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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. bakkerman

    Le Trappe Witte

    I like the Wit and the Triple. The Quadrupel is a little to sherry like for me. I've seen the brewery, it's in the abbey but the brewing is done by staff supplied through Bavaria breweries. It's a fairly modern affair and you'd be dissapointed if you hoped to see bald headed blokes in habits...
  2. bakkerman

    Le Trappe Witte

    Hockadays, La Trappe bottles with the original strain as far as I know, they might add some fresh yeast at bottling to ensure a good conditioning on the bottle. (It's obviously not pasteurised).
  3. bakkerman

    Le Trappe Witte

    Hi, La Trappe Witte is definitely made with a wit strain.. good luck with the brew!
  4. bakkerman

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru Recipe?

    The yeast is Wyeast 3463 Forbidden Fruit. You can get away with doing a Hoegaarden Witbier grainbill times 1.5, adding 10% sugar to get it to an OG of 1075.
  5. bakkerman

    Cleaning Copper

    Vinegar, gives it a lovely shine, or citric acid. Rinse well after use! That's what I use on my mash tun manifold and the copper packings in the still.
  6. bakkerman

    Plambic & The Turbid Mash

    Hi Asher, Just revisited the forum where I picked this up, the spreadsheet is actualy based on the method described in Wildbrews. Good Luck!
  7. bakkerman

    Plambic & The Turbid Mash

    Hi Chilla, I have been reading up about this, the Belgians call this method "Slijmmethode", which translates as slime method. Once you see how glutenous the first runs are you'll see why ; ;) I have attached a spreadsheet I picked up from a dutch forum. It details amounts to use. A quick...
  8. bakkerman

    What Was Your Staple Beer "before" Hb

    Grew up on Amstel and Heineken.. If I must buy here it's got to be the Coopers sprakling!
  9. bakkerman

    Plambic & The Turbid Mash

    Chilla, Different organisms are dominant at different times. I reckon you can make a starter with the Lambic blend and aerate it. The Saccharomyces yeasts will dominate while there's loads of sugars to chew up, the bugs dominate once primary fermentation has ceased. I'm making a starter with...
  10. bakkerman

    Bottling Solutions For One Grolsch Bottles

    I mostly bottle in Grolsch bottles, and I use 1 carbonation drop. I've never had an undercarbonated beer with that, or one that's overly gassy. (Mine are Dutch bottles and hold 450 mls, so you should be fine)
  11. bakkerman

    eBay Items IV

    Yup! I ordered three, and they say they have posted em... Paid on the spot so, I'm happy! B)
  12. bakkerman

    New Hb Shop - Brewhaus Newtown/marrickville/enmore

    I'm pleased with them, the service is good and any Wyeast strain I require is ordered in. Plus there's always a beer when you pop in!
  13. bakkerman

    Refractometer Query

    I've been reading up on this and I have found that refractometers offer no reliable readings once fermentation has set in. You would need to know the alcohol content to recalibrate the refractometer, thus ending up in a catch 22. There a recalculation option in Promash that might help.
  14. bakkerman

    Msb Wheat Beer

    From my experience with (belgian) wheatbeers they should taste a tad sour, but in a refreshing way, nothing more. If it's more than that you might have an infection.