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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Justin

    Show Me Your Sparge Arm

    Hi mate. What sort of system are you trying to make it suit? (ie. 3 tier, 2 tier, single tier, recirculating system or not). Do you want it to work with a lid on or just have the top open and your sparge assembly drop in the top? They really don't have to be complicated at all, just a means...
  2. Justin

    Smoker Recipes

    Hi mate. Have a look here, it's on page 2 with some comments: If you want more specific pics I can snap some for you so let me know. Cheers, Justin
  3. Justin

    [hobart] Hopsters Gathering @ New Sydney Hotel

    I'll be trying to make it there for Thursday as well. Make a special trip down, but will include a few other activities as well. Let me know if you can get someone to cover you Joe. Hope to see you there guys. Justin
  4. Justin

    Smoker Recipes

    Check out There is lots of info on there. I built an electric smoker, basically exactly like the Weber Smoky Mountain out of an old 18 gallon beer keg. I fitted a thermostat to hold the temp at the desired temp, around 100-105C. Works great. I think there are pictures...
  5. Justin

    Need False Bottom Ideas Please

    How badly did you trim the ends?? What are we talking, great big holes? If not I don't think I'd lose too much sleep over it. Even if you do draw in a few particles of grain after a few hundred mls the grain bed will be settling into a filter and you'll start drawing clean wort. Just return the...
  6. Justin

    Suitable Grain Mill Motor?

    I've been using a wiper motor on my barley crusher for quite a while now, it still works well. My first suggestion is to maybe just buy or get another wiper motor and try again, it could be possible that the one you had might have had a weak shaft as a manufacturing fault or as you said it just...
  7. Justin

    Built My Herms Vessel

    I'll jump in here for you JSB. I've tried using 1/4" copper as a herms coil as I had a 5m coil that I use in another project :rolleyes: The flow rate is a bit too low in my opinion to be of much use really so I'd be going 3/8" minimum but more likely 1/2". The flow from 1/4" in was just too...
  8. Justin

    Hobart Beerfest Hb Comp

    He he he. Why not! Not a bad idea, enter a comp and if I don't win ask for my beer and entry fee back. I'll take my bat and ball and go home. LOL!! :P Good brewing to all. Cheers, Justin
  9. Justin

    Hobart Beerfest Hb Comp

    Hi mate, appreciate the response. I hope this years experience is better than last years, I was aware of what the comp was aimed to do in regards to the Drysdale students but as I did say I asked these specific questions to one of the organisers at the Hops meeting so I was by no means making...
  10. Justin

    Burner Questions

    Hi mate. In your situation I'd get the three ring and just try your reg. I think mine was a 2kg/hr reg and it used to be fine on that sized boil. I don't think you'd see too much gain from the 2.5kg reg but maybe you would. If you find the 2kg one not cutting it you could always buy a better...
  11. Justin

    Hobart Beerfest Hb Comp

    Hi fellas. Evening Joe and Daz ;) been a while. I entered this comp last year, but unfortunately couldn't get to the fest as I was interstate. Just a heads up, I'm all for supporting HB comps etc but this one is pretty slack and it's a pretty amatuer comp from a running point of view. I handed...
  12. Justin

    The "how Small Is Your Brewery?" Thread

    Too small!!! Too small!!! You ungrateful b@st.... I'd kill for a little dedicated brewing space like that. I'm sick of setting up and packing away. Like many I spent the weekend in a blustery, windy, raining car port watching steam rise from the vessels. All I can say is in conditions like that...
  13. Justin

    Brewery Construction

    Or just buy some 1/2" silicone hose. It's not cheap but it is really good stuff. Last I looked it was around the $10-$12 per meter. Saves messing with copper pipe. Cheers, J
  14. Justin

    'free' Designing Great Beers Or Radical Brewing With Aha Membe

    Long time since a post here :ph34r: I'll buck the trend and say I prefer Radical Brewing as a good resource. Guess you get a few recipes and a lot of techincal info in DGB but those tables of useless figures of what percentage of winning recipes used crystal malt etc etc annoy me. Worthless...
  15. Justin


    From another post I've made (not sure if you have searched the forum but there are a coulple of useful threads). The stuff I have used is called Alpha Larval Agri LF-12, and here is a snippit of a post I made ages ago about it: "To save on iodophor usage I only use 1-2L of sanitiser to...
  16. Justin

    Ahb Community Get Together

    I think Gerards idea to piggy back an established event would be the easiest thing to organise and going to somewhere central with cheap flights and easy travel is essential. I really think Sydney would be the go as Jetstar and Virgin have cheap flights to Sydney from most parts of Australia...
  17. Justin

    Storage Of Crushed Grain

    Well if it's already crushed the fridge or freezer is probably the last place I'd store it IMO. Given you want to keep as much moisture away from it as possible the fridge/freezer is the moistest possible place I could think of if you do have any gaps in your air tight container. I'd personally...
  18. Justin

    eBay Items III

    I'll have to keep this post in mind next time I spot something on this ebay thread that I would genuinely like to buy-and stop some of my competition :P :D. I might have to make up a few scary statements about the seller just to scare away my competing bids from AHB members on this site...
  19. Justin

    Flow Restriction To/from March Pump

    Also remember that you don't necessarily have to have the valve immediately attached to the output of the pump. Most people put their valve directly on the pump housing, however my valve that controls flow is at the end of 3-4 ft of hosing on the receiving vessel. So it doesn't necessarily...
  20. Justin

    Soda Stream Bottles,old For New

    Batz, keep searching and you'll find one that will take them back. I tried Kmart and got knocked back, then went to Mitre 10 Hardware and they swapped it no troubles at all. Kmart gave the speal about not taking the old ones anymore but at Mitre 10 they swapped it without question. Best of luck.