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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Rurik

    Blichmann Hope Blocker On A Braumesiter?

    I have not fitted one, but I also do not see the need for one. Even with out the pickup tube that I got from MHB (which mainly got me an extra few liters of wort from below the tap) I never had any trub getting into wear I did not want it. I allways use pellets, give a good wirlpool and leave to...
  2. Rurik

    Wheat Beer

    This is wear I would start. 5 kg of pilsiner malt 5 kg of wheat malt .1 kg acidulated Mash in at 50 52 for 30 min 62 for 30 min 72 for 30 min 78 for 15 min. 20 IBU's of bittering hops I use of N/brewer. 12 grams of your favourite noble at 10 min 12 grams of yourfavourite noble at 0min WB...
  3. Rurik

    Take A Look At This, It Would Be Realy Handy For The Home Brew Communi

    Well if you don't think it is of any use don't support it! If you don't think the title is any good why did you click on it? It is the verbal craps that could have spewed from shaved orangutans that gives AHB a bad name. If you don't like it just leave it alone. BTW you could measure...
  4. Rurik

    Take A Look At This, It Would Be Realy Handy For The Home Brew Communi

    Public Lab DIY Spectrometry Kit To quote a good friend of mine when he posted this on Facebook.
  5. Rurik

    Cooper Diy Kit - Tap Leak...sorted?

    Simple fix. Put every thing in kegs.
  6. Rurik

    Cooper Diy Kit - Tap Leak...sorted?

    I have one of these fermenters' it works great. I was just taking a gravity sample and noticed a small leak star when I moved the tap. Gave it a wiggle, released the seal not leak. I think this is one of the best plastic fermenters' around.
  7. Rurik

    Attempting The 1000 Ibu Benchmark

    I am posting in regards to MHB's last post. I refer the reader to my Sig.
  8. Rurik

    Attempting The 1000 Ibu Benchmark

    Thanks Mark now I have to clean the coffee off my keyboard. This has just become my signature.
  9. Rurik

    50l Braumeister Or 20l

    Not really, I just see it as an opportunity to brew again. I am more of the journey type of brewer.
  10. Rurik

    50l Braumeister Or 20l

    I have a 20l and love it. I could have brought either but chose the smaller one. Why, because I live in a place whear space is at a premium, I am not limited to a particular place for my brew in (I some time brew in the laundry, shed or kitchen depending on the day) I can take it on the road, my...
  11. Rurik

    Show Us Your Beer Engines

    I have been thinking of doing the same thing with growlers. Condition in the keg, push across into growler the dip tube in and through beer engine.
  12. Rurik

    Home Made Hand Pump/beer Engine Hope this helps
  13. Rurik

    Other Hobbies Of Interest?

    No, take a look at the pic. the inner circle of tents is ours. The one in the background are not. We belive you should encourage people not demand perfection.
  14. Rurik

    Other Hobbies Of Interest?

    Probly not, we are busy and do not play well with outhers (Joke). Our particualar brand of doing this does not sit well with others at the moment, based on phlosophical differences.
  15. Rurik

    Other Hobbies Of Interest?

    Hey, No I did not goto Gumeracha Medievil Fair. Check your PM's I sent you a link. I am shure Mike L'Itorus does ;)
  16. Rurik

    Other Hobbies Of Interest?

    I like to dress up in funny clothes and pretend I am a Viking. This is a picture of our camp site over easter.
  17. Rurik

    I Had A Small Laugh

    In the same humor as "give us your best bum screen shot"
  18. Rurik

    Above Ground Pool?

    For about four years I managed pool service busness and shop. The Quick and easy way is Session 1. 1) Balance Ph (not manditory but it does work a bit better) 2) Use some sort of algacide. My personal choice is one that contains Bezaconium Cloride. 3) Use between 500g and 1kg of calcium based...
  19. Rurik

    Illiteracy In Oz
