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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Wok Stand

    I found a perfect stand for this that was supplied with our NEC microwave. Exactly like a cake stand/wok stand. Gave it a crack last weekend with excellent results.
  2. M

    Grain Mills

    get it fabricated
  3. M

    Grain Mills

    I must admit I do enjoy the grain crush side of things. Only takes a few minutes but the aroma of the freshly cracked grain heralds the start of the brew day. it 5 o'clock yet? D'oh! Even have to squeeze 8 hours work in today between now and then
  4. M

    My First All-extract Attempt

    Butters, just to confirm, I boiled full volume water and hops, therefore required the no chill overnight. If however you do 5-7 litres, you indeed are correct that adding 15 litres of cold will get you your starting temp. There seems to be conjecture over whether to add some malt to the water...
  5. M

    My First All-extract Attempt

    Bribie, I went with morgans or coopers unhopped LDME brews for many years and never boiled the extract with the hops. I just chucked it in with 5 minutes to go and got it back to boil to sanitize, then finished and no chilled the wort overnight. I put the steeped grain in just before adding...
  6. M

    Grain Mills

    OK, so my power drill did not have the guts or low speed gearing to turn the monster mill and I didnt want to get a new drill, electric motor etc. That said I hand cranked 5kg of grain last weekend in less than 5 minutes. I just had to show you my new piece of bling for the brewshed. Took a...
  7. M

    Biab Brewer Register

    After K & King for the past 15 years, I gave BIAB a crack last weekend for the first time. Got myself set up over the past couple of months with new monster mill with flash aluminium hopper and crank handle, SS pot, voile bag made by wifey, italian spiral burner and reg, fridge and fridgemate...
  8. M

    A Few Hops And Beer Pics...

    Great to see the POR rhizome I sent you cracking along nicely. I only sent it 5 weeks ago!!! Gotta love that warm soil. Once it hits its straps your neighbours will complain as they will have lost their view.
  9. M

    Yet Another Coolroom Is Born

    Someone always takes it that step further to give us more ideas on how to get a quick ride towards divorce.
  10. M

    Any One Have An Idea What It Is

    They also mix fire fighting foam into water on the back of a bushfire fighting truck. A "venturi" type effect I believe.
  11. M

    Rhizomes For Sale

    $25 including postage to NSW. $5 extra elsewhere for postage.
  12. M

    Rhizomes For Sale

    Dear all, I still have a few pride of ringwood and chinook rhizomes for sale. PM me if you are interested. It will be too late in the next week or so given that they are about to sprout and it will be time to get them in the ground. Gil.
  13. M

    Grain Mills

    Just got my monster mill delivered from the US in just over a week and for just over $200 AUS. With the dollar the way it is and the quality and size of the stainless steel mill, its worth a look at. This price was mill only, now the fun part begins, cranking her up on power.
  14. M

    Going Ag To Extract - Is It This Simple?

    Just boil your water and hops for the allotted bittering time, then add extract with 5-10 minutes to go. You can tick a checkbox in beersmith and it will adjust AAU, color etc accordingly. I find boiling extract for an hour gives you a much darker colour through caramelisation etc. and you use...
  15. M

    Tettnanger Rhizomes For Sale

    Im only a hack brewer, not a conniesseur, I havent tried it out to see if there is a difference but will gladly do some research. I'll let you know.
  16. M

    Mash Hopping Question

    you are a cranky man duff...move on!
  17. M

    Tettnanger Rhizomes For Sale

    Duff clearly has some point to prove here. Come up with it straight mate! What do you know about tettnanger that us mere mortals dont? To be honest to potential customers I dont run a business and havent looked into it with such detail as you obviously have (lowtech). I just grow them and...
  18. M

    Tettnanger Rhizomes For Sale

    I bought them off Stewart Ferguson from Tasmania 4 years ago as Tettnanger, take them or leave them.
  19. M

    Tettnanger Rhizomes For Sale

    Home grown hop lovers, I have had a dig around my hop garden late this arvo and have discovered a few rhizomes that are big enough to pass on to keen customers. It appears that there may be a demand for them in this apparent time of shortage. If you are interested drop me a PM and I'll work...
  20. M

    How Do You Cope?

    Tell em you make beer, not home brew!