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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jakethesnake559

    Rinsing Yeast (in Pictures)

    Cheers mate. It's going in :D !! Jake.
  2. jakethesnake559

    Rinsing Yeast (in Pictures)

    Awesome post Wolfy, looks like you have helped soooo many brewers save some cash!! We all owe you a beer I think :icon_cheers:. Yesterday I tried harvesting yeast for the first time. Got 2 nice jars of slurry which separated out into the 3 layers over the course of the day (I was brewing at...
  3. jakethesnake559

    American Red Ale Recipe Anyone?

    Jeez that looks good though!! :icon_drool2: I'm taking a similar approach, will just brew it and see how it turns out. Thinking of using Crystal 120 maybe instead of the Roasted Barley. Will post a pic when I finally get it in glass. Thanks again!
  4. jakethesnake559

    American Red Ale Recipe Anyone?

    Thanks FB, does the crystal 120 and the chocolate make it particularly dark? Otherwise, the grain bill looks relatively similar to mine...I guess I'm kind of on the right track then. Cheers, Jake.
  5. jakethesnake559

    American Red Ale Recipe Anyone?

    Hi all, After drinking Two Birds Sunset Ale this week, I've been inspired to brew an American Red. It has a really nice malty backbone, medium bitterness, but awesome hop aroma (citra/cascade). Not too strong, easy drinking. Does anyone have a good all-grain American Red recipe? There doesn't...
  6. jakethesnake559

    First Urn Biab - Great Experience

    Nice work Hop Nerd, Looks like a good rig!! I popped my urns cherry a couple of weeks back and loved it too. Duct tape all over is a good idea, my camping mat is really soft. I put the bag in my old brew pot with a colander to drain.
  7. jakethesnake559

    First Time Home Brewer - Need Advise

    Hey Bum, You mean add some of the Beer Enhancer2 to the 2L in the saucepan yeah? Learning every day :) !!
  8. jakethesnake559

    Gravity Is Down

    Hi Diggles, What was your grain bill? I think 1kg/4L in a 16L mash would be your problem (4kg grain?). If you want to end up with 23L into fermenter at 1.049, you will need about 5.5kg of grain and about 34L of water. Being limited to a 36L pot volume, you can't fit all the water you need in...
  9. jakethesnake559

    First Time Home Brewer - Need Advise

    Hey Sylvester, Welcome to the wonderful world of homebrew!! Don't worry, every time you brew, you will end up with better's a learning process :D . Definately stick with an ale for your next brew. Try Safale US-05 dry yeast. You can just sprinkle it on top of your wort, give it all...
  10. jakethesnake559

    Lagering - What Do You Use?

    Yep, the controller has two female plugs coming out of for your fridge power cord, the other for your heater. It also has it's own power cord that you plug into the powerpoint. As mentioned above, you don't have to fiddle around with the internals of the fridge...just plug it in.
  11. jakethesnake559

    Lagering - What Do You Use?

    Hi Brend0, I have a fridge that I use as a kegerator most of the time. When I put a brew on, I take the kegs out and use it as a fermentation fridge. I picked up a Brewmate (STC1000) AUTO SWITCH DIGITAL Temperature Control thermostat from ibrew online. ibrew It was $165 + $33 for a stainless...
  12. jakethesnake559

    Help...biab+first Wort Hopping+no Chill

    Thanks for the tips... MB - My 0 min addition is in the cube and then I tap the hot wort in. As you said, maybe that's the extra hoppyness I'm tasting. I was confused about which hops to use as the FWH, so you answered my question there. Next time I will try Chinook FWH straight after I pull...
  13. jakethesnake559

    Help...biab+first Wort Hopping+no Chill

    G'day fellow brewers, I've brewed the same APA a couple of times now... Grains 4280g Maris Otter 950g Light Munich 285g Carapils 95g Wheat Hops Chinook (11.8%AA) 20g/40min Cascasde (6.2%AA) 20g/10min Citra (13.9%AA) 20g/0min (dry hop in cube) Brew length=20L, OG=1.054 BIAB+no-chill (that's...
  14. jakethesnake559

    You Know You're A Dedicated Homebrewer When...

    Um, just doing the maths...that's around 4 posts/day.... :icon_cheers: !
  15. jakethesnake559

    You Know You're A Dedicated Homebrewer When...

    ...when SWMBO starts explaining the origins of IPA to her workmates due to the amount of subliminal learning she receives from your constant beer-ramblings.
  16. jakethesnake559

    Sterilising Stuff & Dry Hopping

    Starsan is about $35/L bottle I think, but it will definately last you for ages and is always will love the foam!! For hops, I used to put a couple of litres of cold water on the stove, throw in 20g of Cascade and bring to the boil. Boil for 5 minutes then strain into your...
  17. jakethesnake559

    Little Creatures Quiet American

    On tap at the Royston in Richmond.Not a beer I would drink a lot of...but worth a try.
  18. jakethesnake559

    Your Thoughts On Racking Please

    A quick update for anyone interested... Got home from WA on Saturday, kegged the APA on Sunday. Noticeable improvement in clarity, and my decision to throw in a few extra g's of citra in before leaving was well worthwhile!! Clear and delicious :icon_cheers: ! Will be adding the cold condition...
  19. jakethesnake559

    Guide To Keg Forced Carbonation.

    Chill it and re-carb using your CO2 cylinder. You could force carb if you are thirsty or set to desired pressure and leave it for a week.
  20. jakethesnake559

    Your Thoughts On Racking Please

    OK...thanks for all the very valuable feedback :beer: (as expected from this top notch forum). I'm snowed under with a million things non-beer related, which means I'm taking the non-rack option of just dropping the temp to 2c and leaving it 'till I get back. Will look for any noticable...