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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Mango Wheat Beer

    Thanks guys. Thats a good idea on the puree into glasses. Could always go back to normal beer if you get sick of the mango also.
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    Blanche Me

    Tried my kit brew i mentioned above today. I must say this is the best beer ive ever brewed so far. I will put it up to the fact that I haven't given my lager long enough to properly mature or simply that wheat beers are easier, either way I am a fan of all wheat beers so I couldn't really go...
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    Mango Wheat Beer

    Hi guys Truly addicted to brewing now! on 5th or 6th beer brew now and I was thinking of doing something a little different. While gathering some stuff for a small BIAB setup I thought I might try one more kit beer since it is familiar to me now. I was considering making a mango wheat beer. I...
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    Wow this yeast is weird! Seemed to pretty much stop at 1.030 so I gave it a swirl and it went nuts again (seemingly) but still chugging along slowly. Down to 1.020 3 days after swirling, probably just me only having used dry yeasts and doing fairly standard gravity beers. Must say this yeast...
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    Blanche Me

    I recently bottled a hoegaarden clone from brewcraft which included a blackrock whispering wheat can, 1kg dried wheat malt, corriander seeds and WB06 yeast (also added some orange and mandarin peel). It isn't a white beer though it is more like a golden hefe colour. Out of the primary it tasted...
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    Raspberry Cider

    Hey guys. Was going to ask if this recipe sounded good but I just went ahead and made a 4-5L batch in my demijohn (so handy) :D. I used ~4L Berri apple juice ~100 grams frozen raspberries (muddled into a puree) 5-10 raisins 150g honey EC-1118 yeast First I put the puree into some hot...
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    Will have to check out the 1214 for next time. Probably the best thing you could have said Nick... I put a blowoff tube made out of a siphon hose (i know its quite thin but all I have atm) into some star san overnight. This morning i woke up to foam JUST hitting the lid of the fermenter! So...
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    Good news! No exploding madman yeast running up the walls. In fact the krausen has not moved. I think ill make a blowoff just incase though anyway.. haha. The airlock is still bubbling like crazy though! Down from 1.066 to 1.040ish in 24 hours.
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    hahaha that video started some pretty bad thoughts in my head, cheers for that! Given me a chain of videos to stir me up all day. The ambient temp is around 20 degrees and the stick on said 21-22 but not sure how accurate they are so I guess it could be alot more inside. I actually like the...
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    Thats eases my mind a bit. Thanks for the quick responses too guys otherwise I would be stressing all day haha. Will see how it goes when i get home. Just glad i did some research before and put it in my 30L instead of my 23L..
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    Cheers Mikk Do you think it will just get into the airlock and not all over the floor? Only really worried about it spewing foam over the floor or is it quite a slow build up? Just wondering if i should rush home or try and duck home at lunch haha Good advice on the cooling, might have been...
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    Thanks Nick Ill have to ask my gf to check on it when she gets home. Until then... the madman has 6 hours to run wild... hopefully not on the carpet! (I do have a towel undeneath it though.)
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    Wyeast 3787 Worries

    Hey guys Just asking for some advice from people who have used wyeast 3787 before. Being new to brewing I did not create a starter for my 1.066 OG Belgian ale. Around 12 hours after pitching and reading alot on the yeast I realise that this yeast is a 'madman' as people have called it. The...
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    Leffe Blonde Clone - The Move To A Semi-decent Homebrew

    Cheers for the spreadsheet link! Extremely helpful for my second attempt :) . For this one i went for Muntons Blonde kit 1kg Dried Light Malt extract 1kg Dried Amber Malt extract 300g Dextrose 15 g Saaz Wyeast 3787 Seems to tick all the boxes in the spreadsheet :) Hits a nice OG of 1.066...
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    Nudie Cloudy Apple Cider

    This may be disgraceful for those out there who like to age ciders but I just had to have a taste last night (I drank out of the crappy dregs which i bottled anyway). I have to say it really is good.. for something that is so strong I am impressed. I couldn't just take my opinion though, since...
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    Nudie Cloudy Apple Cider

    Ill keep that in mind! I thought heating it would be better than SO2 but guess I was wrong and I didn't want to chance leaving it without any sort of sanitising. Either way, ill let you guys know how it goes for me since it seems like ive done things a little differently, for better or for...
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    A Really Hoppy Beer

    Kangaroo Sorry - had to be done :/
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    Nudie Cloudy Apple Cider

    Cheers Muggus, glad you mentioned it because I would probably have no idea where it came from if I had a funky character. Ill see how it goes, seems decent out of the primary. As for the SO2, I have never tried it and figured that heating would be the best way without putting chems in my...
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    Nudie Cloudy Apple Cider

    Thanks for the advice Dave I kept the apple juice with yeast and raisins at 70 degress for 20+ minutes as I heard boiling fruit (not sure about juice) is bad. I figured it would be enough to kill the bakers yeast too, next time I will either leave out the yeast or boil it separately to make...
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    Nudie Cloudy Apple Cider

    Hi Guys New to the forum so thought I would try and contribute something simple I have tried. I was in the shops and saw the Nudie apple cider was on special and thought, why not make a small batch of cider? Having used oztops before with berri apple juice and finding it semi decent, I went...