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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jakethesnake559

    Your Thoughts On Racking Please

    Thanks Freezkat, Yum Beer & Cocko...I wish my beer was as well crafted as my post :lol: !! I generally condition (and sometimes dry hop) in the keg in the interest of simplicity. No major issues apart from the odd hop debris and a bit of cloudyness. If I put this one in a carboy for a couple...
  2. jakethesnake559

    Your Thoughts On Racking Please

    Hi fellow brewers, I need some advice... Brewed this last weekend (recipe may or may not be relevant): BIAB APA (maxi-BIAB to be more specific, my pot is only 24L and I wanted 20L into fermenter). 4800g Simpsons Ale - Maris Otter 1000g JWM Light Munich 300g Weyermann Carahell 100g JWM Malted...
  3. jakethesnake559

    First 30 Buck Biab

    Hey Andy, Awesome work mate!! I've done a few BIAB's and am now finding myself constantly planning my next brew...which is slightly disturbing my girlfriend ;) !! Started with mini-BIAB 10L batches, but moved up to 20L batches with a couple of bucket sparges on my last one (only have a 24L...
  4. jakethesnake559

    Carboy's Or Fermenting Buckets? Why Use One Over The Other? Carboy

    Hi Bluewebbrewer, I like using glass carboys because you can see exactly what's happening during fermentation. To clean you can just soak with Five Star PBW or any other cleaner...make sure you rinse it well. Without a tap, you will have to syphon to get the beer out. So if you aren't...
  5. jakethesnake559

    26˚c To Hot?

    Hey Brewinhobo, Not sure how it's going to taste...hope it's not too bad :unsure: +1 for the water bath for your next brew. I generally just 3/4 fill one of those plastic storage tubs with cold water and put the fermenter in the tub. Freeze a couple of water bottles overnight and stick them...
  6. jakethesnake559

    Low Bre-boil Gravity Biab - Help!

    Cooled the sample in a glass of ice water down to 20c. Measure it with my hydrometer and got 1.034. Going with the "boil the crap out of it" solution at this point. Hmmm, actually not sure if that's possible on my cruddy electric stove...any other ideas? Thanks guys!!!
  7. jakethesnake559

    Low Bre-boil Gravity Biab - Help!

    Hey all, So tonight I took the plunge and put my first every all grain BIAB on. It's a mini BIAB on the stove in my appartment. Grain Bill... 2100g Pale Ale 420g Munich 1 210g CaraAmber Starting volume was 18L hoping to end up with a 10L wort. Kept the mash at around 65% for 90mins. After...
  8. jakethesnake559

    Hop Schedule For Small Volume Boil?

    Thanks Ploto....that is seriously AWESOME! So glad there are such clever people out there helping me to make better beer!!
  9. jakethesnake559

    Hop Schedule For Small Volume Boil?

    Thanks for the advice Shifter & Diesel...will bump up the hops and see how it goes. Cheers :icon_cheers:
  10. jakethesnake559

    Hop Schedule For Small Volume Boil?

    Hey everyone, Hop HELP!! :blink: I am doing an all Amarillo APA on the stovetop this weekend. Due to my crappy electric stove, I find I can only manage around 10L for the boil. But I want to top it up to a 20L batch in the fermenter. For the fermentables i am using 3kg Light DME, and...
  11. jakethesnake559

    First Lager-when To Rack?

    Thanks for your help Razz. Yeah, I was thinking that the diacetyl rest might be good thing to do. Tasted it this morning and didn't get much of the buttery taste I have read so much about. Given it's probably already passed the 75% I will up the temp now and leave it for a couple of days as...
  12. jakethesnake559

    First Lager-when To Rack?

    Hi all, I'm after some help with my first Lager. I did a boil up of 3kg of DME, some specialty grains and hops. Got it down to about 20C and pitched 2 packets of rehydrated saflager w-34/70. Put it in the beer fridge set to it's highest temp (keeps it at around 10C-12C) which I think is OK. The...