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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Fourstar

    No Topic Thread

    If its not the Chinese hops, its the stuck sparges. I'm with Mr. Sanders on this one, you fellas just need to learn how to brew. :rolleyes:
  2. Fourstar

    Urgent! Gas Splitters!

    if you are not using brass male fittings into the line like most of these photos, the issue ive had with JG in-line fittings has always been with cheap crappy beer/gas line with an incorrect OD. The most expensive stuff on Craftbrewer (and the midrange stuff IIRC) is the correct line you should...
  3. Fourstar

    Stainless Herms Coil Released Geordi stainless also have options, POA however.
  4. Fourstar

    Stainless Herms Coil Released

    do import here yet?
  5. Fourstar

    Stainless Herms Coil Released

    Just put in my order. :super: God knows what I'm going to do with my 6M of wound copper and brass fittings knocking around in the garage now. I cant wait to test drive this bad boy! Cheers for the hard work Nev.
  6. Fourstar

    Afl Supercoach 2012

    Make sure you hit SAVE every time you make a change. If you navigate to view player stats or any internal pages it appears to blow away you're changes. at least it does within Firefox on Linux. been bitten twice yesterday after making around 10 changes. :rolleyes:
  7. Fourstar

    Fourstar, CM2, Brendo, Maple Mega Brewday #3

    sounds acceptable to me. I'm unavailable the weekend prior (doing tough mudder like an idiot). But the Easter weekend i should be free.
  8. Fourstar

    What Are You Brewing III

    Maiden brew at the new residence. God speed!!! Making a double batch saison with dupont strain and the second half will be hitting a smackpack of roeselare blend in secondary to be squirreled away over the winter. Interesting to see how it tuns out post-bugs side by side with the original...
  9. Fourstar

    Providing Feedback For Comp Judges

    I have had 3 beers I've judged where I have placed notes in the overall impression such as awesome grain profile, love to know GB/recipe or questions on the yeast strain used etc and have had quiet PMs sent to me. Now i know this is just pure luck of them knowing who i am on AHB (or taken a...
  10. Fourstar

    American Amber Ale - Where Does It Fit In?

    Hey Argon, a great example of a simple west-coast* AAA grain bill. Big hit of Crystal, simple malt and hops hops hops! I've so got to start using some darker crystals me thinks! B) *WC typically means it will be hoppier than BJCP notes. I've got a bottle of Green Flash - Hop Head Red I'm...
  11. Fourstar

    American Amber Ale - Where Does It Fit In?

    I heard along the grape vine (Victorian representative) that AAA will be passed into the AABC guidelines this year. How much it changes from the BJCP guidelines only time will tell. Unfortunately the AAA style currently falls somewhere between an overtly caramel APA with a...
  12. Fourstar

    What's On The Table

    After having devoured close to 100 satay sticks whilst in Malaysia i wont go past anything but a malay satay and it has to be cooked over coals. No coals, no satay IMO. Much like having a Souvlaki cooked over coals compared to one over a gas grill. It just isn't the same. Also, if you use...
  13. Fourstar

    Beerfest 2012 Is Upon Us! 10th-11th Feb 2012. Entries Now Open&#33

    "Take me down to Diacetyl city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty!". Had to be Diacetyl caused by oxidation or bottle infection comparing from when I tasted it at your house and after stewarding it for the judges.
  14. Fourstar

    Beerfest 2012 Is Upon Us! 10th-11th Feb 2012. Entries Now Open&#33

    I actually tasted this beer post judging as I was asked my opinion on it for the style. Doesn't fit the US pale cat but more the English Pale Cat with the light malt character/mild but bitter hopping. One thing is for sure it is definitely not ESB/Bitter cat according to the AABC guidelines...
  15. Fourstar

    Water Report In Mg/l, Not Ppm

    Incorrect, if you set the volume to your mash volume (lets say 15 L for a 23L final vol batch) its roughly 65ppm with a starting base of 10ppm. Yes this is for Melbourne water. Carry over of minerals is not guaranteed from mash to kettle, they don't all dissolve. Also for repeatability and i...
  16. Fourstar

    Water Cured Olives

    process for my olives when i did them. turned out great. Wash the olives to remove any dust/wild yeast and then put a cut in each one with a knife and pop into a bowl/container you can seal Fill container with water so they are just covered and keep them submerged with a plate. Rinse/swap the...
  17. Fourstar

    How Attractive 4 Meters Of Rope Can Be

    I read one thing, and my mind only allowed me to interpret another. 12-13 eighteen year olds and 4 meters of rope sounds like my ultimate party. Is this the heaven that Allah speaks of?
  18. Fourstar

    Cm2, Fourstar, Brendo, Maple Mega Barleywine Brewday

    Its quite interesting how things went with the English Vs American sub-style choice. From when I last tasted mine it still had heavy fruit tingle hops but lacking on the big IPA style aroma front. It just goes to show how much hop aroma and big citrus expectations come into play in an American...
  19. Fourstar

    Whats Your Cost Of Hb Per Stubbie?

    I can can get single hop, single malt repitched yeast beers down to 30c~ a stubbie easily based on raw ingredients. Then tack on cost of fuel etc and it creeps up pretty quickly.
  20. Fourstar

    Credit Card Scammed... run some security scans and they come up clean which is a relatively good sign. But once you're in the secure portal, who knows what kind of nasty handy work has been injected into the code.