're idealy after somewhere in the order of 30% the area as open (which of course doesn't mean other ratios wont work). Anyway, it may be handy for...
  10. Justin

    Show Me Your Bottom.

    Rolled up, slipped over the 1/2" brass threaded tube that forms the bulkhead (protrudes into the tun about an inch) and then a hose clamp tightens it down. You'd never dislodge it. FWIW this tun had a nice tapering bottom and a recess that you can see in the photo that the tube lies in, so it...
  11. Justin

    Show Me Your Bottom.

    Nothing flash about it, it's just a SS wire mesh. Holes are around 2mm if I remember rightly. Here's my old mash tun design. Sorry, I don;t have any close up pics of the mesh but you get the idea.
  12. Justin

    Show Me Your Bottom.

    I guess in answer to your original post tangent, I use a bazooka type manifold made of termimesh. I have four sections of mesh (3-4" long) arranged in a H like pattern that are connected up with a few copper T pieces (3/4") and copper pipe (1/2"). Pretty simple design. I chose this design...
  13. Justin

    Show Me Your Bottom.

    Tangent, you could try running some water from your HLT backwards through your false bottom before you start to sparge to blow any air bubbles out before you start to sparge. Another alternative (and the one that I subscribe to) is to fill your mash tun with your dough in water, then before you...
  14. Justin

    Wanted: Keg Gear (tassie)

    No idea mate. Are there any results posted anywhere? I just got back to Tassie yesterday so obviously wasn't at the beerfest. I read that Willie Simpson won the outright with a Porter but that's all the info I have. I had my phone turned off most of the weekend and yesterday so I don't think...
  15. Justin

    Wanted: Keg Gear (tassie)

    I reckon your entry might hit it off with the judges Nick as it will be something along the lines of what they are expecting I'd think, but I really can't give too much stick it may be very well run. We'll just have to see how it turns out, I have no doubt that the winning beers will be...
  16. Justin

    Barley Crusher Hopper Assembly

    Otherwise do exactly as you said and stick a couple of small machine bolts through it.
  17. Justin

    Wanted: Keg Gear (tassie)

    I'm away this weekend so will miss the beerfest which is unfortunate as I really would have like to try a few of the beers we can't get locally and support the event. A bit disappointed about it actually. Guess it would have been a good excuse for a few of the Hobart brewers on this forum to...
  18. Justin

    Wanted: Keg Gear (tassie)

    I don't want to start slagging off a business too much, but I'll just make the comment that you're not alone Nick. Maybe some people get good enough service ( :unsure: ) but I don't need to be treated like that when there is another option just down the road who are far more nice to deal...
  19. Justin

    Tasmanian Micro Breweries

    It's 1056 ;)
  20. Justin

    Is This Element Ok For A Hlt?

    Nice work Chimera, good to see someone answer who actually knows. Appreciate it. :beer: