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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. GalBrew

    Melbourne - sodium percabonate bulk buy

    1. Nullnvoid 2. Nullnvoid 3. Haciluku 4. Nathanvonbeerenstein 1/2 bag - if anyone near Scoresby/Knox wants to split! 4a. Yuz 1/2 bag 5. Company of one 6. GalBrew FYI, I put my last bulk buy percabonate in a 20l plastic bucket. It worked fine for 3 years (have recently run out), so even if you...
  2. GalBrew

    vicbrew 2018 _ aabc 2018

    A queued judging system was used this year using judging pairs. Depending on the size of the category up to 4 pairs of judges were used.
  3. GalBrew

    vicbrew 2018 _ aabc 2018

    Hmmmm, that is quite a few more than last year. If anyone wants to volunteer, your help will be appreciated! Remember you get to drink as you work!
  4. GalBrew

    vicbrew 2018 _ aabc 2018

    It’s not that dire is it?
  5. GalBrew

    Homebrewing Podcast Guest

    I think you can get someone who works part time at your LHBS on your podcast so long as their voice is good for radio (a face for radio is optional) and have something interesting to offer. I just listened to a recent Beer is a Conversation podcast with a guy from a flavourings/extract/purer...
  6. GalBrew

    S04 or Notti or...? for Coopers Pale Kinda Clone

    WLP009 is as close as you will get to the real deal from a commercial yeast strain.
  7. GalBrew

    New research on dry yeast

    It says nothing of the sort.
  8. GalBrew

    Roasted barley

    You’d be the first person in history that wanted to swap a bag of GP for BB ale. Glad you have reconsidered.
  9. GalBrew

    Help getting that crisp Lager taste

    Wow this thread took an interesting turn. I for one would NOT be putting any ingredient in my beer that I bought from Bunnings. Also two tablespoons in 45L is a veritable **** ton of gypsum, especially in a 3.7% beer.
  10. GalBrew

    The naming of beer.

    I know it is technically a brewery, but I find it weird when people name their ‘brewery’ and spend more time on beer names and designing bottle labels than on recipe formulation and actual brewing. It’s a bit like dressing up in chef whites to cook the latest recipe off Masterchef......or...
  11. GalBrew

    The naming of beer.

    Good name, but commercial breweries use names purely as marketing (which appears to have worked in this case). Who are we marketing our beer to as homebrewers? And also I think it’s a stretch calling your homebrew equipment in the garage/bathroom/kitchen/laundry/back porch a ‘brewery’ and naming...
  12. GalBrew

    Where to buy decent nano brewery systems in aus?

    You’d be amazed the rubbishy systems that some of our favourite commercial breweries use or have used in to past to great acclaim.
  13. GalBrew

    The naming of beer.

    It’s hard enough these days with a couple of kids to find the time to brew let alone think up of clever names for every beer. I think if that was a requirement of the hobby I would chuck it in, I just don’t see the point. But hey if that’s what floats your boat then who am I to judge?
  14. GalBrew

    Craft beer tax axed in federal budget

    I can’t see that happening at all.
  15. GalBrew

    Mashmaster Mini/Ozito Spade Handle Drill Assistance

    Just get some feeler gauges and measure the gap at both ends. I have the same mill and I can’t see how you can get an even gap without them.
  16. GalBrew

    Why 3.8ABV%?

    On the bright side mid strength beers are on trend right now.
  17. GalBrew

    Anyone Have Beersmith Files Of Brewing Classic Styles?

    It’s really not that hard to do it yourself. Makes you appreciate recipe formulation too.
  18. GalBrew

    No Chill Cube

    Cube filling all the way to the top. Only the handle part isn’t filled.
  19. GalBrew

    No Chill Cube

    The easiest way to minimise headspace it to fill the cube to the brim. Sure the bit where the handle is won’t fill up, but the rest will be full.
  20. GalBrew

    No Chill Cube

    Get out as much as you can. A little air isn’t the end of the world, but you want to keep it to a minimum.