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  1. Borret

    Hop Plantation 2005

    Packed the last of my dried first year columbus last night. Total dry wieght for the crop is 80g. :D I now this sounds dodgy but a nice trick for compressing the suckers is a 60ml syringe (available from the chemist.) Just bore out the centre part of the luerlock so only the 1/4 dia surround...
  2. Borret

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Berapnopod, Are you including loss's to trub etc in your calcs. Alot of hops left to settle in that there undiluted wort. Failing this you'd better give beersmith a call as it's their programme that really did the calcs.....Hopsta brewed it that way and it worked so I guess...he's all right...
  3. Borret

    Hole Size In False Bottoms

    Mine are 2.5mm which is 0.1mm different to the 3/32 that the yankey perforated bottoms generally are. They also place the 3/32 holes on 5/32 centres which is alot of surface area. mine isn't that close. It seems to work. For the record mine has 1848 holes :P Brent
  4. Borret

    Home Brew Shops

    Marks, Marks, Marks, Marks, ( fade out monty python SPAM music) Hey- their song is worth singing. Mark and Keith's service and advice is great and so is their volume and variety of stock- as others have said. Not only only will they stop for a chat, they'll also amuse your children :P ...
  5. Borret

    I Need Help From Mead Makers

    Although I can't offer any advice, I too pitched the yeast into my first mead this evening. So all the best with it mate. :) I know there are others here that pose only as 'beer guys' ;) that can actually give you some mead pointers as they did me. Brent
  6. Borret

    Roach's Brewstand

    No do something functional. A nice rangehood for the kettle.... just cause you can ;)
  7. Borret

    Roach's Brewstand

    Nice work, Very nice indeed. :wub: No point making suggestions as it's already beautiful.... however no brew setup is ever truly 'finished'.. So what's your first upgrade :huh: Now.... who's starting a bulk buy on metal polish :P Brent
  8. Borret

    That's Gold

    Yep there's names but not brewing related sorry. I'd 'like' to think I'm not that obsessed although SWMBO would often dispute it. Funny you mention it though as I drove past a sign for ORVAL STREET on the way to the hospital tonight. :unsure: Brent
  9. Borret

    That's Gold

    Thanks for all your well wishes guys. I passed them on to Mrs Borret too. You should have seen the look on her face as I reeled of some of your names :lol: Cheers Brent
  10. Borret

    That's Gold

    Thanks Doc, A well welcomed little girl after the 2 boys we already have. Brent
  11. Borret

    That's Gold

    Although I am not a fan of the beer (however my inlaws are), I must say XXXX is on the ball with this one. As many will be aware when you have a baby the hospital gives you a bag with a whole lot of samples and crap. Nomally all for mum and bub. We'll yesterdays new arrival :) saw yet...
  12. Borret

    Attention Melb. Beer Geeks

    Hey Waz, You got a camera in that there phone of yours?....... (I won't mention bluetooth though :lol: ) Wouldn't mind seeing that there range of belgians ;) Cheers Brent (now father of 3 :D )
  13. Borret

    Show Us Your Mash Paddle

    How timely is this thread... My work in progress.... and it'll have at least one brother too. ;)
  14. Borret

    The Way Forward

    For those who are trying to run their home brewery as relentlessly as a business....your on the wrong forum. Go get an ABN For those who aren't.... just get on with it and cut this crap. Cheap deals are good but not at the degredation of an even more valuable resource. For those of us that...
  15. Borret

    Brewing @ Sea

    There's a little of the afore mentioned history of kit beers on sailing boats and the experiments leading up to the IPA. Not a bad readBT Beer styles Fermentaion may go very well but I don't fancy your chances of getting your yeast to clear while on the high seas :P Brent
  16. Borret

    Nsw Ahb Xmas In July Case

    :lol: You snooze.... You lose. Don't worry Keith, I'll swap a beer with you mate ;) Brent
  17. Borret

    Nsw Ahb Xmas In July Case

    Goodluck with it guys. I would have liked to join in but opted out this time becasue of family commitments and not being sure how much I'll be able to brew in coming months. Hopefully I'll be back on deck for the Xmas in December Case. Cheers Brent
  18. Borret

    Myth Busters - Chilling Beer The Fastest

    Not sure about that theory Sorry. Temp reached can only be as low as the freezer is sitting. However once they start to melt the surface temp of the bottles will be lower than with fresh water becasue the fluid can still be below 0. This would in turn give a bigger temp differential with the...
  19. Borret

    Hop Plantation 2005

    Hi Fellow hopsters, I built my drying box on the weekend and harvested probably 2/3rds of my crop this afternoon. All up wet weigh is 250g which I am stoked about for a first year crop as I should get close to 70-80 g total when dry (including what's left on the bines) by my estimates. :)...
  20. Borret

    Best Bottle Shop In Newcastle ?

    Hi Doc, I must also decline. Would love to come and enjoy a beer or 2 but with apprentice No.3 only a couple of weeks away all extra curricular activities have been put on hold. Maybe next time. Hope ye all have a good one anyway. Brent