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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Lets Start Something

    There is no longer a C.U.B. brewery in NSW, yet pubs & bottle shops are stocked to the brim with C.U.B. products. The freight costs & pollution increase as those huge "B" Doubles tear along our streets & highways. Now we all know we can not stop those massive trucks, what I propose is a small...
  2. J

    Hopping Mad Spectapular - Feb 6 The Local Sydney

    Great to see some first time beers at The Taphouse, but only one tap from a brewery that is within 100km's of the pub!?!? If only they could lift the "LOCAL" content it would be even better. Just a thought James
  3. J

    Paddy's Brewery !

    Gerard, that's great news about the possible bottling of Paddy's beers, as is the option of getting them online! I'll be buying my fair share that's for sure! :beerbang: Cheers, James
  4. J

    Wey. Munich 2 In Esb?

    What about 5% Wheat malt in there? I reckon it would go perfect as a base malt in the Bolter! James
  5. J

    Rocks Brewing Re-opening Harts Pub, The Rocks

    The last time I had a beer at Hart's was when they had the Amber Ale from the old Full Sail Brewery. (anybody seen Bob?) What an awesome result for the craft brewing industry in NSW!!!!!!!! We now have a "TRUE LOCAL" See ya there James
  6. J

    The Hive Bar

    I have been enjoying the range of beers the Hive has on tap for a while now. Very low on Beer Miles. Only about $4.50 a schooner which is great value when compared to what others are charging up the street. Good pizza's & friendly staff who are actually interested in the beers they sell. The...
  7. J

    Darlinghurst Taphouse Opening Hours

    From their website IN DARLINGHURST (the newest are listed first): Stone & Wood MovemBEER Brewery Showcase; Stone Beer......... Two Brothers Growler, Mountain Goat Steam Ale, Feral Fanta Pants Imperial Red Ale, James Squire Sundown Lager, Meantime IPA, Feral Smoked Porter, Matilda Bay Alpha...
  8. J

    Aging Hops For Lambics

    I left some Goldings plugs on top of the HLT (urn) overnight. Maybe an easy option, worked nicely for me. James
  9. J

    Brewers Market Festival

    It was a pretty good turn out. The middy & schooner glass collection is looking healthy at the moment, thanks Paddy! ;) James
  10. J

    Castle Hill Show Brewing Competition 2009

    ..........old ale.....................? James
  11. J

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Are these "grey imports" illegal? I owned a grey import car some years back. Fantastic car, and a heap cheaper than the versions sold in Australia. Didn't make the Australian car dealers too happy I don't think. Plenty of rumours were spread around about the imports not being suitable to...
  12. J

    Darlinghurst Taphouse Opening Hours

    I seriously hope they get some local beers on tap, I have had enough of the Victorian micro's, it would be good to see some fresh local(NSW) beers on tap at. It would be a cheaper option without the freight up the Hume! Just a thought, probably wasted here though ;) James
  13. J

    Powell's Malt

    I grabbed a couple of bags from Gerard_M a couple of years ago but haven't come across it at any Sydney brew shop since then. If you have any luck let me know, I wouldn't mind trying it again. Cheers, James
  14. J

    Pubs In Sydney

    The Pumphouse at Darling Harbour has some great micro brewed beers on at the moment, worth a visit. ANZ Stadium is close to Paddy's Brewery. James
  15. J

    Bunnings Co2?

    Their are a variety of sources of CO2, someone was once selling CO2 that was reclaimed from a sewerage plant. I would back the Bunnings CO2 isn't food grade, but hey it's cheaper so go for it. Or maybe do some research on the Bunnings product. While you are doing hat I will stick to the BOC...
  16. J

    Mt Tambourine Micros

    I notice the number continues to grow, but if you leave or you become less enthused don't visit or post, you are still counted as a member. Maybe a more accurate figure would be people who have posted in the past 12 or even 6 months. Just a thought. James
  17. J

    Mount Tamborine Micro For Sale?

    Gen It is called a downhill slide & this site/forum has been headed in that direction for quite some time now. James
  18. J

    Mount Tamborine Micro For Sale?

    I didn't think this forum was for abuse & vulgarity, I actually thought this site was moderated, seems I was wrong. It always amazes me how big & bold people grow from the safety of a keyboard. It would be a shame if one of these micro's was up for sale, but then it does get a chance under new...
  19. J

    Murphy Is Alive And Well

    If it was a Pilz I would worry, but not a Stout, you would be surprised at what you can hide in a Stout! James
  20. J

    Did Michael Jackson Drink Beer ?

    The poor bastard was $500 million in debt, obviously been buying his hops from unscrupulous HBS's that charge way too much ! James