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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    And there wont be any shortage of it. I just brewed a Foreign Extra Stout (7.5%) that will be on the hand pump.
  2. G

    White Rabbit Dark Ale Clone

    Hi Rob I bought a six pack while in Melbourne. Didnt pay real close attention while drinking, but your malt bill looks pretty good. To me a bit more chocolate than 1%, but once you have a taste of that malt bill it will be easier to work out.
  3. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    No-one has been removed from the list.
  4. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    You dont have to attend to be in the swap, so I am not sure what that means. Isnt Lloydie the same brewery or am I confused?
  5. G

    TDA Will Be In Melbourne 16th

    Hey TDA, I will also be in Melbourne later tomorrow. But... I am there to do a 250 km cycle round the bay on Sunday, and I cant afford to let AHB reprobates get hold of me, the only thing worse than 250 km is 250 km with a hangover.
  6. G

    Chinese Hops? What Next

  7. G

    The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

    This is Grahams thread for confirming orders, and so if people keep chiming in about pesticides etc, I will delete them. There is another thread available for making those sorts of posts.
  8. G

    Hops Nearly Killed My Dog!

    Wow, unlucky, reputedly Greyhounds are the breed worst affected by hops, I remember seeing stats in which they are highly represented in hop poisoning.
  9. G

    Copper Kettle Project

    Kunze, the seminal commercial brewing reference, suggests the only problem with a copper kettle is keeping it clean on the outside.
  10. G

    Manifold Vs Two Regulators

    Its easy to run different pressures with one reg and a manifold, especially if you never leave the gas on, just operate on teh pressure in the headspace of the keg. Dual regs/extra regs are a waste of money, if you really want that option, go to Enzed connectors or similar and get an inline...
  11. G

    The Earl Of Spencer Albany

    The Earl Nice pub as you say. Its a shame all the imported ales are on nitro, as it makes them taste muted and similar. Tanglehead English Pale ale - at the crystal end of the spectrum but a nice beer, and better balanced if you let it warm up from the icy serve temp Stout - good flavour and...
  12. G

    The Earl Of Spencer Albany

    A couple of months ago, the beers were very good at Tanglehead, although I didnt try the lager. Planning to pop in this week so will taste the full range and let you know.
  13. G

    Introduce Yourself.

    Excellent nickname Mr Pombadier
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    Biab & No Chill Comp Results

    Apparently there was an insane dollar value of hops in his, think it might have been a one off.
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    2009 Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition

    Nice looking grain bill there Rob. Did you get any reddish tint? I know I was drinking it all night the other day, but in my defense I was drunk and I was using a stein.
  16. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Yup, brew whatever you like and whatever you think people will most appreciate trying. If we get 25 APAs, so be it.
  17. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Nice work Mr Chicken, practising saves having to buy beer to meet your case obligations, hey Mika? Plastic bottles are a bit of a hassle, but there have been enough glass bottles explode in peoples houses that I really dont want them used. I have a bunch of used plastic bottles from last years...
  18. G

    2124 - Bohemian Lagar Advice

    I remember Dave Logsdon bemoaning in a talk people who pitch a smack pack into a "pint" starter. His point was that kind of wakes the yeast up, and gets it a bit active, but it doesnt provide enough volume to get it reproducing, and its better to step to a couple of litres.
  19. G

    What Do You Do On A Rainy Day?

    Very nice work. I dont see a gear guard, maybe that isnt an issue on a motorised version?