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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Stone Brewery Tap-Takeover in Melbourne, 5th April

    Alehouse will be my choice too, although they don't have as many taps as Taphouse so I'm guessing they won't have as big a selection.
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    MELB: plate chiller, bottles, crates, hops

    Fairfield: 1. Technobabble 2. AaronP (Saturday morning if that's OK) 3. North Melb.: 1. 2. East Doncaster: 1. 2.
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    MELB: plate chiller, bottles, crates, hops

    I'll grab 500g of Williamette 500g lots of willamette (20 lots total available) 1. Brewnewbie (2) 2. Martin OC (3) 3.Lach W (1) 4. Technobabble (1) 5. DJ_L3ThAL (2) 6. Nathanvonbeerenstein (2) 7. Wolfman (1) 8. NealK 9. AaronP (1) 12/20 taken 500g lots of PoR (10 lots available) 1. Matteus...
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    Meeting this sunday?

    Yep, the meeting is going ahead this Sunday from 12pm at the Naval Association Hall in Graham St. Bring some homebrew and something to chuck on the BBQ.
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    Recirculating eBiab users help please.

    I have a recirculating eBIAB system. I found that the swiss voile had too fine a weave and would get clogged. I now use a BIAB bag that I bought from G&G, which has a much more open weave. I have had no problems using it even with 60% wheat.
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    No Chill, No Cube, Not Cool!

    I left wort in the fermenter for 2 days before pitching yeast once and the beer turned out fine. I don't rehydrate yeast so can't help you there.
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    Stubbies wanted (Melbourne)

    Does anyone have a few boxes of stubbies (bottles that is, not the shorts) that they no longer need? I'm happy to pay a reasonable price or exchange for a few full bottles. Cheers, Aaron
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    Free - Bottles and Capper.

    Are they all the same sort of bottle or are they different types? In boxes?
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    WY3068 Weihenstephan pitching rate

    I did an experiment where I pitched different amounts of 3068 and fermented at different temps. Pitching rates had a big impact on how long it took to ferment but had little effect on ester formation. Ferment temp had a much larger effect on ester production, higher temp = more banana. These...
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    Belgian Candi Syrup. D-180, D-90, D45

    I have tried both the D2 from G&G and the D180 from (bought some last time I was in the states). Straight out of the packaging I thought they tasted very similar, although if I recall correctly the D180 may have been slightly more acidic. I can't comment on whether they taste...
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    Wanted - 750ml Long Neck Bottles in Melbourne

    A couple of bottles of your finest will seal the deal. PM me to arrange collection.
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    Wanted - 750ml Long Neck Bottles in Melbourne

    I have 2 dozen bottles you can have. I also suggest going to the next home brew comp as there are usually lots of empties floating around afterwards.
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    Belgian corks - supplier in Oz?

    Does anyone know of a supplier of Belgian beer bottle corks and cages in Australia? Craftbrewer hasn't had any for quite a while.
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    Insulating my kettle what material?

    Thanks for the very comprehensive answer Adr_0.
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    Insulating my kettle what material?

    I've also been wondering whether insulation should be shiny side in or out. I went for shiny side in as I reasoned that it would reflect the radiant heat back towards the pot. Does anyone actually know which is right?
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    BIAB Noob Question

    I do this too, never had scorching.
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    Help with hefeweissbier

    I agree with Manticle. I just made what I think is my best hefeweizen to date using a step mash. I can't remember the rest times, but the temps were 53, 63, 72, 78. I didn't decoct, just applied direct heat to increase the temp. Grain bill was 50/49/1 wheat/pils/acidulated. I probably slightly...
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    Belgian stout

    Wyeast 1581 - Belgian Stout It's from the Ellezellois brewery in Belgium and is used in their Hercule Stout. I have used it and it gives some very nice esters. I think it's a PC strain so it might not be available. I can send you a slant if you like. It reminds me a little of Wyeast 3711 French...
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    Beer - the next sports drink?

    Here's an interesting research paper I stumbled across. Title of the paper: BEER AS A SPORTS DRINK? MANIPULATING BEER’S INGREDIENTS TO REPLACE LOST FLUID. Authors: DESBROW, B., MURRAY, D., LEVERITT, M. Institution: GRIFFITH...