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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jbowers

    Lhbs: "dont Go On The Internet"

    Yeah, also not in to that guy... A good attitude towards customer service is essential in retail. The rest of the staff there are tops though!
  2. jbowers

    Free Beer... (oxidised)

    Hey, I got left with a 6er of *a certain brand of beer* that was replaced to to oxidation issues. It's not a great beer when oxidised, so that's not what I'm offering here. Having never really identified oxidation in a beer before, I now know for certain what it tastes like. In a clean beer...
  3. jbowers

    Keg Cleaning

    I leave my keg sitting next to my keg fridge once empty until I need it. I've found leaving it sealed, under pressure, means that it doesn't get funky in there at all so cleaning is a breeze. Generally rinse 2-3 times with a half bucket of hot water (throw some sodium percarb in there if there...
  4. jbowers

    Whats Your Cost Of Hb Per Stubbie?

    At my previous costs, a batch of say, Ross' NS Summer Ale would cost about 60c a stubby. I'll be using Grain and Grape's 'Grain Book' from now on and should save a few dollars per batch from that. In contrast, my American IPA that I've just brewed costs around $1 per stubby, maybe a little more...
  5. jbowers

    Cleaning S/s Element

    Hey all, Yesterday I did my first batch with my new Craftbrewer 2200w element. Loved the improved boil over the stovetop burner I was using. However, it finished up looking kind of cruddy - a lot of black/burned gunk on the element that doesn't want to come off easily with a scrubber. I was...
  6. jbowers

    Dark Saison

    I would definitely be adding more sugar. Probably some dextrose. You want a Saison to finish low, as far as I can tell. What yeast are you pitching it on to?
  7. jbowers

    Fourex Summer Cloudy Ginger Beer

    They don't call a perry a perry? I was under the impression that most of the 'pear ciders' sold here would not be classed as perry by CAMRA as they are not made using traditional perry pears. Rather, they mostly use pear concentrate or other types of pear.
  8. jbowers

    RecipeDB - Little Fella's Pale Ale

    I'd wait for the us-05, or order some. Nottingham will work, but it won't taste the same. It is relatively clean for an English yeast, which is why I say it will 'work'.
  9. jbowers

    Aipa Recipe Review

    That recipe looks great. I'd replace the Nelson with Citra or another American hop, personally. I'm sure it will turn out really well, though. If you want a little more aroma, don't be afraid to dry hop a little. If you have enough, maybe use only magnum for bittering, and save the centennial...
  10. jbowers

    Delaying Bottling - How Long Is Safe

    If you leave the beer on it's yeast cake for a long time, say longer than 3-4 weeks, at fermentation temperature then autolysis will start to occur. Anywhere up to about 3 weeks in the primary, though, is good for the beer.
  11. jbowers

    Full Size Stovetop Biab

    It's more of a pillowcase type shape. I've just bought an element anyway, would like to be able to do it outside so mess isn't a problem. I'd hate to think how hard (and dangerous) it'd be to lift a IIPA's worth of grain out of a kettle at chest height....
  12. jbowers

    What Has Been Your Longest Run Of Afd's

    I usually have a day with nothing once a week or so, more to do with my schedule rather than actually intending to do so. Rarely more than 2 days at a time unless I'm sick. I'm pretty young, don't binge too often and generally have good energy levels and feel pretty healthy. I figure I'd best...
  13. jbowers

    Rusty Brewer: Authentic Real Ale From Scratch?!

    Best of luck man. The TTL is all about that yorky yeast, but im sure s04 with some added brown sugar will be a good beer. Do try the original though with the 1469, its unreal.
  14. jbowers

    Rusty Brewer: Authentic Real Ale From Scratch?!

    +1 for Smurtos Landlord. Mine was a cracker, and I barely know anything about brewing. Grain and Grape should have all the ingredients you need for it. Maybe call up before and see if they can put the 1469 yeast aside for you?
  15. jbowers

    Honey Taste

    What was the specific gravity at the end of fermentation? And also prior to fermentation? I have tasted a beer made with this kit, and it is not particularly bitter. If there is some residual sugar in the beer, that will swing it towards the sweeter side. Honey is a quire specific kind of...
  16. jbowers

    Bjcp 2012

    Hey all, Was just wondering if anyone knew of when the next VIC BJCP course would be running? Would be very keen to have a crack at going to one. Cheers, James
  17. jbowers

    Bear Republic And Green Flash Available In Australia

    Racer 5 is still my favourite ipa. Wcipa is an absolute palate wrecker when fresh!
  18. jbowers

    Bear Republic And Green Flash Available In Australia

    Just thought I'd spread the word that these two great West Coast breweries have just arrived in Aus bottle shops. Stunning examples of the styles they make, and a really good way for aussie brewers to taste how a true 'west coast' example of the IPA style should be balanced. I'm in VIC, and I...
  19. jbowers

    Hot Weather Yeast

    Wyeast 3724. Make a saison. Look up the recipe for Tony's saison, it seems to be very popular...