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  1. gjhansford

    Corny Keg Doesnt Seal

    Also ... check the Relief Valve ... I've had a small number of kegs (2 out of 24) that wouldn't hold pressure only to find that the relief valve was cracked in two pieces! When I took them out they fell apart ... only held together by being screwed into the lid! Replaced them and no problems...
  2. gjhansford

    Red Angus Clone - Any Thoughts?

    It's raining in Toowoomba today ... so it's brew day! Tried the Red Angus Pilsner a couple of weeks ago and while it's not really a pilsner IMHO ... it was an interesting beer so I thought I'd try to clone it today. The website says the grain bill is just wheat malt and carapils (although the...
  3. gjhansford

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Plus a couple of my own ... ghhb
  4. gjhansford

    Beer Labels And Logos

    And here's some more ... ghhb
  5. gjhansford

    Beer Labels And Logos

    I recon if you're gonna clone the beer why not clone the label ... ghhb
  6. gjhansford

    Licorice Root Porter

    Currently drinking a Robust Porter (came 4th in the QABC last week) and last night I opened a bag of licorice root (purchased from Craft Brewer on a whim) and chewed on a small piece while drinking the Porter. Great combination! So today I'm home on TOIL and I want to brew a Locorice Root...
  7. gjhansford

    Deep Crystal/raisin Character In Uk Ales. How To Get?

    So with the grains sorted ... what's the best yeast to get that great raisin and/or marmalade taste? ghhb
  8. gjhansford

    Qabc 2010 - Judges & Stewards Wanted

    Thanks for the knees up ... we'll take the quick route home instead and bypass BrisVegas!
  9. gjhansford

    Good Beer In Harvey Bay?

    Going to be in Harvey Bay tomorrow night and until Sunday morning ... for a conference at the Boat Club on Friday. Got the whale watching booked for Saturday morning ... looking for some recommendations re good food and beer for the rest of the time - Thursday, Friday Saturday nights?
  10. gjhansford

    Qabc 2010 - Judges & Stewards Wanted

    I'm a first time competitor in the QABC this year and I was wondering what's the protical on attending. I'll be passing back thru Brisbane on Sunday on my way home to Toowoomba and wondered if there's any value in dropping in at the Platform Bar (apart from the obvious reason to have a drink!)...
  11. gjhansford

    Graphic Designers - I Need A Logo

    Can I suggest You register a design brief and in 5 days you'll have hundreds ... well at least dozens ... of designs to choose from. My wife is a graphic designer and she tells all of her clients to use 99designs for their logos ... great designs at a good price. This...
  12. gjhansford

    Another S.E.Q. Grain Bulk Buy.

    Just confirming RedVjin will also be picking up my grain ... he's a legend! ghhb
  13. gjhansford

    Chilling Before Transferring To Lagering Vessel Or Not?

    I used to chill again before transfer but then one batch I didn't have the time so I transferred 'warm'. No difference. So now I don't bother chilling again. FWIW.
  14. gjhansford

    Archive Beer Boutique (brisbane)

    At the Archive right now. Thanks to the iPhone! Had the heffe Its okay today and a Stone & Wood Pale Lager. About to try the White Rabbit. Yum!
  15. gjhansford

    Stuck Ferment

    The way I understand it ... the high mash temp and the high proportion of dark grains (don't have beersmith so couldn't open your recipe to check the actual percentage) ... means you won't go much lower than 1020. That my experience anyway. I now mash at between 63 and 65, especially when...
  16. gjhansford

    Cost Of Doing An Ag?

    I actually spend a bit of time a while back creating an Excel Spreadsheet that calculated the cost of the ingredients for making AG brews. Based on buying my ingredients from Ross at Craft Brewer. Of course it assumes the water is free which in today's world isn't actually true, doesn't...
  17. gjhansford

    Have Hot, Horny, Greedy Yeasties Ruined My Beer?

    I've also started fermenting a bit high on a few occasions and had a similar experience with a runaway fermentation. US-05 (dried I assume) should handle it okay as it's a 'clean' finishing yeast. At least that's my experience. How's it tasting? :icon_cheers: ghhb
  18. gjhansford

    Fs: Perth Entire Ag Brewing Setup

    Another causality of a stuffed economy? What's the world coming to ... a man brews his own beer to save money (and drink a good drop) but it doesn't help in the end. I don't know you but I've been saddened to hear your plight. There, but for the grace of GOD go all of us.
  19. gjhansford

    Diy Keg Cleaner

    Great invention ... but doesn't the gunk drain into the bucket and get resprayed up into the keg? Or do you remove all of the gunk first? You could modify the upright into a "L" shaped bit and have a drain bucket separate from the clean water supply bucket. Just a thought. :icon_cheers: ghhb