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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Noob Looking Into Kegging

    So i think instead of going for a kit ill buy it individually. *Having said that.. it seems it is only 10-20 dollars more to get a kit, so i might as well do that and buy more taps later? More questions (sorry :/). Would you guys recommend getting a dual pressure regulator now? I mostly brew...
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    Noob Looking Into Kegging

    Might be getting a donated chest freezer which would be awesome. Seriously considering this;products_id=64 I have a couple of questions though. Do both kegs get connected at the same time and stay carbed? Do you need to swap the gun from keg...
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    Weizenbock Recipe Ideas

    Would you recommend only using a cup of the slurry?
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    Weizenbock Recipe Ideas

    Looks like a decent recipe :). Will be a nice way to get into using spec malts. Cheers Stew!
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    Leffe Blonde Clone - The Move To A Semi-decent Homebrew

    Stoked with how this one turned out. Going to have to force myself not to drink them too young :) . So smooth for a 7.3% beer.. too drinkable.. haha. Doesn't taste hot at all.
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    Wanted - Chest Freezer - Perth

    It is probably a bit too far so feel free to sell to someone else. Appreciate the offer though, looks like a decent setup for someone. If I was closer I would do it for sure! Thanks Diesel, will check it out now!
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    Weizenbock Recipe Ideas

    Hi guys Did a quick search and turned up a couple of recipes but couldnt find any feedback on if they worked for people or not. I have a wyeast 3068 in the mail since getting hooked on liquid yeast after trying my belgian blonde ale (with wyeast 3787). I am going to try and attempt a...
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    Wanted - Chest Freezer - Perth

    Cheers for the pics. How much are you looking for? Might be a little far for me to try and borrow a trailer for though. p.s - love the high tech lid stand haha.
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    Wanted - Chest Freezer - Perth

    Hi guys I am looking for a cheap chest freezer (want a keezer). I live in the northern suburbs of perth. Anyone who has one for sale let me know :) Cheers.
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    Noob Looking Into Kegging

    Hi guys Wow lots of responses :) appreciate the help alot! I think I know exactly what to do now. Will look for a chest freezer primarily but if a cheap fridge comes along ill grab that and use as a fermenting fridge later if need be. Then ill buy a gas bottle and the kit. Good advice on...
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    Noob Looking Into Kegging

    Hi guys I have been doing some searches and have seen a fair few keg systems in the huge thread. Now you guys have made me want to keg my beer! I have a couple of questions though before I just go in blind. I apologise if some of this has been asked before. 1. Do you guys suggest trying to...
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    Leffe Blonde Clone - The Move To A Semi-decent Homebrew

    Ahh okay I figured you might have meant chilling it in a secondary. Unfortunately I have no spare fridge for bulk lagering yet so I am stuck with bottling or leaving in primary at room temp. I left this one for a good 2 and a half weeks in the primary. Good to know I can improve the brews...
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    Leffe Blonde Clone - The Move To A Semi-decent Homebrew

    So hopefully it will taste even better soon :). I am already happy with it so i can't wait. Cheers for the feedback, still quite new to brewing. When you say lagering time is essential do you mean it is better to age them chilled? I have already bottled so I have been leaving them at room...
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    Leffe Blonde Clone - The Move To A Semi-decent Homebrew

    Just an update on this recipe i posted last. Bottled this last week and tried yesterday. For a young beer this really does taste amazing. Different to the original (more banana) I am assuming because of the highish fermentation temperatures (up to 22 degrees) but I really do not mind it at all...
  15. B

    Deliverance 3kg Cans

    Thanks for the feedback guys. Might buy one and give it a crack. Will make sure i post a review when i do also for anyone else interested.
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    Deliverance 3kg Cans

    They are from a WA store (T.W.O.C brewing supplies) and postage is alot better for me than getting ESB cans sent here for $20+ postage! Thanks Matt for the reply. Might have to try the beez neez clone then!
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    Deliverance 3kg Cans

    Hi guys I apologise if this has been asked/mentioned before. I did a quick search and it turned up nothing but the 1.7kg and the ezybrew kits. I was going to try an ezybrew kit but from what I have read they are a bit bland? But maybe that is in comparison to a nice AG brew not kits like I...
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    Mango Wheat Beer

    Thanks for the words of advice. Haven't had to feed the lawn yet so I would like to keep it that way! Might just make a standard wheat beer and at some point in fermentation (after vigorous part?) put some into a 5l demijohn with mango fruit/puree in it. How low should i let the gravity get...
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    Mango Wheat Beer

    Nooby question - when should I secondary if adding fruit?
  20. B

    Paulaner Oktoberfest Recepie?

    Sorry no recipe. With you on this one though. Had a stein with it the other day and now im keen to attempt it.