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  1. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    Thats my favourite part of filtering. The beer will be good from the get go, and moving it around wont make it trubby again.
  2. jbowers

    Whats In The Glass

    Got one on tap atm - beautiful beer. Not quite that clear though, chill haze I think. Did you filter?
  3. jbowers

    James Squire Golden Ale

    No idea where you got the idea to hop like that. Never heard of anyone doing that before. I doubt it will impact your beer negatively - I usually just pour the lot in my fermenter and let it settle down to the bottom - nothing bad is happening because of it. In future, if you bother to strain...
  4. jbowers

    Forgot The Sugar

    It'll be fine mate. Would have been fine without the sugar, will still be fine with the sugar.
  5. jbowers

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Interesting! I really liked this years when it was just released.
  6. jbowers

    Filter Cleaning

    Thanks for the info thirstyboy. I really should buy some PBW in larger quantities - it works so well around the brewery. Will try backflushing and pressurised spraying. If that doesnt work I suppose I'm in the market for a new filter cartridge? I don't like the looks of little clumps of stuff in...
  7. jbowers

    Filter Cleaning

    That sounds good, will do something similar in future. Does your cartridge have any stuff in it though?
  8. jbowers

    Filter Cleaning

    Hey, So filtering was a great success. Had instantly drinkable beer and almost no wastage to trub etc. Worth the extra half hour of cleaning stuff etc for sure. I've followed advice given here about cleaning it and soaked it in napisan for a couple of days - doesn't seem to have helped. Most...
  9. jbowers

    What Are You Brewing III

    Based on a recipe linked to me on this forum. Belgian Single Belgian Specialty Ale Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 26.5 Total Grain (kg): 3.760 Total Hops (g): 82.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.036 (P): 9.0 Final Gravity (FG): 1.008 (P): 2.1...
  10. jbowers

    Don't Like Lagers, What's Wrong With Me?

    Mate, disagree totally about the volume thing. As it's getting warmer I'm starting to really prefer drinking more, lower alcohol beer. Also, that's not really a fair equation. 2 pints of 6 percent beer should be the same as 3 pints of 4 percent beer.... not 5-6.... That's a silly method of...
  11. jbowers

    RecipeDB - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale

    Loving this beer. Did it at 33ish IBU with the exact hopping regime suggested by Ross (I no chill so I did some hopping post cubing with a small boil). Found it to be a little lacking in terms of aroma and flavour so I popped 30g in the keg. After 3 days it's a cracker. Overall, loving this beer...
  12. jbowers

    Iron House Brewery Lager

    I found both the lager and the pale to be quite sour on the back of the palate. Alright in the pale with the citrusy hops but not great in the lager.
  13. jbowers

    Ipa Recipe.

    I dont think many people do that when no chilling. 40 minutes sitting there in the kettle all up seems like ages to me... anyone else? I just turn gas off, put hops in cube, then whirlpool. Once it stops spinning I siphon into the cube. No idea what everyone else does, but it worked for me. I...
  14. jbowers

    Ipa Recipe.

    Yeah, seriously. I calc'd my 10 minute IPA at 60 IBU and it's less bitter (apparent bitternes, maybe not technical IBU) than feral hop hog which is at 48 ibu I believe. If you are going for that vibe, just throw them all in the cube and calculate that as a 10 minute addition. It makes a VERY...
  15. jbowers

    Ipa Recipe.

    I reckon in those quantities late, those hops and malt will be fine. Up it to 50 IBU though and don't calc anything to do with no chill as a 5 minute addition, it just wont be.
  16. jbowers

    2l Swing Top Bottles.

    The Old Rosie scrumpy is a pretty nice drop though, and pretty dangerous at 7.3% buy it!
  17. jbowers

    Ipa Recipe.

    Generally people calc cube additions as 10 minute additions. Maybe try tea hopping or Argon's no chill hopping method if you want ultra late hop character. I reckon cube hopping plus dry hopping might work very well though. Edit: YMMV
  18. jbowers

    Ipa Recipe.

    How will you do 5 minute additions with no chill?
  19. jbowers

    What Is Everyone Brewing For Christmas?

    Not really for christmas but will most likely be sipping on a Belgian Single, smurtos landlord, an APA or two and probably a mediocre black ipa that hasn't blown yet...
  20. jbowers

    Oh God, What Have I Done?!

    So I'm just knocking off from work, cracked open a Sierra Nevada Celebration we just got in. I know for a fact that this is no more than one and a half months old, so that isn't the problem, and I believe they get shipped refrigerated. I had this a year or two ago and thought it was super...