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  1. B

    Hoegaarden Brewcraft Kit Questions

    Personally I would not rack it at all. Get it bottled or kegged and enjoy it young while its still spicy and has lots of yeast character
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    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    I meant it was nelson only for the hops or at least mostly. I swear I read somewhere that it only uses ns hops. Really nice beer anyway ! Also keen for a recipe if someone knows one
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    Hoegaarden Brewcraft Kit Questions

    Having done this kit ill say it turned out really good, however drink it quick! because it will fade and become boring rather quickly. At least it did for me! Pretty sure at 1.008 itll be well and truly done, if i remember correctly mine was higher but no big deal. Def too dark though but its...
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    Toucan Coopers Stout/dark Ale

    If you are after a stout recipe this is one I did which turned out great. Certainly not lacking in body or head at all. Can of Coopers Irish Stout 500g Dried Dark Malt extract 500g Dried Light Malt extract 200-250g Chocolate malt 250g Maltodextrin 200g Milo 'Black-pac'...
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    I recently double pitched the S-189 strain just dry at 11 degrees and it fired within 12 hours or so. Im pretty sure you will be fine, but ill let others who are more experienced give you advice! I mainly didnt rehydrate due to laziness and also I worry about infections etc.
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    Fermenting In Garage

    I know what im going to be brewing this summer :D! Sounds awesome Will the saison still chugg on if it cools down at night? or only if its always around 30 degs
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    Lagering - What Would You Advise?

    Haha Wow okay. This was an answer I was sort of hoping for, mainly because of laziness but also because I bought a filter which may be of use.. finally So maybe I will crash chill and filter then keg and hold off for a few weeks if I can :P To be honest I trust your opinion Nick since you have...
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    Wanted - Fermenting Fridge (perth)

    Hi guys I am looking for a smallish fridge (hopefully fit in a car) which fits a standard fermenter. Willing to pay $50 or so as funds are a bit tight. Need some temp control and my keezer is getting thrashed at the moment :P. Anyone with one in the northern suburbs of perth let me know...
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    Lagering - What Would You Advise?

    Hi guys Been reading heapsss of threads and how to's on the internet. Some say lager in primary, some say dont. Some say you can but it will make the beer 'bready'. Basically I am making a pilsner at the moment and plan to lager it for at least a couple of weeks. I want to know what you guys...
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    Leffe Blonde - Lager Yeast?

    I used 3787 in my leff kit clone. Turned out quite well, benefits from a bit of aging though as its quite intense for the first month or two. Really nice and smooth now with heaps of yeast character still.
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    Modifying A Fwk Into A Belgian

    If you use 3787, I would use it on the low side maybe or something. After using 3787 it took a good month or two to mellow out. Was still very drinkable and if in a strong flavoured belgian would probably be nice still, but much better after aging.
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    My main worry is oxidation and infection, oxidation mostly. Wont putting it in a secondary after its finished mean there is no CO2 to protect from oxidation?
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Went all Saaz in the end. Upped the ibu to 35 and hit my OG dead on. After all the extra steps for extract I will be going stovetop biab soon as it doesn't seem like it will take any longer ! One question for you guys experienced in lagers. I am considering doing a d rest and then crash...
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    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    This beer made me get into stouts! Also inspired me to make one which turned out awesome :D
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    Leffe Blonde - Lager Yeast?

    I tried a kit version of a leffe with a lager yeast... and got a lager.. haha Personally i think the maltiness is actually too much sometimes more than the yeast character? so maybe just dial down the fermentables like black_labb said? Plus thats pretty much what gives leffe its signature...
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Cheers Nick and Mut. Will probably go the Saaz for this one :D
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Cheers mate Might just do that then, will need a cube sooner or later. How much are they at bunnings? Was going to go to k mart but if its cheaper ill grab from bunnings. Anyone know about the hop choice?
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    I have ordered all the stuff for this brew finally. Will be increasing the early hop additions to push for 30+IBU now after trying pilsner urquell and loving it. One question I had since I mostly see Hallertau and Saaz used together. Will the Saaz and Tettnang go well as late additions? or...
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    Have I Done Something Wrong?

    I think I have had the same issue with a hefeweizen, in trying to make it highly carbed I actually overcarbed it and while it poured with a huge head tasted very flat. You might need to try actually purging the keg by pulling the pressure release valve and then shaking and repeating now and...
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    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    Kooinda's black IPA is full nelson I think? I also tried a Mikkeller burger and bun LA lager (pretty sure its nelson) if you want something a little less than an IPA Neither were overdone by any means, two great beers. Internationalbeershop is where u want to go! in wembley. Thats where I got...