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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. squirt in the turns

    Foam on top of wort without adding yeast

    Probably not necessary to chuck them...? A good soak in hot Napisan/PBW, plus maybe a lengthy soak in dilute bleach solution, and they should be good. Label them and keep track of what future batches you ferment in them, which will identify any further problems (just in case). It's good practice...
  2. squirt in the turns

    You can never have too many, ______________.

    Yep. The more stainless the better. No brewery is complete until hundreds - no thousands - of dollars have been spent on stainless steel.
  3. squirt in the turns

    Font options for Celli taps

    I've got a kegerator in progress and need some advice about mounting Celli taps to a font. I originally bought the Cellis when I was dispensing from a fridge with taps mounted though the door. For that configuration, or a for mounting through a collar, they were quite obviously the way to go...
  4. squirt in the turns

    Newbie chill question

    My 2c: until you can chill properly (plate chiller, immersion chiller, whatever), just no-chill (no trying to chill in an ice bath or pool anything - just let it cool down by itself). It works great, so much less stuffing around than making giant blocks of sterile ice. I subscribe to the...
  5. squirt in the turns

    Pimping my brew vessel

    Or could the jacket simply be part of a separate hot water circuit, and be used to maintain mash temperature or do step mashes? The agitator would hopefully keep the mash moving against the walls of the vessel and ensure an even temperature. Although, the heat source for the water circuit would...
  6. squirt in the turns

    RIMS step mash

    I use a HERMS so I can't speak from direct experience, but my understanding is that wort scorching can be a concern with RIMS. MastersBrewery's comment about recirculating until clear is one measure you can take to address this. I've also read that at protein rest temperatures, burning the wort...
  7. squirt in the turns

    Are WLP-001 and US-05/1056 the same strain?

    I'd be interested to hear the answer to the title question. However, if your beer didn't attenuate properly, the health and viability of the yeast (either the US-05 or the WLP001) might be to blame and therefore the yeast might not be a prime candidate for harvest, hop bits or no. Dangit, Yob...
  8. squirt in the turns

    Braumeister step mashes?

    Coming back to Pratty's scan of the Ultimate Almanac table (great resource, BTW, thanks!), what exactly is "gum" and what does beta-glucanase convert it to?
  9. squirt in the turns

    Pimping a Coopers Kit with a Partial Mash

    I'm nitpicking as it is probably inconsequential with such a small quantity of liquid and grain, and you advise not to bother with this step anyway, but just to help the noobs start off with the right practices: it's not a good idea to sparge with boiling water. Aim for 80°C to avoid extracting...
  10. squirt in the turns

    Safe pressure for filling glass bottles with a CPBF

    I have spoken to Brennan Fielding of Burleigh Brewing (a former homebrewer) about this. His advice was to purge and fill at 200kpa or higher. My reaction was "seriously?! They don't explode?". Well, the answer to that was yes, it's a possibility, wear protection. This bombproof enclosure thing...
  11. squirt in the turns

    WY1469, Acetaldehyde, top cropping a bad idea?

    Just thinking about your comments on temperature, verysupple. Cidery (not necessarily acetaldehyde, though?) is usually associated with fermenting too warm, right? If anything, I'd say this batch might've been a little too cold, hovering around 17. I've found in the past that 1469 is a fast...
  12. squirt in the turns

    WY1469, Acetaldehyde, top cropping a bad idea?

    Thanks for the replies guys. I'll just let the first batch go until the aroma sorts itself out - hopefully it will. The second batch is cubed so no rush. I'll just use something else when I pitch it. It's got some painty/solventy notes too, so I'd say it's definitely acetaldehyde. My friends...
  13. squirt in the turns

    WY1469, Acetaldehyde, top cropping a bad idea?

    I cultured up some WY1469 West Yorkshire Ale yeast from a minuscule amount I had stored in a stubbie under sterile water since October last year (7 months old). I built it up to a 2 litre starter which fermented out and tasted fine when I poured off the beer. Anyway, I pitched it into 20 litres...
  14. squirt in the turns

    Yeast starter taste

    It should taste like beer (if it contained hops). Mine tend to as I usually use a can of hopped goo cos I keep forgetting to buy reasonably priced DME from Craftbrewer and just buy the can from K-mart. When I can be bothered, like many here, I strain the kettle trub and use that. If it's just...
  15. squirt in the turns

    Hello from The United States

    Cue dickins/creamin' cider joke.
  16. squirt in the turns


    I have a 4v HERMS and yes, it's a bit of a stuff around setting it up and pulling it down for cleaning, but I'm not convinced that cleaning is that much easier with a single vessel. With 1v, at the end of the day, you've got a kettle to scrub and either a "malt pipe" type thing or at the very...
  17. squirt in the turns

    Grains and kegs

    Females are absolutely allowed. We don't really have any female members yet, but we are only a new club (est. September last year, I think it was). Sorry I called you a dude, BTW. Epic parenting :beerbang: The sediment in the bottle is yeast. If you are "bottle conditioning" your beer (adding...
  18. squirt in the turns

    Grains and kegs

    Sorry dude, no idea why my link's not working for you. Don't search it, just click on it, it's just a link to another thread on this forum. You can search us out on Facebook too. We meet at Burleigh Brewing in West Burleigh, 6 PM, second Friday of every month. There are a couple of homebrew...
  19. squirt in the turns

    Grains and kegs

    S R F, if you're on the Gold Coast, you should drop by the GoldCLUB: We've got brewers of all levels from the "kit and bits" guys through to all-grainers brewing on a variety of different systems...