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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Swinging Beef

    Porter Recipe Help

    Are you thinking brownish porter or blackish (stout) porter? Either way, you dont need to worry about hops. Hop character is very low in both styles. All up front, just for the IBU. If you are making a brown porter you need brown malt and you need a dark crystal, otherwise you end up with a...
  2. Swinging Beef

    Beginners Wheat

    If drinking my brews, other people's home brews and many craft brewers wheat beers has taught me anything, is that they MUST be the hardest beer style to get right, because so many of them fall short of expectations. Hoegaarden Shoefferhoffer Schniederweiss Titje Franziskaaner Redback If it...
  3. Swinging Beef

    Cheap Post Mix Kegs On Graysonline

    Hmm.. at $349, they are less of a bargain.
  4. Swinging Beef

    My Neighbour Has Chickens

    Well, suffice to say.. he didnt need to 'feed the chooks' :D :rolleyes:
  5. Swinging Beef

    Two Year Old Beer Finally Comes Good.

    About 2 years ago, I started toying with the wild Brett from the bottom of Orval bottles and brewed a mighty sour tripple. Sadly, the brett got into everything and EVERY beer started off good then ended up sour after about 6 weeks in the bottle. So.. I got all new gear, problem solved. But while...
  6. Swinging Beef

    Strong Belgian Dark

    Umm... in my experience wooden spoons float on water, regardless of the density of the wort. :rolleyes: I asked about the sugar additions, and yeast starter, because you can drastically improve attenuation, by creating a lower SG initial wort and progressively adding sugars thru the ferment...
  7. Swinging Beef

    Strong Belgian Dark

    My guess is that it is not finished. That is one massive beer. Your starter would have needed to be about 5-7 litres! Did you add any of the malt and sugars progressively during the ferment, or all in the boil?
  8. Swinging Beef

    Can You Convert Pin Lock Kegs To Ball Lock?

    on the conry kegs Is it just a case of replacing the in and out? Are the parts available?
  9. Swinging Beef

    New Craft Brewery In Newtown, Nsw

    No.. i used to work on stage, there. New joint is off the main street.. near the ex-silo's, er, Silo Ted
  10. Swinging Beef

    New Craft Brewery In Newtown, Nsw

    Nope, thats why Im wondering if anyone else had any news they wanted to share.
  11. Swinging Beef

    New Craft Brewery In Newtown, Nsw

    Feedback! I used to work there. The new brewery is going to be very close to Serpentine
  12. Swinging Beef

    New Craft Brewery In Newtown, Nsw

    Oh. Ok It goes into construction phase in one month. It will be near the enmore theatre It eventually will have 'cellar' door sales I'm excited. :)
  13. Swinging Beef

    New Craft Brewery In Newtown, Nsw

    Have I missed a thread about this?
  14. Swinging Beef

    How Does Yeast Variety Affect My Beer?

    Belgian brews are a world apart from using different yeasts. For many classic American, Australian or English beers, yeast character is less of an issue. You most definately should try other yeasts to see what you think. If liquid yeasts are impractical in your area, consider the Danstar...
  15. Swinging Beef

    About To Drop Some Cash On A Kegerator

    Some good reports, some bad reports... Hmm.... now what to do. :)
  16. Swinging Beef

    About To Drop Some Cash On A Kegerator

    But before I do, and so I dont have to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous "what you shoulda done"s... Please, everyone critique why I should or should not buy one of these from this bloke and have it delivered to my house.
  17. Swinging Beef

    English Barley Wine Then Partigyle Q's

    As a huge fan of the FUllers Range, I've experimented at home with Partigyle and 2'penny ale as well with reusing grists. Be very clear on what you hope to achieve. To do a partigyle propper, you need two boilers to heat your wort. This is important because you need to keep the sparge going...
  18. Swinging Beef

    Kit Brewers... Input

    I like the idea of multi skill level based "What Next?" on the instructions. eg: So.. you have done this kit a few times but would like to be more adventurous? Want more hop aroma? Want more body in your beer? Want to increase the ABV and still have it taste great?
  19. Swinging Beef

    Secondary To Early

    Im pretty sure that no bacteria you are likely to encounter in brewing thrive on alcohol. Some bacteria are more tolerant to alcohols than yeasts are, which means they will be more resiliant in the same alcohol rich environment than the yeast. Either way... 2nday is a good way to clear your...
  20. Swinging Beef

    Secondary To Early

    Easiest infection to get is Lacto or Brett crawling in from floating around the air near your brew gear, as it happily lives on unmilled grain. They will chew down on your previously 'fully fermented' beer like nobody's business. FGs of under 1.000 and that fabulous flavour of Orval in every...