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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MCHammo

    New Sydney Inner West brew shop opening

    I don't see much of a point in stocking both whitelabs and wyeast. Unless you can shift both brands quick enough to keep fresh yeast from each on the shelves, you're shooting yourself in the foot a bit. Nobody wants 3 month out of date yeast (unless they're building up a few starters). My local...
  2. MCHammo

    Keg bulk buy

    Just confirming my order. Unless a compulsion (or a friend) forces me to buy a few more... What sort of time frame are we looking at for this? Will the bulk buy for the AEB kegs stay open until the KK units are ready (mid-feb)? Or is it likely to wrap up earlier than that? 1/ AEB Italian Made...
  3. MCHammo

    New to Brewing

    Nearly right. Those readings would be 1.044 and 1.012. You could be forgiven for making that mistake, though (notice the red marking, 1.000 - you're reading off the two least significant figures of the measurement)
  4. MCHammo

    Palmers "How To Brew" in Metric (or other great books)

    If such a book exists, I'd love to get my hands on a copy. That Palmer website is a great resource, but as you point out, half the time you spend converting units.
  5. MCHammo

    Keg bulk buy

    Added to the interstate list. Just in case. At This Point In Time There Is No Postage, Melbourne/Ballarat Only. 1/ AEB Italian Made Keg 9.5l, $115 (min 15) - Roller997 x 3 - tsmill x 2 - New_guy x1 - black n tan x 3 - DJ_L3ThAL x1 - fergthebrewer x1 - - - - The following are subject to postage...
  6. MCHammo

    freezer panels

    Sounds like freight on those is going to be a nightmare coming from Darwin.
  7. MCHammo

    Australian IPA

    Aussie India Brown Ale?
  8. MCHammo

    It's... the 2014 Extra Special Brewers Homebrew Competition

    What a coincidence, I just put down an English Brown Porter last week :) Will have to brew some more entries soon. A quick question regarding the Aussie hops issue (again...): I completely understand (and agree with) the restriction on the Aussie IPA hop varieties. Is there a reason that this...
  9. MCHammo

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    I've made an awesome roast Hab sauce. 2 onions, 1 head garlic, 1 capsicum, 6 tomatoes Roast 20 mins at 180°C add 6 habs, roast another 20 mins Cook everything down in a saucepan (~20 mins), add 1/3 cup malt vinegar, and salt to taste. Next time I'll probably add more tomato, and give them a...
  10. MCHammo

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    With the weather here, my habs have been drooping on pretty much a daily basis - hence why I've been watering them so often. They seem much happier now that they've got the extra water.
  11. MCHammo

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    My chillies weren't growing that great either. Started throwing a bit of fertiliser on every other week and watering once or twice a day, and they've all gone gangbusters. Habaneros, Scotch Bonnets, Jalapeños and Birdseyes. Green chillies covering all the plants, and already had a crop of...
  12. MCHammo

    Maltodextrin in ginger beer

    I've never found any need for modification to get a ginger beer to finish dry. All mine finish with an SG of about 1.004. If you want it any drier than that, fill the bottle with sand.
  13. MCHammo

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    A lot of chillies are actually annuals - specifically any Capsicum Annuum (Jalapenos, birds eye, etc) cultivars (which most common varieties are). They may last for several years depending on the local climate, but with diminishing returns after the first few years if they last. Most (all?) of...
  14. MCHammo

    21B. Christmas / Winter Specialty Spiced Beer

    I've go a Belgian Christmas spiced Dubbel ready to go for Christmas. I'll keep a few bottles back for Christmas in July, I think :) Feestdag Dubbel: Recipe Specifications -------------------------- Boil Size: 31.04 l Post Boil Volume: 27.04 l Batch Size (fermenter): 23.00 l Bottling Volume...
  15. MCHammo

    Free open course on the chemistry of beer

    I'm in. I've done a bit of general chem & organic chem up to 1st year uni, never done any serious biochem. Looks like the course could be pretty interesting.
  16. MCHammo

    Group buy at Plasdene (Preston, VIC) - bottles, fermenters, cubes etc

    I'll be ordering ten of them. It's just a pity that the black drums are more than twice the price as i would have preffered an easier way to keep the light out. I guess some paper on the inside of the drum will do though. Paint/spray the outside of the drums?
  17. MCHammo

    Group buy at Plasdene (Preston, VIC) - bottles, fermenters, cubes etc

    That would be great. I'm looking to grab a few things (a dozen 250ml sauce bottles and a few dozen 500ml beer bottles) in the not too distant future. If this were a possibility, I'd be all over it. Alas, I am in Sydney. So unless anyone here is looking for a group buy too, I will need to look...
  18. MCHammo

    Mosaic APA

    So this has been fermenting for a few days now. Smelling incredible. I decided to sneak a taste tonight... bloody hell that's a tasty hop! Really looking forward to this one. Still due a bit of dry hopping later on, too. Tasting like a solid foundation for a house beer. Edit: Sleppting
  19. MCHammo

    Custom Clocks

    Damn. It's cock o'cock. Again.
  20. MCHammo

    can you make saw dust into beer?

    You should make a wood-based beer with jarrah sawdust, caramelised carrots and quinoa as the base, beetroot juice added in the boil and caramelised date syrup added in primary. Ferment it with orval dregs. Then put it in the case swap! I assume there's no gluten in sawdust? Leave out the...