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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Grolsch Vs Screw-top?

    How often have you had to replace the seals? With that many bottles it must be really expensive. How much is it to get one seal replaced?
  2. M

    Grolsch Vs Screw-top?

    Hi guys, a friend of mine reckons Grolsch bottles are the best to use for brewing. I'm wondering what's cheaper. I mean wouldn't you have to buy new caps for your new batches? Also, what are everyone's thoughts on which is easier? The grolsch bottles have the metal bits that put the lid back...
  3. M

    My First Brew

    Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know my first brew tastes pretty good. It started off at a high temp (28 degrees) so Whistlingjack thought this might be a problem for me. But I bottled it over a week ago and just tried one of them now and it tastes good. Can't wait to see what it tastes like...
  4. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    Awww man :( ... I broke the hydrometer; I had taken a reading last night while drunk because I hadn't heard the air-lock bubble for a while. I had then taken it to the sink to rinse the beer off it and the tube the beer gets poured into.. I dropped it on the sink from like a height of 5cms or...
  5. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    Mate, I know exactly what I was like as a kid, and seeing how other kids are at my current age adds to me not wanting them. I wouldn't want any little me's running around. My mum abandoned me when I was 13, I was lucky my Dad (who divorced my mum when I was 6 for another woman) took care of me...
  6. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    Hahaha, I aint having children for a LOOOONNNGGG time (hopefully never), in fact the current people I live with (aren't even on the lease) are being kicked out because they want to start a family (but that's only one of the many reasons).. I don't wanna live with a baby waking me up and sh*t...
  7. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    I put the air-lock back in after a peaceful sleep last night, but now it doesn't seem to be bubbling every few seconds, it bubbles like about every 30 seconds to a minute. Does this mean taking off the air-lock may have got the beer infected, or is it just not bubbling as much because it's...
  8. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    I'm going to take your word for it and take out this damn air-lock, the bubbling keeps me awake at night, and I want to get up early today to see the kickass "300" movie before work.. Yeah, I'm a shift-worker. I work at coles, I bought my Coopers Brew Kit from coles with a 5% discount from my...
  9. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    Yeah I've actually already done that, it smells kinda like wine or liquor, is it bad if it smells like liquor? Also I recall you saying it shouldn't matter if the air-lock is in or not.. Are you sure? I know strong alcohol is a sterlising/cleaning agent but beer is so much weaker compared to...
  10. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    The other thing I'm concerned about is the cO2 being released from the Airlock.. Like I have it in my room, because I don't really trust my current housemates. They'll be gone within a month or so though, so I'll be able to put the fermenter in other parts of the house, and even set up a few...
  11. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    You say 18-20 for Ale. What about Lager? I'm brewing Coopers Lager (Came with the kit). Higher temp = stronger beer + bad hangover, gotcha :D What I really need is a 100 can cooler, assuming it fits a Coopers Brewery Kit with the tap currently screwed on the side. Or some kind of plate to...
  12. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    I just did, thanks. I see you're from the same state as me, but you're in Berlin now? What's it like over there?
  13. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    Cool, so the only thing that makes my beer go off is infection? Higher than 32 degrees will only change the taste, right? How do I tell if the beer is off? I've never smelt or tasted off beer before so I wouldn't have a clue what it smelt or tasted like.
  14. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    Won't the beer get infected and go off if I remove the airlock? Dust and crap will get in there. Also yes the airlock is bubbling, it won't stop bubbling, it woke me up last night a few times. It makes a wet "splonk" sound as the cO2 bubbles are released every few seconds. Another thing, will...
  15. M

    Possible Brewing Problems.

    Okay this is my first brew so yeah, I'm a newbie, feel free to call me a n00b or w/e :P I may or may not be having problems with my brewing, I just want to make sure I'm not. Firstly, It's only been about 24 hours since I got the fermenter going with all the beer in it and stuff, so it's...