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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. zoigl

    Braumeister Stand 50L Design

    Here are some photos, I hope that they are self explanatory, I use a wing nut hose clamp on my BM tap, not shown. The original tap has served me well for about 10 years.
  2. zoigl

    Braumeister Stand 50L Design

    electric, I will try to attach photos
  3. zoigl

    Braumeister Stand 50L Design

    Hi Brew Matt I made up a ply wood box, one side cut out where I store my 15 amp cable, it is mounted on wheels to move out side while boiling. I have $100 hoist permanently mounted in the ceiling, from ebay to remove the malt pipe. The wood under the BM is hinged and I use a block to hold the...
  4. zoigl

    Rice Hulls - Central Coast NSW (Syd/New)

    I use about 100 gms for 50 litres when making a wheat beer. HOWEVER, try making a tea with rice hulls in a French coffee press. The aroma is disgusting, and I would not want this in any of my beers. I rinse my 100 gms in a 5 litre plastic jug with boiling water at least 3 times leaving the...
  5. zoigl

    CO2 leak in kegging system

    I regularly use food grade silicon grease on all my "O" rings, I found this helped prolong the useful life of them. Sometimes the beer or gas lines develop cracks very near the connections to the keg, these can be irritably hard to detect.
  6. zoigl

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Kegland spunding valves leaking, is there any quick fix without me wading through 164 pages?
  7. zoigl

    Open Fermentation

    I use a malt mechanics conical with the lid in place but not locked down, I never use air locks and rely on a blanket of CO2 generated through the fermentation process, I have been brewing like this for over 10 years and had no bad beers. I have won a number of blue ribbons at the Grafton show...
  8. zoigl

    Open Fermentation

    A picture I took in Brugges , Belgium last year, a glass floor looking down into an open fermenter. Also, it is common practice in the zoigl villages in Germany.
  9. zoigl

    2x 50L Braumeister V1 $3250 Melb

    I bought my BM50 in March 2010. It is still giving sterling service. I had a problem with my controller about 18 months ago, the pumps refused to work. But it was fixed, I sent the controller back to Germany. They are a great machine.
  10. zoigl

    Immersion chiller 14 meter Stainless Steel

    No worries, I use Sendle. They pick up from Maclean NSW and can deliver to your door. There is a small surcharge if you are not in a recognized urban area. Shipping price is reasonable. I will need to pack the chiller so that I can figure out the shipping for you. You can transfer $ to my bank...
  11. zoigl

    Immersion chiller 14 meter Stainless Steel

    Obviously I am asking too much, or there is not a need. Price drop, I am selling my original SS 14 meter immersion chiller with fittings, $95
  12. zoigl

    Reducing foaming during heat

    I guess that, as I do not drink from my keg everyday, my star san process allows me more time between total cleaning of my lines and taps.
  13. zoigl

    Reducing foaming during heat

    After I finish my last glass for the night, I blow out my beer line with star san ( or local equivalent) dispensed from a 9 litre keg connected to a soda stream bottle. Next time I pour a glass from my tower, I collect the star san to chuck out, and this seems to help bring my lines down to...
  14. zoigl

    Immersion chiller 14 meter Stainless Steel

    I worked out that I only need 1 chiller and a pump. I have a small wheely bin full of ice and water, I just pump this through my chiller in my BM50 , it works really well. BUT, I do not need 2 chillers.
  15. zoigl

    Immersion chiller 14 meter Stainless Steel

    In one of those light bulb moments I bought a second immersion chiller with the idea of recycling my chilling water through a small wheeley bin full of ice. It didn't work! I fitted I/2 inch camlock male fittings which will not leak. While these are easily removed, I will leave them attached. I...
  16. zoigl

    9 Litre kegs x 3 Italian

    Sold. thanks for the interest.
  17. zoigl

    9 Litre kegs x 3 Italian

    Hi Elmar, you will be 3rd in line as I have a buyer. I am looking into the shipping costs now, should the deal fall through, I will contact you, Best Wishes Lindsay
  18. zoigl

    9 Litre kegs x 3 Italian

    SPOT ON! post code is 2460 one of about 18 post offices with the same number, only in NSW?? Maclean is close but we usually shop in Grafton
  19. zoigl

    9 Litre kegs x 3 Italian

    I have 3 Italian 9 litre kegs no longer required. Used for soda water for 5 years. Standard ball lock fittings, no dents or dings. Ready to use. Looking for $80 each or a deal for all 3 Postage or shipping by Sendle (Door to Door) can be arranged.