I have a few that make my brewing a whole lot easier:
Cheapo ebay refractometer and pipette makes taking readings simple and quick
Electrical timer and stc-1000 to preheat strike water shortens brewday a whole lot
Stc-1000 on the fridge is also awesome for getting proper consistant fermentation...
Havent bought from this place but noticed they are in Perth and have a few ss bits and pieces when I was looking (havent bought from them though so no idea on quality)
Edit: Looks a whole lot cheaper from the USA
I use baking paper under the pizza (I have one of those little electric pizza cookers, not as nice as wood fired but a hell of a lot easier)
I usualy pull it out from under the pizza after it crusts up a little
Recently I started purposely pouring my porter with the perlick half closed to froth the crap out of it, seems to make it taste a fair bit smoother than when I pour normally (perhaps just too much carbonation for the style giving a bit of bite to it at my normal serving pressure)
Dragging up an oldish topic. Decided I finally need to replace the tap on the urn but am unsure where is there best place to get a 1/2" SS 3 piece ball valve? (Looks like craftbrewer is out of stock)
Ordered a dodgey ebay ph meter for $10.75 delivered.. figured if its a pile of **** at least I'm only out $10.75 (have been happy with dodgey ebay refractometer)..
Just for future reference you need to push the bit of black plastic flush up against the fitting before pulling the hose out (also if the hose isn't cut straight it may not seal properly.
What brand is the regulator? I would try calling whoever makes it first to see if they have a barb fitting...
I would get another hydrometer.
Refractometers do not read fermenting wort correctly (Alcohol throws off the reading).
You can use some calculations to correct this but I would suggest using a hydrometer to verify what you calculate is actually correct.
Assuming I cant be stuffed with multiple vessels.. would I see any noticable gain in clarity (or reduction in trub) by recirculating through the biab bag in an urn?
E.g. drain wort out the urn tap and pour over the top of the grain in the bag?
I seem to remember reading this would have...
I'm probably missing something obvious here.. but couldnt you recirculate in the same way with your mash tun?
I dont see what pouring your grains from the mash tun into another vessel with a bag in it accomplishes except making more to clean up? (I am possibly just confused by the process)...
I went with a 40L exposed element Birko, have put through 15 brews so far, only thing I want to change at the moment is put a ball valve in so I can get the silicoln hose on and off easier.
I think its cool if something unexpected happens while brewing to work it into the beers name.
E.G. Plastic clothes peg fell into my mash tun, couldnt find it to get it back out = Clothes Peg Porter.
Problem is if a something doesnt fall into my brew im hopeless at coming up with anything...
Have no idea about that, looked kinda weird to me also (was like that when we got the house).
I redid the tape a bit thicker and it seems to be holding for now, will just keep a bit of an eye on it I guess untill I get a chance to find the products suggested.
Scored a free water filter and faucet which I plan to use for my brewing water but am having problems hooking it up.
Spent a while today at bunnings trying to find a number of fitting to get what I had connected to the tap the dishwasher was hooked up to.
Ended up with 20mm t piece, 20mm to 15mm...