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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. boingk

    Home Brew Tv Show On Foxtel

    Sweet motherly mackeral, 29'C pitching temperature? Man, thats rough. I freak if I have to pitch much over 20'C... Perhaps we should make a pilot of a REAL brewing show and send off a tape to FOX? - boingk
  2. boingk

    Black Rock Lager... Disappointed.

    I find my ales are just starting to taste good at 3 weeks, I generally like to try them between 4 and 6 weeks though. I don't do proper lagers because of the time factor involved, but you will be wanting to keep them for at least several months. Keep them around, try one in a month and see how...
  3. boingk

    Noob Confusion (fining, Kegging, Carbonating)

    I can't comment on the keg attachment parts, but I would not add finings to the dispensing kegs. It gets added to the fermenters, and if you chill them first then its usually not required IMO. If you want to add gelatine and then put the fermenters in to be chilled, then that'd probably be the...
  4. boingk

    Newbie Brewer

    Hell, I brewed in my tiny university room for 2 years! Used to be a running joke that I'd drop out and start my own pub, haha. Anyway, you really don't need much space. I sit both my fermenters on top of a bar fridge, so I'm sure you'll find somewhere for them. If you end up going down the...
  5. boingk

    Alcoholic Ribena

    Sounds like you want to make a cruiser or a cocktail, peppo. Check out this site for a bit more info on how you could go about the alcoholic side of that. Regards - boingk
  6. boingk

    Whats Worse Than An Infected Brew?

    Damn hughyg, thats not fun. I've got something over 100L of beer hanging around, most of it ready to drink. Gotta brew more, though, so I've got a fully 6-week aged supply constantly ready to go. I've been bloody slack this year. Nick JD - I agree, its happened before but not for quite a while...
  7. boingk

    Is Beer Too Expensive?

    I thought this whole issue was part of the reason we homebrew; as well as generally enjoying creating our own beer, we get to save some money on pricey/rare commercial examples. Personally I'd like our beer to be cheaper. Its probably not gonna happen, ask Whitlam. He started what was...
  8. boingk

    Whats Worse Than An Infected Brew?

    Flakish, translucent white layer over the brews, and a sharp, vinegary smell. There were elements of the smell evident as a taste, along with a thinner body than expected. I discovered it in the fermenter just before I was about to bottle, as I was taking the FG.
  9. boingk

    Whats Worse Than An Infected Brew?

    Damn, just tipped out 44L of beer - the porter and middie in my sig. Devastated. They looked alright until the last few days, only been down for 2 weeks. Probably a combination of the hot weather and me not running conventional airlocks. Well, next batch I put down will be sterilsed to all...
  10. boingk

    Developing A Mid-strength Recipe, Suggestions?

    Put down a simple kit-based quaffer not long ago, should be bottling today: 1.7kg Homebrand Draught 250g LDME 250g Maltodextrin 10g Cluster @ 15min 22L volume with US-05 yeast @ 20'C. Nothing special, but samples taste alright - reminicent of Four-Ex Gold...but not nausea-inducing somehow...
  11. boingk

    700 Pounds For A Bottle Of Beer

    Holy mackerel...thats one large bottle of beer! Be interesting to see how it served up after a decade in the bottle. I reckon the seller is spot on the money wanting it to go to 'conniseurs, not flash city boys' :D Thanks for sharing, WSC - boingk
  12. boingk

    Well Aged Coopers Sparlking

    True, Adamt, very true indeed. Hell, why not do both? And a pack of some stout as well, while we're at it :D - boingk
  13. boingk

    Well Aged Coopers Sparlking

    Sounds like a plan, buy a six pack and put in a small styrofoam esky to keep the temperature constant. Then, seal with duct tape and put a 'Don't Open until Xmas 2012' sticker on it. Kind of a time capsule of beer I guess. Hmmm...I reckon this sounds like a good idea! - boingk
  14. boingk

    Chicken Carcass In An Apple Cider?

    Ooh, feeling queasy. Must...focus on...Mantis' avatar... There, all better :D
  15. boingk

    Newbie Brewer

    Good point EZE-09Z, Country brewer offer a good start-up kit with pretty much everything that you need to get rolling. From memory they also do an $80 or so kit with some less expensive gear, but the deluxe one is well worth it, even if just for the bench capper. Cheers - boingk
  16. boingk

    Best And Worst Bottles

    Sh!t, hope you heal up alright. Can't say I've ever had a bottle explode on me...yet. Use the time off work (if any) to brew some extra :wink: Cheers - boingk
  17. boingk

    Brigalow "club Gold"

    Well, credit where credit is due if they started the brewery in a box thing. Thats something at least. Anyway, TGBM, that Euro Lager is a good kit, done a few of them and only thing I found was that it came out a bit light-bodied for my tastes...but thats probably not the kits fault. Cheers -...
  18. boingk

    Brigalow "club Gold"

    To be honest I wouldn't use Brigalow kits, they aren't all malt. You'd be much better off spending the extra dollar or two and going for a nice Coopers kit, or a Morgans Gold kit if you're after that kind of style. has a lot of reviews on it, but they don't seem to have...
  19. boingk

    !x Coopers Lager Can, And 500g Of Ldm Will This Be Ok?

    No worries mate. I'd leave out the Maltodextrin and add some of the hops, should turn out a good lawnmower beer. Just put down a lower alcohol beer myself, looking forward to it. Cheers - boingk
  20. boingk

    Newbie Brewer

    Having gone the commercial route the first time and being less than impressed with the items supplied (namely the bottle capper), I'd do something like this if I had to do it again: $17 - 25L 'fermenter' from Bunnings $4 - Tap from Bunnings/SuperCheap Auto $50 - Bench Capper from local brew...