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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Murcluf

    Nice Bottles To Take Your Keg Beer Places

    Seen those bottles for a dollar or two at any cheap shop down here, without the crappy frog pee in them
  2. Murcluf

    Off Topic But A Great Ad...

    There in an anomaly in the Matrix you've started a thread with a link to a thread you started earlier today on the same topic. Which is a topic that has already been done several weeks a go, perhaps by yourself back then too..... and yes it is a good ad but not worth watching more then once. Cheers
  3. Murcluf

    Fridge Repairs Australian Listing

    Nationally: Door Seals based in good old South Australia, which isn't listed as a state of Australia, but I've come to expect that from convicts. Excellent quality made to measure, used them several times now, very happy with their product and good price too.
  4. Murcluf

    Danstar Windsor Wtf?

    WTF!!!!!! it's not an Apricot Wheat Beer by Halabet!!!!!!
  5. Murcluf

    Coopers 150th Anniversary Special Edition[s]

    You'd really hope they would do something along the lines of their Vintage considering how successful that has been as a limited release. Could you imagine a Coopers Barley Wine it could be the beginings of a "Penfolds Grange" of the beer world. We can only live in hope hey!
  6. Murcluf

    RecipeDB - Meerkat's Challenger ESB

    Apologies, the Challenger name comes out of the recipe development of this beer. I spent 3 to 5 years trying to develop a well balanced ESB that is easy drink and but still some uniqueness about it without taking anything away from the style. First public outing for this was the Adelaide Mash...
  7. Murcluf

    RecipeDB - Meerkat's Challenger ESB

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  8. Murcluf

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru

    I think refering to BJCP might not always be the smart thing to do as it has been highlighted numerous times that 60% of all commercial beer don't fit within the BJCP guideline. Since I'm throwing this one up I'd be following the brewers suggestions on this one, considering Strong Wit isn't a...
  9. Murcluf

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru

    Out of interest of this thread I just perused the Hoegaarden website and discovered all their beers are wheat beer, they don't make anything else. So I'd assume you would catagories their beers in the following wheats, farmhouse, low alcohol and specialties. I've always looked at Grand Cru's...
  10. Murcluf

    Wyeast Smack Pack - First Time Use - No Result So Far

    An under pitched lager yeast will normally take a while to produce krausen in most cases as it is a bottom fermenting yeast
  11. Murcluf

    Ginger Beer And Green Bottles

    AFAIK Green glass if fine for ginger beer, used to put mine in clear PET's without issue. Skunking is a hop and exposure light related issue.
  12. Murcluf

    The Beer Store

    Adelaide Bier Shop is in Adelaide, Beer Store is Victorian by the looks of the phone number on the website mind you they don't give a physical address, I wonder why????
  13. Murcluf

    Anhc 2010 Sample Bag Grain?

    Cool I've just used it as a wheat addition substitute should work out just perfect for what I want
  14. Murcluf

    Anhc 2010 Sample Bag Grain?

    Could someone remind me what the sample bag of grain was that we recieved at ANHC 2010. I think someone said it might be under modified something???????? Thought I'd use it in something as it has been lying around long enough.
  15. Murcluf

    Supply Of Beer Dispenser System And Kits

    Hey Wang! I think your webmaster is doing you a dis-service, the products page has me in sticthes :lol:
  16. Murcluf

    Brewdog Sink The Bismarck Ipa $199.99 Per Bottle Wtf

    So far I've done it with a Maibock and a FES, will no doubt I'll try it with other beers
  17. Murcluf

    Nats At Adelaide In Oct

    Either there was a lot of re-categorising in that section or typos in the results. My Eis Maibock is listed as a Strong Pale Lager, wont really know until we get the judging sheets back. Congrats to Organisers, Judges and Stewards etc, for putting on a great comp, it was fantastic.
  18. Murcluf

    Hatchy Had A James Squires

    Double GOLD!....... Best use of Microsoft Sam I've ever seen, and a lot better then my attempt to get him to read Brewing Science and Practice.
  19. Murcluf

    New Low Volume Craft Beer "aussie Cool"

    Clicked link, browser opened, read "Premium Lager" closed browser, I'd seen enough to form the opinion that I'm not interested.
  20. Murcluf

    Anyone Have Solar Panels On Their Roof?

    There was an article in the Adelaide Advertiser in the last week regarding the rebate, in a nutshell it said the to rebate is only payable to the original owner of that particular house who signed up. For example if you have panels on your house and you sell it, the new owners don't get the...