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  1. M

    Recipe Wanted

    hi nath, i am now a huge fan of moteuka thanks to you. just poured my first moteuka apa from the recipe you posted for me, simple but bloody tasty, you should post it in the recipe database, easy but big on taste. thanks again.
  2. M

    Recipe Wanted

    too late,... timer told me to add the galaxy, will definately try next time
  3. M

    Recipe Wanted

    my tastebuds must be stuffed, i get early galaxy and late cascade in rogers, brewing one now, but hey i'm open to suggestions. very quick suggestions,..... like 8 mins before i throw the hops in :huh:
  4. M

    Keg King Regulator Issue

    yep. but i don't think his reg is an aquarium type if it's got keg king on it , i think you can use a beer reg on an aquarium but not the other way around or you would have a pour pressure of 7000 kpa :blink: :lol: (i may have known someone who may have tried this alledgedly :ph34r:
  5. M

    Recipe Wanted

    could i sub the biscuit for caramalt and the heritage for light crystal? bugger still no styrians, maybe all ekg?
  6. M

    Keg King Regulator Issue

    looks like a tapered fitting inside like a flare so it should seal ok, 45kg gas bottles don't use seals either. mix up some detergent and spray around the fitting when pressurized to put your mind at rest. :icon_cheers:
  7. M

    Recipe Wanted

    sounds like a good start for me , what ibu did it work out at?
  8. M

    Recipe Wanted

    thanks guys, gettin close but only have notto, us05 or s189 in fridge and no biscuit malt. no nelson sav, but i do have some moteuka ?
  9. M

    Recipe Wanted

    i was convinced it was infected but my mate insisted it was ok but strong tasting quote"not one of your best" unquote. to me it was like an over brewed cup of tea. i keep staring at this pack of ekg hops in the freezer and keep saying maybe next time... the willamette hops were from the us so...
  10. M

    Recipe Wanted

    i've been looking for a recipe that utilizes ek goldings hops, i have not been brave enough to give them a go as my palate swings toward apa's. tried a recipe with willamette and found it to not be very smooth at all, have 1/2 a kilo in the fridge to give away (pickup only), dr smurtos recipes...
  11. M

    Subtle Dry Hopping

    thanks for all the replies, think i might try a flameout in my next one, it's definately aroma thats missing. i don't cube usually, i just fast chill then whack in the fridge in the fv and wait for the temp to drop for yeast addition. does anyone dry hop with hop flowers like the kind ross sells?
  12. M

    Subtle Dry Hopping

    workin on a top secret :rolleyes: recipe atm and think i've cracked it but just need to get a bit more hop aroma, 1gm p/lt makes it too overpowering but on the other end of the scale 1/2gm / lt just gives a dry mouth feel, any suggestions? (kegging not bottling) original recipe has 30 and 10 min...
  13. M

    Using Willow 'jerrys' As Fermenters

    using round fv's i can fit 2 in the fridge but using rectangular jerries i can fit 6 although i would never admit or try using that many :D , only prob i have is dry hopping so i just make hop tea to solve this
  14. M

    Don't Brew Pi$$ed

    nothin like a few brews for inspiration, some of my best brews were done half cut, just wish i'd remember to write down the mistakes instead of trying to repeat it unsuccessfully on future brew days, gotta agree with kev though, once the first hop addition is added it's way safer to over...
  15. M

    Anyone Know What Starsan Tastes Like

    could be nappysan causing the flavour? are you pressurizing your keg when you put starsan in it? the dip tube holds a far bit of nappy san and i always depress the outlet post to drop any nappysan from the dip tube after the keg is empty, i then place a litre of starsan, seal and pressurize then...
  16. M


    hi mark, i originally bought this from you, been mostly a great success, my main concern is the humidity up here last summer was extreme, i probably should invest in an air tight container, just wondering whether my chill haze is a direct result of poor storage or keeping it too long?
  17. M


    thanks bribie, it's cheap enough to buy but would be nice to know if it needs chucking out :unsure:
  18. M


    hi nick, just keeping it in the ziplock bag and sqeezing out the air but it can be a mongrel to get it to seal, seems dry enough, but noticed less cornflaking when adding to the kettle and the chill haze has returned. usually clears up after 2 weeks but so does the volume of beer in the keg...
  19. M


    i'm a big fan of using brewbrite in the kettle but have noticed it does lose it's effectiveness after a few months, mine is about 6 months old i think. chill haze is back bigger than ever and no cornflake effect in the kettle. has anyone else noticed this? is there an expiry date for using it...
  20. M

    Flavours Not Matching The Style.

    if your not after the roasty dry flavour, cut down the choc and sub with some carafar t2 or t3, this worked on a similar project of mine :icon_cheers: