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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    What Is ..second Fermentation In The Bottle?

    Secondary fermentation in the bottle is adding sugar and letting the yeast do its thing to make co2. A large portion of breweries filter then force carbonate their beers prior to bottling, there are 2 main reasons for this: 1. Its faster, beers can be force carbonated in a fraction the time...
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    Brown Malt

    Im pretty sure old brown malt (1800's) was different to what we have now, it retained some enzymes and was used as a larger part of the grist. i have a copy of "Old British Beers & How To Make Them" and some of the recipes have brown as a seriously large percentage of the grist. I added 500g...
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    Lauter Tun Rakes

    Just trying to understand how/why they work and are included in a separate latter tun and not a mash/lauter tun. Pumping to a separate lauter tun would free up a mash tun to go again, and that makes sense on a commercial scale but not on a home scale for most (there is always someone). From...
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    Lauter Tun Rakes

    This may seem like a stupid question to those who already know the answer but what do the rake arms in a lauter tun do? The IBD notes that i'm looking at have basically the same description and picture (aside from the rakes in the picture) for both the mash/lauter tun and the lauter tun with no...
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    Ice Tea Alcohol

    The main factor that i can see having an effect is the type of sugar. If it is just regular sucrose or glucose everything should be fine, but most artificial sweeteners/sugars are non-fermentable. Check the label the label to see whats in there and maybe try something similar to a forced...
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    Fermentability Of Large Sugars

    Cheers on the quick reply, would you happen to have a reference for that info?
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    Freeze Concentrating Mead

    I might give it a go with a 50/50 braggot so i should have some bitterness to stop it getting cloyingly sweet. ill report back how it goes As a random question where is the distinction between braggot and a (very) honey beer? is there a specification or more case by case?
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    Fermentability Of Large Sugars

    I am currently studying brewing and i have yet to find a professional/scientific reference to the fermentability of maltotetraose with lager yeast, only distillers yeast. I have come across many home-brew books that mention that only lager yeast can utilise maltotetriose. Similarly i have found...
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    Freeze Concentrating Mead

    Im just starting to fool around with meads and i was wondering if anyone has tried freeze concentrating? I figure the process would be similar to an ice-bock and the amount that you would concentrate would depend on the original strength of the mead. Has anyone tried this? or are there any...
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    Urn(ish) Design

    Thanks for your replies I can see that doing a stovetop biab would be small but at the moment i already have a place for all the pieces in the above plan. I think the only pieces i dont have are the tempmate and the chiller and they should all fit inside the still when im not brewing. I've...
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    Urn(ish) Design

    Hey all, I have been throwing around some ideas for a compact BIAB system. I live in an apartment that is at its crap capacity, so small is essential. I do occasionally run a regular old all grain system with my dad at his place but finding free time to go visit is an issue once you add...
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    The Evolution Of Vb

    Looking through some of my beer reading materials (i have some on beer history as well as brewing). Some of them blame the 6 o'clock swill for the decline in body/hops/flavour/ being good. The logic seems to be that the biggest sales factor at the time was being able to get as many down as fast...
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    Lillipilly In Brew

    A few question in one post. 1. Has anyone tried using lilly pilly's in a brew? If you have: 1.a.) how did they turn out? 1.b.) how potent are they for flavoring a brew (i.e how much did you use) Not having any fresh fruit available (out of season) all i have is some home made lilly pilly...
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    Fridge - Cool Retro Free

    I would love to if it didnt involve crossing state lines :(
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    Introduce Yourself.

    Hey all, Been brewing on and off for a few years now, had a fair mix of stilling kits and more recently AG. This forum comes up almost everytime i google a beer issue so i'm jumping on board. Mafro