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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerbog

    Poor Customer Service From Auscrown

    When companies propose that you contact them by email for quotes, then NO. It's their train set, they make the rules. :beerbang:
  2. beerbog

    Poor Customer Service From Auscrown

    Same here, but only 1 quote. Poor customer service. :beerbang:
  3. beerbog

    Lesson To All Who Can't Think Of Every Danger...

    I use to eat chewy off the road, gravel and all. From what I remember it still had flavour!!!!!!!!!!! :beerbang:
  4. beerbog

    Perlick Flow Control Taps

    Stout tap, 4" SS shank, barbed tail piece and postage to Sydney, total cost $114 from the beer tap store. Bargain. :beerbang:
  5. beerbog

    What Sort Of Keg Have I Got Here?

    Pic? :beerbang:
  6. beerbog

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Kriek. :beerbang:
  7. beerbog

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Lambic, Oud bruin :beerbang:
  8. beerbog

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Ttttttrrrrriiiiiiippppppplllllllleeeeeeee! :beerbang:
  9. beerbog

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Belgian Tripel. :beerbang:
  10. beerbog

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Some sort of Belgian. :beerbang:
  11. beerbog

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Ordinary Bitter. :beerbang:
  12. beerbog

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Looks like gold, and it has 4 bids also!!!!!!! :beerbang:
  13. beerbog

    Anyone Interested In A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    This time of the year where in Sydney (as an example) we can have pretty big temperature fluctuations between day and night. eg around 10 deg c at night up to mid 20's during the day. In those circumstances I find the heating and cooling parts both kick in at some stage, especially after the...
  14. beerbog

    RecipeDB - galaxy amber ale

    Looks good though, nice head. :beerbang:
  15. beerbog

    Franziskaner Heffeweisse Clone

    Try fermenting the 3068 at 17 deg. I got that tip from Brewing Classic Styles and it throws a good load of banana out at that temp. :beerbang:
  16. beerbog

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Golden Ale

    Didn't really improve it. :beerbang:
  17. beerbog

    Whatever Happened To Amarillo?

    My last 2 Golden's have been fairly disappointing, especially the last one, where the flavour has all of a sudden disappeared. Don't know the year but it was 9.3% AA. :beerbang:
  18. beerbog

    Braumeister Brew Video

    It's almost enough to give up bulk buying!!!! :beerbang:
  19. beerbog

    Braumeister Brew Video

    It would be nice, but not at the moment. :beerbang: