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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Murcluf

    Wasabc - Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition 2011

    Congrats to Matt Stevens along way from home, but still brewing up a storm.... :beer:
  2. Murcluf

    All Grain To Serve To Mates

    Faux Octoberfest option 50% JW Pils 50% Munich 60 min Northern brewer for bittering 10 min Saaz 0 min Saaz IBU target 20-25 Aussie Ale option 85% JW Ale 10% Wheat 5 % Caramalt (percentage might be out as this is off the top of my head) 60 min POR 25 IBU
  3. Murcluf

    10min Ipa With D-saaz

    Had an interesting conversation with Amanda at BeerBelly regarding the seasonal changes/performance of Aussie and NZ High Alpha hops recently coupled with something I read from the states a few years ago regarding a so called 5 year lifespan of new vareity hops. Give me the impression that mat i...
  4. Murcluf

    10min Ipa With D-saaz

    Thanks for the feedback Phillip, I'll have to have a go with it soon.
  5. Murcluf

    Perplexed About Diaceytl In A Single Bottle

    Thanks for the encouragement Raven but I think 12.5 is too hard a target to strive for, and will leave that to you to try and achieve. It's would be a mighty feat to reach the dizzy heights of Grand Masterdom. :lol:
  6. Murcluf

    Perplexed About Diaceytl In A Single Bottle

    I suspected a Pediococccus infection in another batch of beer I had but that was in every bottle of that batch. I can trace that issue back to the smack pack I used. The IPA was a whole different lot including yeast. If i have an issue with Pediococcus in my equipment I might have to purges it...
  7. Murcluf

    Perplexed About Diaceytl In A Single Bottle

    Thanks fellas, I take what is said on board with the diacetyl coming from oxidation which I'm surprised to learn. Knowing the processes I used to bottle the beer was exaclty the same for each bottle I would expect that none or all should of been effected if you follow the oxidised therory not...
  8. Murcluf

    Perplexed About Diaceytl In A Single Bottle

    I have a perplexing question that has been doing my head in for the last few days. I brew an IPA which I kegged and had no issue with it, from that keg I CPF'd half a dozen bottles for comp and testers. The other day I opened the last 2 days first one fine just like the rest, the last bottle...
  9. Murcluf

    10min Ipa With D-saaz

    Hi Phillip, I've recently got myself some riwaka and am considering doing an IPA with them but have never used them before. So I assume by your comment you have done one before, could you give some feedback on what to expect from using all riwaka in a IPA particularly your experience using it in...
  10. Murcluf

    Kegging Gear For Sale

    Ok sweet, will wait to hear
  11. Murcluf

    Kegging Gear For Sale

    Hi Jester, I'm more then interested in the strange tap, as I have a couple of snaplock version of it and after parts. They a tap made in the UK for Fosters the plunger in them are plastic and you can't get replacements for them. The plunger is held in place with a tight fitting metal pin. if you...
  12. Murcluf

    Pro V Amateur - Who Has The Real Advantage?

    have to totally agree with Jayse on this one way too many variables to be able to make a strong case either way, but...... One thing I have noticed over the years with the people I've met through brewing, is the more hands on in the process of creating a beer, the more passionate and...
  13. Murcluf

    Pacman Yeast

    When I spoke to the Wyeast boys at ANHC last year I asked the same question and was told no, it was a one off. With the yeast being rouges proprietary yeast they were only able to contract a single release and because of that they couldn't release it again, or something like that. Eugene City...
  14. Murcluf

    Someone From Sabsosa?

    Not a SABSOSA member but paid this way last year(SABSOSA that is), I transfered the cash and wrote the reference number on the entry form, I think I also shot them an email confirming payment as well to cover myself. Also put your name and number of entries in the transfer information section...
  15. Murcluf

    Sabmiller Hostile Bid For Fosters

    Oh well, When Lion Nathan took over SA brewing I stop buying their products, and haven't suffered, so the same will go with Fosters products now too. That leaves me with Coopers and a multitude of local micros to choose from. Strangely enough I feel no lose as most of the beer I consume I make...
  16. Murcluf

    Wtf Are Tram Scrolls?

    Yeah got to love them and the aerosexuals too!
  17. Murcluf

    Pacman Yeast

    Currently trying to rebirth some Pacman yeast from a bottle of this, massive slurry on the bottom of the bottle. I assume the bottle had been pasturised but not enough to kill the lot of them, slow process bring back the survivors but it's slowly coming together.
  18. Murcluf

    Aabc And Subordinate State Competition Rules

    Just to a clarity to the arugment I've pulled and posted the explantion of the the D3 Amateur Brews rule from the Rules of the AABC Explanatory/Background Notes Rules of the AABC D3. Amateur Brews. The name of the competition is the Australian AMATEUR BREWING Championship. This indicates the...
  19. Murcluf

    German Brewing 1930

    Thanks that was great to watch :icon_cheers:
  20. Murcluf

    Who Is Drinking Tonight?!

    Feral Hop Hog + Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black