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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Award Winning Reicipes

    Oops, I even searched for it. Sorry mate I was really just trying to steal ya thunder ;)
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    Fast Brews

    If you are ever in the situation where you need a brew to be a quick turnaround (eg. you have a party in 2 weeks time) and you've got nothing in the pipeline, try some of these recipes from the Brewboard FAQ - Fast Brews Fast Brews from Brewboard Cheers Boots
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    Award Winning Reicipes

    A guy (going by the name bonjour) on the US Brewboard site, has compiled a list of brews that have won competitions in the US. Might be worth a look if you're looking for inspiration. I haven't gone through it in depth, but at face value it appears to be a pretty good resource. The link is not...
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    I Have Angered The Brew Gods

    Jaz. I just don't think I could do handle all those bottles!! Good excuse to get organised and brew my christmas case stuff tho. At least the yeast will have a good home Roach. It's looking like the problem is the connections in a junction box where it splits the mains out to the compressor...
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    I Have Angered The Brew Gods

    My beer fridge is dead .... and it's all my fault.... :( I had an opportunity to brew on thursday but let it slide because when I woke up I wasn't felling 100% and was pretty tired. So i rescheduled for today (sunday). My insolence has obvioulsy come to the attention of the brew gods and...
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    It's Pub Day!

    I had a schnitzel and a Schoefferhoffer (sp?) Heffeweizen. Haven't done a thing since i got back, and don't think i will ;)
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    Beer Filter

    I also meant to say : Valdek, there is a Retail section on this website where you can flog your wares, so please feel free to add posts whenever you have sales going, release a new brochure, or introduce new products etc. There's heaps of guys on here always looking for filtration and john...
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    Beer Filter

    Thanks for taking the time to respond Valdek, and for adding the extra option to the product. Cheers Boots
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    Grumpys On 17th September

    I'll be early tonight so I'll head in to the city for around 5:45 - 6pm. I'll only be able to have 1 or two though as I'll be driving :( Seeyas there
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    Beer Filter

    Cheers guys. I was thinking the same thing Ross, but Jimmyjack's contact believed it was nominal quote: he reckoned that the one that comes with the kit from hydrofoil is a nominal 1 which filters 2 or 3 micron absolute I figured that was good enough to go with ... especially when you...
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    Beer Filter

    I only ever intended to give them the feedback to help them make a better product (we have to help those who help us). Here is the email I sent them - their feedback form didn't allow pictures so I linked to this thread. I also referred to specific posts by both Ross and Jimmyjack which I hope...
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    Beer Filter

    The filter that came with ours is the same as Jimmyjacks' black one. So it looks like we get two filters with it, that are useless to us. I think I'll send them an email to let them know that the absolute 1 micron would be better. Cheers
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    How Long To Mash

    Something I've always wondered about longer mashes is, do you get more malt flavour because the grain is steeping for longer? What I'm asking is, will a 45 minute mash give less malt flavour than a 90 minute mash because the grains are in contact with the liquid for less? Or does the malt...
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    Rice Hulls

    Thanks for the offer Darren, but I've probably left it too late now. Thanks anyway though. And thanks for all the responses as well. Now that I know the amounts of wheat people are using and getting away with, I'm pretty sure I'll be ok. I'll report back on how I go. Thanks again. Boots
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    Rice Hulls

    I was only looking at a 60% maybe 70% wheat bill anyway so I reckon with the muslin it'll be worth the risk. Not sure what your setup is Warren but if you can pull 60% wheat with no precautions i should be fine. Steve - she's 2 and a half now so she wouldn't fit in the tun anyway :)
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    Rice Hulls

    Thanks Doc. I don't have a hop bag, but I do have some muslin cloth baby wraps, I reckon I'll use one of them and see how I go. I haven't had a brewing disaster in at least 3 brews so I'm sure it'll be fine ;) Cheers
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    Rice Hulls

    Hi everyone I've got today and tomorrow off, and will be brewing my first wheat beer, but I'm having trouble sourcing Rice Hulls. I've tried Grumpy's, Bill at Holden Hill Brewmaker / Goliath web, and a fodder store. The biggest lead I got was from the Fodder store, and the guy there said that...
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    Sabsosa Comp 2005

    Well done to all - especially you place getters. I bet the major movie studios are planning the brewing version of the "Best In Show" documentary on crispy :)
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    Alcohol-free Days - Do You Observe Them?

    LOL .... so they call it exercise now ?!?! :blink: :lol: sorry MAH reading that had me rolling on the floor :) I've been told I have a small mind. I probably drink 6 nights a week, but have started to make sure I help the liver a bit. In recent times we were having a fair few pub lunches at...
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Bottle

    My extinguisher leaks a lot and I have to give the handle a few squirts to get it to stop. I never leave it on constantly, only giving it a burst to bring the keg back up to pressure. It's progressed to the point now where it leaks almost all the time, but it behaves really strangely ... i.e...