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  1. L

    "Sharp" tasting beer, but only in some bottles?

    I made a bo plis and I had the same problem, I had guessed it was Acetaldehyde, although why there would be more in some bottles than others i have no idea. I put it down to acetaldehyde due to descriptions I have read about the taste and the fact that it appears to be improving with age...
  2. L

    Bad advice, yes? No?

    Back in my kit and kilo days I used to go to a home brew shop near the vic markets who shall remain nameless (subtle) and they had run out of safale so told me to use the wit bier yeast because it was basically the same thing. The beer tasted even worse than I had expected and so I went down to...
  3. L

    Pilsner - Question about racking

    r? what r? Also I'm not saying you cant re-use the yeast cake, just the yeast from the primary fermentation might be a better bet. Good point about the oxidation though, another good reason not to rack to a secondary.
  4. L

    Pilsner - Question about racking

    I wouldn't be racking at all, for ales or lager's. I recently did a pils and racked to a secondary after two weeks and it had a real green apple taste, it was suggested to me this may be because i took it off the yeast too early so when i did my next brew a dunkel i left it on the yeast for 6...
  5. L

    How many folks still read brewing Mag's?

    i got a 2 year subscription to Beer and Brewer, because it came with a free slab. When the slab turned out to be dry dock (bloody funny choice for a audience that enjoys good beer) I decided not to renew when the subscription expired. Having said that I do enjoy reading it, just probably out...
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    Bulk Priming before Largering

    Righto Just in case some one is reading this old post and wondering what happened to my plan here is how it went... acetaldehyde!! Yep, heaps of it. Now that it has been bottled for about two months its starting to fade. Apart from that though it worked a treat, bottles are all evenly...
  7. L

    200 litre Braumeister

    I think grain and grape use one to make their fresh wort kits, i can attest to the fact that they turn out alright.
  8. L

    3V build help reqd

    I wouldn't bother with a thermometer on the kettle, if its boiling its at 100 C and if its not boiling then its not hot enough.
  9. L

    Melbourne: Grain Bulk Buy September 2013

    1. syl - 2 x JW Ale, 1 x MO, 1 x JW Pilsner, 1 x Vienna, 1 x Munich 2. breakbeer - 2 x JW Ale, 1 x JW Pilsner (possibly more TBA) 3. Lecterfan - 1 x Simps GP, 1 x JW Trad, 1 x JW Pils, 1x Bestmalz munich 4. professional_drunk - 1x jw light munich(split with syl), 1x jw chocolate (lfs x2) 5...
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    Looking For a Bottle Capper to Borrow/Buy (Melb.)

    I obviously haven't made one at all, because they all taste foul. Re the bottle capper, I have a spare one (pretty sure it works) that you can have if you want, I'm in Ascot Vale. Tomorrow the 20th of August I'm taking the day off and doing a brew so you can swing around during the day to...
  11. L

    Vittorio and the kegerator.

    Good man Djar and good man Vittorio
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    Fair enough, but you were the beneficiary of some pretty rough behavior. I'd be giving him a few bottles of your finest to go with that $100. That's my 2c anyway.
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    I'm with scon and batz, pretty poor form. Djar, I'd be giving this kegerator a good once over once you get it home. It's sure to have a few rancid prawns hidden in it somewhere.
  14. L

    2 tap kegerator and 400lt vessel for sale

    I'd have kept it as well if I had read 20 odd posts telling me I was selling it too cheap
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    Bulk Priming before Largering

    Well if not then I may be in the market for some cheap hops to recoup my losses
  16. L

    Bulk Priming before Largering

    Well I spose it's good news that I can leave it on the yeast cake, for future brews, this yeast cake is already history. So given I have already put my crazy plan into action it sounds like my biggest issue is acetaldehyde. I understand from a podcast I listened to on the brewing network that...
  17. L

    Bulk Priming before Largering

    So there seems to be a little confusion about what I'm trying to achieve. This confusion could well be mine. I have fermented at 10 c, after 2 weeks I racked off to avoid having the beer sit on the yeast cake for a month. I understand this is desirable. At this point I add the priming sugar...
  18. L

    Bulk Priming before Largering

    So i need to rack it off the yeast cake anyway so the keg wont add any extra steps. As far as the yeast eating the sugar i would be surprised if they would get very far at 1 C. I appreciate there is a big difference between ale and lager yeast but my golden ale wont carbonate in the laundry...
  19. L

    Reusing lager yeast

    The advice I've received is that you really should be washing your yeast, especially as it sounds like your lagering it on top of the yeast cake. Two brews worth of Trub may give you some off flavours in the doppelbock