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  1. boingk

    Another Can I Bottle Now Thread..

    Welcome aboard mate, and yeah 1.012 sounds pretty good to me as well with those ingredients. All cold conditioning will do is vastly improve the quality of the final beer, so you may well be pretty impressed with this brew! Cheers - boingk
  2. boingk

    What are you listening to

    Fair call I suppose. Its certainly not the be all and end all, but if you're after a speaker setup thats not going to blast the roof off, and still give you high quality treble and bass then I'd recommend it. Its an interesting area, I mean I've heard Sony systems that sound better some of the...
  3. boingk

    Mercury Cider, A Sleeping Giant Awaketh

    I remember buying a few sixxers of Mercury when I was at uni, decent stuff from what I can remember. I think I usually got the dry one...or whatever was in the green labelled bottle. Either way, good to see them giving it a bit of publicity. Cheers - boingk
  4. boingk

    What are you listening to

    :blink: Have I stumbled onto some sort of taboo topic here?
  5. boingk

    Hops In Esb Australian Draught?

    Ah-ha! I've been doing a Homebrand experiment with the last few brews, just waiting on them to get to my minimum 2-week test date so I can try a few. Hops can give certain qualities depending on what you do with them. Boiling will give bitterness only at over 40 minutes, mostly flavour (with...
  6. boingk

    Best And Worst Bottles

    CUB tallies, Matilda Bay, Little Creatures, Monteiths, VB stubbies, Pigs Fly, Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Coopers. All good bottles in my book. Cheers - boingk
  7. boingk

    What are you listening to

    'Spin City' album from Ajax. Couple of years old and pretty upbeat/dancy stuff, but there are a few tracks in there that I don't mind listening to to relax. If I had the album, I'd be listening to the Blue Danube waltz or Thus Spoke Zarathustra (2001: Space Odessey soundtrack). If I had a...
  8. boingk

    Hops In Esb Australian Draught?

    Try 15 grams of Cluster simmered for 15min in 500ml of water with 50g of light dry malt (or a tablespoon of the kit). That'd get you in the right direction. Cheers - boingk
  9. boingk

    Dry Yeast Bulk Buy

    I'd be in for 10 or 20 depending on final price. No 500g bricks though, hahaha. Imagine if you dumped the whole thing in :D :D EDIT: I've heard of quoted fridge life being 24 months, with unrefridgerated life being 6 to 12 months depending on conditions.
  10. boingk

    Barons Brewing Co

    Certainly does sound like they have bought them out to me. Barons will keep on keeping on (even got a new multimillion dollar setup recently), and I'm fairly sure the breweries they have aquired will keep on making their own much as they do now, just the head company will have final say on...
  11. boingk

    1st Ag Questions

    Sound like reasonable SG & FG's to me, I reckon it'd be fine. With your manifold, did you recirculate until no more grain was coming through the outlet? Cheers - boingk
  12. boingk

    Dud Pack Of Us-05

    I think you'd be safe in assuming it does. Fermentis offers yeast in up to 10kg packs IIRC, for breweries to start off and the like. Cheers - boingk
  13. boingk

    Dud Pack Of Us-05

    I'd be in for a bulk of '05 for sure. Sounds like a good idea. Yeah, fridge the yeasties...I've had great success with even average stuff like Coopers kit yeasts that were 2 years old just from keeping them in a dish in the fridge. I tend to kick them off with a very weak malt/water solution...
  14. boingk

    Using Less Water In Brew

    Agreed. Its a darn good stock kit, I remember using a brew I did with one for a 'case challenge' at uni. Man, was that a good day! - boingk
  15. boingk

    Using Less Water In Brew

    Good stuff RobH! Tell you what though, if you want to bring out a bit more in that Morgans Royal Oak, throw in 10~20g of Amarillo after the 4 day mark of fermentation. I've dry hopped this kit in the past and found it to complement it quite well, and the liquid amber malt will only help things...
  16. boingk

    Final Gravity

    Good point on the maltodextrin. I'd steer clear of the enzymes though, too many vaired reports. Have you tried racking to secondary to drop a few SG points? Its often done that for me in the past, not to mention it gives a clearer brew at bottling time. - boingk
  17. boingk

    Kit Question - Cooper's Pilsner

    I'll second what the guys above have said. I've only done it once but had fairly good results even though I didn't ferment quite low enough. Hole on while I grab my brew book... we go: "650g LDME, 300g Dextrose, 10g Saaz @ 15min and 5g Saaz @ 2min. 20'C ferment produced a flavoursome...
  18. boingk

    Soft Drink Syrup

    Seen a few Bundys on tap getting around the place, gotta say I don't mind the occasional one. This pre-mix business sounds like it'd be a blast! - boingk
  19. boingk

    The New Batch

    Never trust the airlock. Number one rule in brewing after keeping everything clean. What temperature is it sitting at? Anything below 18'C and it'll be slow, anything under 16'C and it'll be asleep. CHeers - boingk
  20. boingk

    What are you brewing II ?

    reviled, that thing is ballistic! Give us a yell with how it turns out hey? Too bad I've gotta post after you with more 'Homebrand Horrors'. I'm just using the kits as a base and upping the yeast and grains to them to make some quick stuff that should taste reasonable. Both variants get 500g...