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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Robbo2234

    KK - 'Fermentasaurus' conical PET fermenter

    If it could be wall mounted I would be in!
  2. Robbo2234

    Sodium percarbonate

    Do it all the time!
  3. Robbo2234

    The Art Of Chilling.

    I no chill and no hop cubes! Brew a little over target boil and no chill as per normal but don't add hops. When your ready to ferment boil some water and do your hop schedule and add it to the fermenter! Heaps better for late hop additions
  4. Robbo2234

    kerr non alcoholic thread.

    2b or not 2b that is the question!
  5. Robbo2234

    Going to Canberra

    What... Oh man why did I pick Wednesday missed it by that much!
  6. Robbo2234

    Going to Canberra

    Hi all I will be traveling to Canberra on Wednesday and staying there one night. Can anyone recommend a place to stay or that is In walking distance to good beer? Thanks
  7. Robbo2234

    Input on a Mosaic and Cascade Pale ale

    I just did a similar thing 10 grams of both @10 mins then 10grams of each @ 0 mins In the fermenter now I did the same with galaxy last brew very nice!
  8. Robbo2234

    Ferment, condition and pressurise in one vessel

    Wow clear kegs! That would be awesome. No more surprise empty kegs!
  9. Robbo2234

    Recommend me a new sanitiser

    Update I have been using phosphoric acid in the last 4 batches haven't had a problem yet! Thanks for the recommendations
  10. Robbo2234

    Anyone had the snip?

    I had it done with a local! no pain but a bit of a mind **** letting someone cut up your junk! 2 days of walking like a cowboy 1 week sore and heaps of ice! GET A SPERM COUNT AFTER! your ammo factory might not be sending out deliverys but you still may have some rounds left!
  11. Robbo2234

    kerr non alcoholic thread.

    WTF?? I love this thread...
  12. Robbo2234

    kerr non alcoholic thread.

    Kerrplease you da man, What's new buddy!
  13. Robbo2234

    Recommend me a new sanitiser

    Hi all I am almost finished my sodium met and looking for a new sanitiser. This is my current routine. Sodium perc and 4lt if boiling water screw the lid on shake about a few times over ten minutes. Empty and do the same with sodium met. I have tried iodophor a few times but got an...
  14. Robbo2234

    Giveaway:Inkbird Temperature Controller ITC-310T

    Yep got to be in it to win it!
  15. Robbo2234

    Dulce de leche - adjunct

    I buy it by the tub load from sugarloaf at kograh love it!
  16. Robbo2234

    Cheeky Peak 100L elect kettle setup - thoughts?

    We did this.. [/URL] It can move on the strut. Got it from ebay
  17. Robbo2234

    Giveaway:Inkbird Temperature Controller ITC-1000

    Here we go again! I am in.