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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. normell

    How Bigs Ya Gut?

    Mines pretty big, but I like to fang a bit too. Never seen a fat alcoholic yet tho :P
  2. normell

    Mix And Bottle Recipes

    Me being the laziest of lazy brewers, my favorite & easiest are any of the ESB fresh wort packs. Yeah they cost a bit more than your K&K's, but to get a constantly good AG like beer, I'm hooked Will NEVER go back to any sort of cans of goo again Normell
  3. normell

    Beerfiltering Experiment

    But wouldn't the march pump push the beer with too much pressure for the cartridge
  4. normell

    Beerfiltering Experiment

    Good idea Batz :super: I've got a 45l keg that I use for my filtering, and while it works really good, it's a PITA lugging the gas bottle around, would like to be able to "pump" straight from the fermenter. Tried the gravity feed trick once, but took over 2 hours :blink: so, yeah c'mon Ross...
  5. normell

    Where's The "were Hopping Mad" Gone

    Is this where the " Were hopping mad " has gone We hope you come down and visit us at The Australian Beer Club stand at the Good Food & Wine Shows this year. You will be able to sample some of the great boutique beers in our range, find out about our new wine offerings and take advantage of...
  6. normell

    Starting Up A Pub In The Dandenongs (vic)

    Chuck maybe available
  7. normell

    Plastic Conical Fermenters

    It's obvious you didn't read, only looked at the word wrote down then
  8. normell

    Plastic Conical Fermenters

    In the words of Max Smart, "missed by that much "
  9. normell

    Plastic Conical Fermenters

    Hey Arthur, try here or here
  10. normell

    Home Brew Shops

    I think that we all in time find our favorite HBS. I have on in my town, not really very good, another one in Bendigo, where I work, not much better, but I prefer to do a 260k round trip, to G&G, where I can all I need, including good advice from all that work there. They have all that I need in...
  11. normell

    1st & Last Dry Hop Attempt

    Yep, will give this a try if, or should I say when this happens. Thanks guys, I knew you would come thru with answers. This site is the best, if I was about 20-30 years younger, I'd say it "rocks" Anybody wanna help with designs for my kitchen upgrade :P
  12. normell

    1st & Last Dry Hop Attempt

    Sorry MJE1980, but it don't suck, and thats gunna be the problem :blink:
  13. normell

    1st & Last Dry Hop Attempt

    So Shonky, I take it that you break up the plug, put into the bag, then push it into the cube. Was thinking of doing the "hop tea" method, but was told to steer away from this. I had leaves/flowers floating top & bottom, every bloody where, hurry up Ross & get some of those filters into your...
  14. normell

    1st & Last Dry Hop Attempt

    Put a sazz plug into pilsner secondary cube about a week ago, when transferring to the keg today, all the hop leaves decided to go into the keg as well. Is this the normal thing to happen, if so I'll have a lot of hops to give away. Do you have to put the hops into a bag or something. (I use 1...
  15. normell

    70% Methytlated Spirits As A Disenfectant

    With the coldest yeast working in the +8-12*C range, why would you want to try to ferment at -4*C :blink:
  16. normell

    Ratebeers - 50 Worst Beers Of The World

    Also from same site BEST BEERS BREWED IN AUSTRALIA These are the best beers, as rated by RateBeerians everywhere, that are brewed by the brewers of this area. A beer has to have 5 or more ratings to be listed here. Name Brewer Ratings Score 1 Redoak Baltic Porter Redoak...
  17. normell

    Starting Up A Pub In The Dandenongs (vic)

    Agree with Bugwan, Andale for fitting out your cellar needs. So how far advanced are ya, permits, licences Etc can be a pain in the butt, will local council/government allow another pub in the area. Got the banks onside yet, thinking 1 to 1.5 mil for building & carpark, maybe another .5 mil for...
  18. normell

    Cleaning Fermenter Taps

    The thing about this thread is that after pulling apart a couple of times for cleaning, why not replace the complete tap, they are not expensive, better safe than sorry. Normell
  19. normell

    The "gulf Brewery"

    Never let the truth get in the way of a good story :super:
  20. normell

    Refractometer Problem?

    So are these meters any use to non AG brewers. My brewing is mostly ESB fresh wort packs now, with some extra hops added into secondary (thanks Ross), but an extra shiny bit of gear woundn't go astray, so come on Guy's, convince me that I need one :P