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  1. emnpaul

    Nsw Mid North Coast Recommendations - To Live

    That would make you TareeG, no? :D
  2. emnpaul

    Epic Brew Sale Gear,plumbing,malt,

    Not true. Re-read your PM on this. I specifically said Saturday 25th August when I was down for the footy. The fact you waited the best part of 2 weeks to realise something I explained to you via PM minutes after responding to you in this thread is not my fault. Good luck with the sale.
  3. emnpaul

    Whats In The Glass

    Oh. I probably should have taken the hint when you said "bottle". Thanks. Picture attached. Of beer.
  4. emnpaul

    Whats In The Glass

    I'm probably light years behind on this but I just have to ask, what is a VT037 Multimix bottle? It didn't come up on Google.
  5. emnpaul

    Tonights Brew

    The APA kit with 250g of dextrose to 15 litres would come out alright. Use the US-05. If you're feeling brave you could decant a few tablespoons of the kit into a saucepan with a litre or two of water and boil 10g POR for 20 minutes and use that to mix up in your fermenter. You may or may not...
  6. emnpaul

    How Long Should It Take For Hop Rhizomes To Take Off?

    Chocolate also kills dogs and penicillin kills guinea pigs. Just a point of O.T. trivia. Not having a go. I too would be careful munching on them if I didn't know better. The young, tender leaves make a pretty good salad green when fresh. A bit like baby spinach.
  7. emnpaul

    Crown Lager

    Nah. Since they've gone to screw caps they're not even worth the trouble of washing anymore. Sit m on the kitchen bench in the Sun till Christmas then give em back. Edit: About time we had another Crown Lager thread. I need to get my post count up... :P
  8. emnpaul

    Epic Brew Sale Gear,plumbing,malt,

    Sorry but I've got no way of getting any cash to you between now and then. No hard feelings if you want to pass on it.
  9. emnpaul

    Epic Brew Sale Gear,plumbing,malt,

    I'll take the munich and vienna. Will pick up in 2 weeks when down for the footy, if it can wait that long? PM on the way. EDIT: And pils malt. I could use a spare fermenter too...O.K. I'll stop now.
  10. emnpaul

    Free Beer!

    Spot on Warra. Les the weissguy is your man Geneabovill. You might try shooting him a PM.
  11. emnpaul

    First World Problems Thread

    Went to Warners At The Bay the ohther day to scout out some fine German Bockbier and noticed a German Club a few doors up, but didn't have time to go in. Mentioned this tasteful establishment to a work collegue the next day and he told me "They shut down due to lack of customers". Wifey and I...
  12. emnpaul

    Barkeepers Friend

    Thanks for your reply Wolfy. I don't think extra photo's are necessary as I'm happy to take your word for it. I priced some pickling paste from a welding supplies place and it was $50 for a 1 kilo tub. I was hoping to get out of it a bit cheaper and it seems it might be possible. In a past...
  13. emnpaul

    Barkeepers Friend

    Will that stuff (cheapo shop stainless cleaner) passivate a weld and remove slight surface rust/pitting from stainless, so as to prevent tainting in a subsequent batch of beer?
  14. emnpaul

    No Chill

  15. emnpaul

    Birthday Drinks

    Nicely done Warra. Happy birthday for six months ago. :icon_cheers:
  16. emnpaul

    20l Stovetop All Grain Aussie Lager

    Looks ok to me but the again I've never set out to brew an Aussie Mega Swill clone and thankfully haven't brewed one by accident either. If it were me I'd go for Nick's Boh Pils. :icon_drool2: Not much help I know. :D
  17. emnpaul

    20l Stovetop All Grain Aussie Lager

    There's lagers and there's lagers. Then there's faux lagers and Cal. Commons. Do you have temp control and do you like Aussie pub bitters or German style lagers? The first link should be pretty easy to knock up. The second one slightly more complicated (rice solids). If you have brew mate or...
  18. emnpaul

    2012 Hop Plantations

    Hopefully they don't look like this.
  19. emnpaul

    Whats In The Glass

    Beard was longer and one less tooth. :icon_cheers:
  20. emnpaul

    Shattered Erlen Meyer

    As Jay Cee alluded to above Borosilicate are the way to go as they are much tougher than normal glass, although not bulletproof. Erlenmeyer refers to the shape of the flask but not all are borosilicate.