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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. SJW

    Can I save the batch? (Poor airlock seal)

    Yeah, pack it up and send it to me. My airlock has not bubbled for years. I use cling wrap. That way I can see all the action.
  2. SJW

    Great hydrometer find

    Where did u get that from Rocker?
  3. SJW

    Any point cleaning a keg that's going to be refilled straight away

    The question was "Is there any need to clean a keg before refill". The answer is yes, of course there is a need. To kill germs and sanitise. But, do you need to.......well, no you don't. The question should be, "do you clean kegs before refilling". We ain't the keg police. AHB members won't come...
  4. SJW

    Ross's Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale

    Thanks mate, I do 25 final boil volume not 23 litres. The drugs are really kicking in today.
  5. SJW

    Ross's Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale

    I don't understand something with this recipe. 5.6kgs of grain only gives me an OG of 1.050 at 75% efficiency. How the fark does Ross get 1.050 from 4.9 kgs at 75% efficiency. Steve
  6. SJW

    My new bar opens "BAR HUMBUG"

    Thanks mate, needed something for the s/s top to go on.
  7. SJW

    My new bar opens "BAR HUMBUG"

    Not bad for an office boy that has never swung a hammer. Lol
  8. SJW

    My new bar opens "BAR HUMBUG"

    Took a bit but it's done. I had an old tub so it does not drain anywhere but it's better than being in the shed plus I can fill it with ice and put a bucket under to drain it. I made the frame with std 70 x 35 F10 pine, then lined the front with FC sheet as I was going to tile it with those...
  9. SJW

    Olive Oil Storage Tank as Fermenter - Need to do anything?

    +1 these are the ducks testicles.
  10. SJW

    Great hydrometer find

    Here is a better photo
  11. SJW

    New player in Yeast

    Looks good to me, I wonder if any of the retailers who already import Wyeast will get some in?
  12. SJW

    Great hydrometer find

    Na they are diffidently 2, just spaced out more as the glass cylinder is a lot smaller but the graduations a twice the size of a std hydro as it only reads from 1.000 to 1.060
  13. SJW

    Great hydrometer find

    I broke my backup hydrometer the other day so I decided to buy 2. I took a chance on this one as it was only $9 and its a cracker. I love it because it measures from 1.000 to 1.060 only and the scale marked on the tube is very large, therefore it appears to be very accurate and helps me with my...
  14. SJW

    Blow off tube with glad-wrapped fermenter?

    And there we have it. :)
  15. SJW

    Blow off tube with glad-wrapped fermenter?

    Life will go on, and beer will still be made.
  16. SJW

    Blow off tube with glad-wrapped fermenter?

    I failed. It was just a suggestion.
  17. SJW

    Blow off tube with glad-wrapped fermenter?

    Because he asked the question.
  18. SJW

    Blow off tube with glad-wrapped fermenter?

    U just ferment a little cooler to slow everything down a little.
  19. SJW

    Knurling on a Mashmaster Mini Mill

    I have a very old home made single roll mill that I bought of an old bloke who was getting out of brewing. He said it had milled 1000's of kgs of grain before I bought it. I had used it for years and worked out I ran about 50 25 kg bags through it before my son dropped some small stones in the...
  20. SJW

    Another DIY stir plate

    +1 that's what I did, and it works a treat