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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Robbo2234

    Unhopped cube probs

    Hi all This is the 3rd time have written this but my phone stuffed up and lost it so I will be brief. I have experimented with Unhopped cubes some have worked some haven't. My last cube swelled up I tiped it out clean and sanitised again and filled with a hoped esb no swelling I like doing...
  2. Robbo2234

    What about this- an AHB freight thread ?

    Good idea I go to act and south Coast every 6 to 8 weeks or so and Wagga Leeton Griffith every 3 ish months
  3. Robbo2234

    Things I learned from watching action movies

    I don't look back at explosions. I just keep walking in slo mo!
  4. Robbo2234

    Help Identify off flavor

    Are you in plying you want to come over for a taste test?
  5. Robbo2234

    Help Identify off flavor

    Thanks for the replys I don't e think it's a oil / grease issue as it's the main flavor the some Belgium beers.
  6. Robbo2234

    Help Identify off flavor

    A careful cuber!
  7. Robbo2234

    Help Identify off flavor

    20 liters of wort one pack of us05 @ 20ish deg. FYI I generally don't wear pants or skirts when brewing. I prefer shorts
  8. Robbo2234

    Help Identify off flavor

    All grain recipe 75% pillsner 10% Vienna 7% munich 3% carapils 3% wheat I am fairly certain it's because it's come off the yeast to early. I am just not sure what's it's called.
  9. Robbo2234

    Help Identify off flavor

    Hi all I am getting a off flavor in one beer I think it came out of the fermenter to early. It's a waxy / lipstick flavor I have tasted this in Belgium style beers I just don't know what it's called Thanks
  10. Robbo2234

    what do you wish you'd known?

    I do use lube I will slack off the tightness a bit and see what happens.
  11. Robbo2234

    Cask and Hand-pump

    Bulk buy!
  12. Robbo2234

    what do you wish you'd known?

    Haha the empty keg surprise! Never gets any better!
  13. Robbo2234

    what do you wish you'd known?

    Mine leak out the top near the handle and the spout need to rebuild them weekly even if I only drink Friday Saturday and Sunday... Painful
  14. Robbo2234

    what do you wish you'd known?

    I have 5 perlick flow control taps nothing but trouble dad have 4 picnic taps never had a problem! Don't get caught up in the marketing!
  15. Robbo2234

    Fs. 15 liter cubes Sydney

    Ah cool on mobile cant see location... Thank's for the heads up. 2 cubes for $5.
  16. Robbo2234

    Fs. 15 liter cubes Sydney

    Whoa really I did a quick google and found them around $20 ok Mr lethal, are you happy with $5.
  17. Robbo2234

    Fs. 15 liter cubes Sydney

    Hi all I have Heaps of empty cubes from fwks all are clean and ready to go! $10 each or 7 for $50. Pick up bangor 2234. Can deliver in Sydney for a fee