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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    1st Brew Advice....

    I Personally would never put more than 23 L in a batch. If anything I allways use less to get better body with kits.
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    J. Boag & Son Has Run Dry Of 2 Styles

    Have a look at this.. And in the christmas season as well,00.html
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    2 Short 'uns

    what did one sausage say to another sausage? Nothing sausages dont talk.
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    Gas Bottle Or Mains Gas For Burner

    Just something that I thought of while I was drinking a Homebrew and thinking about how much Gas AG brewers go through. Have you guys thought of using the gas that you use for Hot water Services and Gas heaters. It mightn't be under as much presure but im sure you will be able to change the...
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    Double Stout kit... geez.. that would pretty ummm black... DOes it turn out likethe coopers extra stout?? I love Guiness I used to have a liquid lunch when I was working in Wollongong. We would go up to the local Irish pub and 3 pints in an hour then go back to work.. ohh those were the days
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    Kit Reviews Website

    You should have the capabilty to put a Pic of the Brew in a nice cold glass!!!
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    Poor Man's Porter

    Did you guys ever though of shaking the crap out of the coke so it releases some of the Co2 so its not as fizzy when you poor it in the fermenter??
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    Black Stouts

    hmm plum jam.. Ill have to give that a go next time I do a stout
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    Cacade Mahogany Choc Porter

    Ive recently put one down around 4 weeks ago. haven't tried it yet.. I just used a brew enhancer pack of 500 LME 250 dex 250 multi. I use Safale yeast as well as what PostModern said on another Web site is to chuck the yeast supplied and use something better.. As this is what causes the crappy...
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    Look At All The Beer All Over The Road

    At least they weren't the flip top lid ones
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    White Labs Vs Wyeast

    I have read that when keeping yeast you should get rid of the wort that it sitting under and put cooled boiled water. E.G Make up a big starter once done. Poor off the wort fill with water. Give a shake. Let it settle. Poor the water off. Put some more in give it a shake. ect... until the water...
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    Cleaning/restoring The Bbq Hotplate

    Wire Brush... Then when its clean I oil up a brush and oil it
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    Cleaning/restoring The Bbq Hotplate

    I second using salt... One of my Friends told me about it and I initially thought this was a wise tail or something (OR to much beer) But I gave it a go and it worked very very Good Id recomend it... That reminds its yearly BBQ cleaning time. Stripping everything down cleaning all the burners...
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    Brewiser Yeast

    I do this as well.. I bought a Packet of breweiser Ale Yeast which had 5 packs of it. On special last time I went shopping for $1.50 or something.. I used it in my last yeast starter and it wnt bizzerk alot quicker than with just malt extract (Yay 1st post)