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  1. emnpaul

    Imperial Christmas Stout

    No worries. Good luck. Sorry I can't help re the spices.
  2. emnpaul

    Looking For Recipe Ideas

    Is there some rule I haven't heard of where all the good US hops have to start with C?
  3. emnpaul

    My First Decoction Mashing Experience

    This should answer some of your questions.
  4. emnpaul

    Imperial Christmas Stout

    Oh, sorry dude. I wasn't sure what level you were at when I mentioned the grain. They don't need to be mashed, just steeped. It's really not that hard to steep grains if you're ready to branch out but no need to rush into it if you're not ready. The recipe on the Cooper's website will still...
  5. emnpaul

    Imperial Christmas Stout

    Yes. It's 2 1/2 years old now and still aging well. It fermented a touch warm at 20-21*C which might also explain some of the yeast character. I added 250g black malt and 250g dark crystal to the recipe which may have helped but I tend to think you could go even harder on the black malt and...
  6. emnpaul

    Imperial Christmas Stout

    There is a Trican imperial stout recipe on the Coppers website. I'd advise you to check it for yourself but it goes something like 1.7kg stout kit 1.7kg Dark ale kit 1.7kg lager kit 1.0kg dextrose 3X kit yeast Make to 20 litres Believe it or not I think the kit yeast suits this brew very...
  7. emnpaul

    Raw Wheat Supplies& Barley Seeds?

    And you'll get reasonable efficiency from it too, which is nice, but as such it's not a suitable yardstick for raw wheat. Sorry I don't use beer smith so can't tell you how to add raw wheat.
  8. emnpaul

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it Freezkat. If in doubt about conversion of your rye, try the iodine test at 60min, 90 min etc. After a couple of brews you'll have it down pat.
  9. emnpaul

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    Some background on Roggenbier, if you haven't seen it already.
  10. emnpaul

    Beer Fest Newcastle

    Just a heads up. Beer Fest Newcastle is coming up on the 18th and 19th of February. In Newcastle. Involving beer. I'm can't reccomend it as I missed the previous (and inaugural) one. I'm just saying it's on. Details here:
  11. emnpaul

    1st Choice Liquor

    Seems like it. I do alot of work in bottlo's and like to do a bit of snooping while I'm in there. Your average Liquor Land (and I'm talking about the lower socio-economic areas I frequent) has about two fridges of run of the mill beer (including sixies and longnecks) compared to a full fridge...
  12. emnpaul

    The Beer You.d Most Like To Clone?

    +1. Raspberry Wit is nectar of the gods and I'd imagine rhubarb to be very similar.
  13. emnpaul

    1st Choice Liquor

    Yes it is. If you can get to Vintage Cellars at Cooks Hill you'll be pleasantly suprised though. Also Warners At The Bay are pretty good for some of the hard to find stuff. Edit: I asked the manager about turn over of the Belgians and Lambics and he said "Yeah. We run out of the Chimay and...
  14. emnpaul

    Dusseldorf Altbier Recipe Check

    Sweet! Thanks for the reply.
  15. emnpaul

    Dusseldorf Altbier Recipe Check

    I can't get choc wheat where I am and I'm tempted to throw in a bit of Dingemann's biscuit just because I've been wanting to use some for a while but haven't found an excuse yet. Here's what Ive come up with so far Wey pils 46% Vienna 46% Biscuit 5% CaraffaII 3% WLP011 Mash...
  16. emnpaul

    Everlasting Krausen

    Can you tell us what arse actually tastes like? I've often wondered but never been game to try it. :icon_vomit:
  17. emnpaul

    How Often Do You Break Your Hydrometers?

    I must confess that when I stumbled upon this thread after 2 years of brewing and no broken hydrometers I went "Ha. Clumsy *******". Little did I know that after breaking my first hydrometer after two and a half years, I would use my second hydrometer only once, yes once, before smashing it to...
  18. emnpaul

    Breakfast Beer?

    I'm thinking Dunkelweizen. Kind of like a cross between wheat beer and sweet stout.
  19. emnpaul

    I Can Feel An Infection C'mon On

    I think I just figured out what Crownies are for. Cock wash.
  20. emnpaul

    I Can Feel An Infection C'mon On

    Pitch now and cross your fingers.