My latest golden (in the keg right now) all of a sudden lost all its flavour, so I have just hop tea'd 37g into the keg to try and revive some of the lost flavour. It has only been in the keg for 2 months. Back on 100kpa and I'll know the results in 24 hours. :beerbang:
I have had Magnum, Cascade and Hersbrucker together in an ale and at the right ratio's tastes awesome. The hersbrucker was just poking its head through the magnum and cascade. I could see it going pear shaped though at with the wrong ratio's. :beerbang:
Mate, I've got about 20 or so out of the one bag. Still looks ok, although a little discoloured. You'll get way more than 3. Just hang it on the line and hose it out after you use it. Cheers. :beerbang:
P.S Don't overload it. :beerbang: