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  1. fraser_john

    Getting gas line on regulator outlet

    I have just finished adding gas lines to the Geelong Craft Brewers portable bar, two 4 way manifolds, two 8mm elbows, an 8mm t-piece and regulator. Some gentle heat with a butane torch and a quick spray of food grade silicone. Still a struggle, but got them all on. Just beware to heat the tube...
  2. fraser_john

    Replacing Keg O-rings With Silicone

    And mine just got collected from post office box, good delivery time from USA!
  3. fraser_john

    Wheat beer Yeast help

    Some wheat yeasts do produce a bit of tang so would not stress about that, 1.018 is too high to finish though and weizen yeasts are usually pretty good at attenuating.
  4. fraser_john

    Need help conical yeast dump

    Nope not doing anything wrong, most the yeast will stick to the sides of the cone. I never harvest mine through the dump valve, I just get a couple of cup fulls and put each one in jar by itself.
  5. fraser_john

    Southern Bay Brewing - Brewing Job

    Geelong as far as I know.
  6. fraser_john

    Southern Bay Brewing - Brewing Job

    FYI - no direct affiliation... Please refer to this Or this copy/paste: We need new blood on the brew crew! Please share with anyone you think might be interested. Details below... Southern Bay Brew Co. – Brewer Due to a restructure of the business, Southern Bay Brew Co. requires an entry...
  7. fraser_john

    Replacing Keg O-rings With Silicone

    Just placed a very similar order, US$38 plus some change including shipping, looked to me like shipping is now over US$8 or something.
  8. fraser_john

    Keg King Intertap

    ah frinkiac <edit fix my bad spellin>
  9. fraser_john

    Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

    Recirculating is an extra cost in terms of pump, plumbing etc. I just an old windshield wiper motor with a paint stirrer to agitate the HLT contents. Works fine and was less that $20 all up.
  10. fraser_john

    Keg King Intertap

    I noted this too, you would need a high speed die grinder to get in there. I might do it with my dremmel if I can be bothered, but, just use a spray bottle with star san in it after a nights pouring and it will be fine.
  11. fraser_john

    Increasing carbonation level in keg

    Cripes, most worthless response ever! Here is the proper response.... 10 psi seems a little low, I run mine on about 16psi and it carbonates about perfect for most ales, a bit low for lagers/weizen.
  12. fraser_john

    Great Australian Beer Festival (GABF) home brew comp 2016

    Just to add a cross reference within this site, this WAYB 2016 post, was the first place getter in Wheat beer
  13. fraser_john

    How do you install these clamps?

    Beaten, just taking a pic of mine, but they dont have that odd cut-away in the middle like the above one!
  14. fraser_john

    Portable Bar Build

    Got tiny hands? We could have used you installing the nuts on each shank! Fortunately @HoppinMad has smaller hands than my ham fists!
  15. fraser_john

    Portable Bar Build

    Two gas manifolds handle the 8 gas lines we need. 8 beer lines with 4mm Bevlex line, super flexible even when sub zero.
  16. fraser_john

    Portable Bar Build

    Been a while and time to update. Keg King were terrific about giving the club a discount, so it is fully fitted with 8 stainless Intertap, non flow control models. Then, the font block can be filled with ice to keep the lines and taps cold, each line runs through a 90mm piece of storm water...
  17. fraser_john

    Keg King Intertap

    Different designs? Well we got 8 of the Intertaps, non flow control model for the Geelong Craft Brewers portable bar and I was stripping them down to give them a good clean and noted one was a totally different design on the inside..... Only one of the 8 was like this! Any one else seen design...
  18. fraser_john

    Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

    After an earlier post about overshooting etc, found I had K-type thermocouples, so ordered a couple of these PT-100 bad boys and just added to the system, reconfigured the SYL-2362 and the SYL-2352P (ramp/soak) PIDs. One on SYL-2362 was accurate at 45c out of the box, SYL-2352P needed a 1.1c...
  19. fraser_john

    Black vs Midnight Wheat

    Personally, I think brown malt is an overlooked malt when it comes to porters and stouts, it has excellent flavour and in larger amounts in a stout provides an excellent back bone to build upon with the blacker/roastier malts.