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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Perth water chemistry

    Ok I will look at maybe trying out a few brews while I’m sorting it out thanks heaps for the help
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    Perth water chemistry

    Thanks for the help mate I’ll maybe ring the local water company and ask for some advice on interpreting the sample
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    Perth water chemistry

    I’m in the Melville area for reference with the water quality
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    Perth water chemistry

    Hi Brewers, I have done a couple of extract brews now and want to try my first A/G brew but what I don’t understand is the water chemistry yet. I have looked up perths water quality results from the water corp but I don’t understand most of it. So basically what I’m needing help with is, does...
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    Smaller brews in larger pressure fermenter

    Awesome thanks for the advice
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    Smaller brews in larger pressure fermenter

    What should I set my spunding valves to normal fermentation for pressure ferment??
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    Smaller brews in larger pressure fermenter

    Just want to get some advice? I am about to get a large Kegmenter second hand, my question is can I do smaller brews in a 58ltr Kegmenter and if so any tips for when I do it ? Or am I just wasting a bunch of gas ? Cheers Tim
  8. S

    Good day everybody

    Welcome from Aus mate hopefully you can find this forum as helpful as I do 👍
  9. S

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Bottling from a fermzilla This may have been asked before but I searched and couldn’t find it. Here is my dilemma I bought a starters brew kit with a standard white fermenter. While it is sufficient for now I’m already looking to upgrade it as I just don’t think it’s the best thing. So my...
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    New Member from West Australia

    Perth here happy brewing chaps
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    Welcome mate, temp control seems to be the main thing after sanitation. Something I’m looking into next. 3 brews down, 1 thrown out after poor temp control. Enjoy the journey
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    Noobie’s next steps

    As someone new to home brewing myself I have thought of this. Watched a million and one YouTube videos, here is my train of thought. Do six months to a year of extract kit brews see if I enjoy the hobby long term. Then if I still love it look into upgrading my kit a couple of bits at a time...
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    Welcome 🍻
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    What makes someone quit brewing ??

    Sweet I will have to give one a go to see what they are all about 👌
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    First brew tonight any rookie mistakes to watch for

    I’ll give it a go see what happens haha
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    First brew tonight any rookie mistakes to watch for

    Second brew down I did a stone and wood replica recipe. The first day after putting it in the fermenter the missus accidentally turned on the heating pad I use at night when I got to it in the afternoon it was around 26-27degrees. I turned it off it has been fermenting at around 22 but I just...
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    What makes someone quit brewing ??

    Interesting answers. With the FWK are they easy to use I don’t really know much about them ??
  18. S

    What makes someone quit brewing ??

    As a newcomer to home brewing and only just staring my journey into all things home brewing has to offer and loving it. I wonder what is the most common reason people give it up? Obviously the usual don’t have time will come up. But I’m just keen to see what other people think ?? Anyway have...
  19. S

    First brew tonight any rookie mistakes to watch for

    Awesome fingers crossed it stays that way thanks