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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerbog

    Do You Want Craft Beer On Tv?

    Done, good luck Merc. :beerbang:
  2. beerbog

    Beer Packs For Christmas

    Looks great. :beerbang:
  3. beerbog

    How Much Did You Brew In 2011?

    Heaps. :beerbang:
  4. beerbog

    To Keg Or Not To Keg? Xmas Getting In The Way!

    In my experience keg it on Friday, otherwise you'll worry about it all the time. It won't make any difference, kegged beer loses alot of it's aroma from dry hopping anyway. :beerbang:
  5. beerbog

    Off Flavour In Keg

    A 10:1 malt wort wold have been better. :beerbang:
  6. beerbog

    Show Us Your Tap Handles

    A bit OT but where do those magnetic stickers come from? Apart from the obvious of course. :beerbang:
  7. beerbog

    New Craft Beer Bar In Brisbane - The Scratch

    I only have 1.5 days left in Brissy, back in Sunday night, home Tuesday. I probably won't get back there again but I must say it is definately a different style of pub, well worthy of all its accolades. Who knows I'll next be up but I will definately be back there when I do. :beerbang:
  8. beerbog

    New Craft Beer Bar In Brisbane - The Scratch

    Tried the 4 degrees pale the other day. Top quality. :beerbang:
  9. beerbog


    On tap, they had 4 degrees, 3 ravens dark, some yank IPA and a kiwi pommy ale I think. I tried to get a punk IPA but they ran out last night. :beerbang:
  10. beerbog


    Scratch done, nice homely place, excellent guys behind the bar, very helpful. I really liked the 4 degrees and the Burleigh Hef. :beerbang:
  11. beerbog


    Now on location at the Scratch. :beerbang:
  12. beerbog

    New Craft Beer Bar In Brisbane - The Scratch

    Might go for a wander on down to the Scratch tomorrow arvo. Probably get there around 3, for a few hours, if any one is keen. :beerbang:
  13. beerbog


    Might go for a wander on down to the Scratch tomorrow arvo. Probably get there around 3, for a few hours, if any one is keen. :beerbang:
  14. beerbog


    Was over at the Story Bridge pub last night. White Rabbit, Moo Brew Pale, Fat Yak (don't mind it on tap), and a whole bunch of others on. Not a bad pub. :beerbang:
  15. beerbog

    How Many Fridges Have You Got?

    5 all up, 1 in the kitchen, 2 keg fridges, 1 fermenting fridge and a little bar fridge for bottles, hops etc in the shed. :beerbang:
  16. beerbog

    How Old Are You? How Long Have You Been Hbing?

    39, been brewing for the second time since about 07, before that for a few years in the early 90's. Gave it up then because of all the bloody bottles. Then a mate found me kegs. Never looked back. :beerbang:
  17. beerbog

    Kettle To Cube Transfer Problems

    Work from the outside in. :beerbang:
  18. beerbog

    "jelly" Like Crap In Fermenter

    Looks like a little bit of runny bum, sure no one backed up to your fermentor? :beerbang:
  19. beerbog

    2l Swing Top Bottles.

    Worth it for the bottles though. :beerbang: