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  1. Diesel80

    Which BIAB Starter Kit?

    That bag and awning pulley look familiar! Cheers, D80
  2. Diesel80

    Which BIAB Starter Kit?

    How do you even get that boiling? Does it take long? 2200W seems under gunned for boiling a double batch (or does it have 2 elements?) Cheers, D80
  3. Diesel80

    Which BIAB Starter Kit?

    Larger one for sure. This seems a very convenient but expensive way to get into gas fired biab. Build your own for the best bang for buck. If you want I will pm you what I got when I started and will price in today's money for you. Cheers D80.
  4. Diesel80

    Keep getting acetaldehyde when kegging...

    brew apple cider? :D Cheers, D80
  5. Diesel80

    Kegerator - drilling hole in side for co2 line

    Oh man.... I did chuckle, but that does suck. Cheers, D80
  6. Diesel80

    Got until the 14th to ferment and carbonate a beer...

    FWK, skip the water, add extra yeast :P Cheers, D80
  7. Diesel80

    Keep getting acetaldehyde when kegging...

    Are you sure the Flavour in the keg is acetaldehyde? Could it be carbonic bite from newly force carbed keg? Does it clear up after a while? Do you force carb at serving pressure over time or high pressure over shorter time? I used to get a sharpness with force carbed beers that only lasted a...
  8. Diesel80

    Keep getting acetaldehyde when kegging...

    Never use a lid, leave all beers in primary for 2-3 weeks then 2-3 weeks CC. I keg, but dont use US-05. hmmmm.... don't experience the same issue. Cheers, D80
  9. Diesel80

    Kegging Setups

    Nice Kegerator MB! Not sure I would be able to fit a plasma to the Kegmate.... Bribie reckons they are bulletproof but it might be a bridge to far... Now it just needs a urinal on the front and you really wont miss a minute! Got a VB tap handle by any chance? Cheers, D80
  10. Diesel80

    Too Bitter

    LOL - IBU: 100+ (284 calculated) If we all brewed beers like that, Yob would be getting about in a Lamborghini and sporting Italian tailored suits. Cheers, D80
  11. Diesel80

    Husky's Full Stainless Automated(partial) BIAB RIMS Brewery

    This thing looks tits! :icon_chickcheers: Cheers, D80
  12. Diesel80

    Dedicated Grainfather Guide, Problems and Solutions Thread

    **** carnie I leave for two years and all of a sudden you are grain to the brain. Welcome.
  13. Diesel80

    A few small batch BIAB questions [first time brewer]

    Q1 - after 2 weeks chill in fermenter down to 2 degrees and leave for one week or more. Then keg and gas at 12psi or there abouts ( not knowing beer style ). After a week, get into it!
  14. Diesel80

    It's arrived!

    What is the dial / tap thing on the spout? Cheers, D80
  15. Diesel80

    Fermentation - in fridge and then out

    I would still go 2 weeks primary before kegging, or 7 days ferm temp, + 3 days @ +3 deg for d-rest and 4 days CC then keg. Assuming of course gravity has been reached by 7 days. Under gas in the kegmate it will be like a cold crash, if set cold enough whilst under gas, probably wont need...
  16. Diesel80

    Dry hopping in the keg vs. in the fermenter

    Welly2, depending on when you dry hop in the fermenter my reading suggests that the CO2 being produced can drive out some of the aroma. In the keg this would be less likely to happen. It is a minefield out there from what I am reading, no clear-cut right or wrong way. That said, I have never...
  17. Diesel80

    What are you brewing 2015?

    Breaking my normal mould. Putting down a double batch APA. OG to 1.050 IBU ~ 38. 80% Pale 15% Munich 1 5% Crystal Mix (mix of leftover crystal malts) 50g Amarillo + 40g EKG @ 60 Amarillo 25g @ Cube left over amarillo ~15g going in as my cherry popping fermenter dryhop. Can't wait. Cheers, D80
  18. Diesel80

    anybody bought this mill?

    Monster Mill 2.0 SS rollers 1/2in drive. Destroys 10Kg grain bills driven with a Ozito Spade Handle Drill. With the poor exchange rate these probably less atrractive than when dollar was near parity with US. cheers D80
  19. Diesel80

    Continuing happiness

    .... hitting your post boil gravity during the mash! :beerbang:
  20. Diesel80

    Starting Again - Properly this time

    Suck them into the vortex. We will fix this economy one grain bill at a time! Cheers, D80