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  1. GalBrew

    I can't bleach it's not StarSan

    Arguing over the merits of StarSan makes me feel like it's 2010 again.😂
  2. GalBrew

    I can't bleach it's not StarSan

    I make up 10L of Starsan and reuse it for at least 6 months. The pH has never drifted above 3.5 in this time and works fine. Its as cheap as chips, don't know why you would risk ruining a batch of beer by using bleach.
  3. GalBrew

    NEIPA do's and don'ts

    That is a bit over the top. There would be a lot of wastage with this, considering you are getting diminishing returns over 8g/l according to research by Tom Shellhammer.
  4. GalBrew

    NEIPA do's and don'ts

    This is good advice in general.
  5. GalBrew

    Leaving Star San in EVA lines

    I always flush out my lines with starsan after a keg is empty and leave it there until a new keg is hooked up. Sometimes the starsan is there for weeks. Never had a problem.
  6. GalBrew

    Honey Wines Australia Meadery

    I just installed AdBlock for Chrome and just like that all of the annoying and ludicrously oversize Google Ads have dissapeared.....:cool:
  7. GalBrew

    At last, a hobby that saves money!

    I wish you well on your quest. Also it arrived today! 😁
  8. GalBrew

    At last, a hobby that saves money!

    Tilts are an essential part of the process. I can't be expected to take multiple gravity samples for multiple beers! 🤔
  9. GalBrew

    At last, a hobby that saves money!

    If I have misconstrued some the tone of your post then let me offer an apology. Also I fully agree that the best part of homebrewing is being able to craft any beer you want, which is far more satisfying than buying someone else's.....that was never in question. But I personally have spent far...
  10. GalBrew

    Dry hopping - what is correct?

    The reason why your bottles are gushing is that the residual hop material in the bottle is acting as a nucleation point, which is resulting in your CO2 coming out of solution. If you can't cold crash it makes getting your dry hops out of your beer difficult. Cold crashing allows you to use...
  11. GalBrew

    Hop Creep / Diacetyl Issue?

    Batch number 2 could be suffering from incomplete clean up of VDKs (diacetyl + precursors) due to a shorter fermentation time compared to the other two batches. Or batch number 2 could be suffering from hop creep, I have found that when I dry hop with a large amount of Mosaic I get significant...
  12. GalBrew

    At last, a hobby that saves money!

    My contribution is having a chuckle at the ridiculous concept that homebrewing is a budget conscious way of enjoying your favourite beer (or any beer for that matter). If you ignore equipment costs then yes, brewing your own beer is quite cheap. However, I can tell you though from experience...
  13. GalBrew

    At last, a hobby that saves money!

    Saving money!!! Now I've heard everything......
  14. GalBrew

    Mead starting gravity

    I plugged your recipe into the GotMead recipe calculator and your OG should be around 1.090. Getting a stable gravity reading isn’t hard with mead but you will need to do more than shake it up to mix. You will need to warm the honey first to dissolve it into your water and don’t add it all at...
  15. GalBrew

    Is my beer infected

    That’s a pellicle right there!
  16. GalBrew

    IPA with Lactose

    I think zero lactose is the best amount to put in an IPA
  17. GalBrew

    Water stabilizer pH 5.2

    It doesn’t work, don’t bother. There are plenty of historical threads here about why it doesn’t do what it is supposed to.
  18. GalBrew

    Homebrew Competition - Australian Regional Homebrew Champs

    You are quite right, that is what the OP is stating. The implication being that other comps are not fair and equitable and do not have clear rules. That is how they alone can create the ‘leading platform’ right?
  19. GalBrew

    Homebrew Competition - Australian Regional Homebrew Champs

    It's right there in bold text, the implication of this statement is clear.
  20. GalBrew

    Homebrew Competition - Australian Regional Homebrew Champs

    To be fair other comps also have clear rules and I’m not exactly sure how they are not also fair. Perhaps concentrate on running your own comp successfully rather than slinging baseless ***** at others.