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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. The Village Idiot

    Nelson Sauvin hops anyone ever used them?

    Used in a Pale, bittered with Magnum then Nelson 15g @10 min and 20g @ flame out.(no chill) Brewmate says it was 38 IBU but didn't seem that high ...... lovely
  2. The Village Idiot

    Switching an SSR

    Sweet. Didn't think they need much.
  3. The Village Idiot

    Switching an SSR

    I have a 25amp SSR and wondered how much current/amps??? are required to activate it? DC in switching 240AC Will this work? Link The reason I ask is I bought a 5 amp STC1000 instead of 10 amp or even 30 amp(********) and thought that I could use it to switch an SSR via a transformer so if(read...
  4. The Village Idiot

    Willow Bin Mash Tun

    Considered that Kev, just thought a few extra litres of capacity would be better.... can get the same bin in 50L
  5. The Village Idiot

    Willow Bin Mash Tun

    Why no good for MT?
  6. The Village Idiot

    Willow Bin Mash Tun

    The bin or the blue one?
  7. The Village Idiot

    Willow Bin Mash Tun

    Could one of these Link be used as a MT or even a HLT? Is Polypropylene food safe? Just a thought.
  8. The Village Idiot

    All-Grain Mash Confusion/Help!

    Not wanting to state the obvious but .... don't boil the grain!! Surely somebody in your area can give you a hand/or demo. Download Brewmate, Its free
  9. The Village Idiot

    First AG - low efficiency

    This mob have very good prices for pots.... link
  10. The Village Idiot

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    All done, now the clean up. American Amber/Pale 87% Low Color Maris 3.8% Caramunich 11 3.8% Wheat 1.9% Dark Crystal Magnum 15g @ 60 min Cascade 10g @ 10 min Nelson Sav 10g @ 10 min Nelson Sav 20g @ 0 min 40.4 IBU No chilled.
  11. The Village Idiot

    Ill informed fear mongering

    And she drinks wine .... :huh:
  12. The Village Idiot

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Not sure where this fits as far as styles go but Altbier is close. Smells very nice. Stalag 13 Aussie Altbier Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 24.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.150 Total Hops (g): 50.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.046 (°P): 11.4 Final Gravity...
  13. The Village Idiot

    First AG Brew, Bosco IPA - BIAB

    Download Brewmate link The crystal adds sweetness.
  14. The Village Idiot

    Woolies Seafood/Beer deal.

    Haven't seen this mentioned on the forum, may have missed it?? Buy any Seafood from Woolies and get a six pack of One Fifty Lashes for $10 from BWS. SWMBO bought 2 prawns for 73 cents and got a six pack for $10..... she was very pleased with herself. A reasonable deal if you like OFL?
  15. The Village Idiot

    Green or Grey

    That was what I thought, thanks spOrk.
  16. The Village Idiot

    Green or Grey

    There seems to be two types of what appears to be the "same" pump(maybe) Green or Grey?? or...